Working hours.

There has been much debate about the long hours drivers do week in and week out. Opinion is very divided on this.

So let’s see how many hours everyone does and why they do what they do.

Keep it civil please, just concentrate on what you do and why you do it.

Remember everyone has different opinions and ideals, one man’s meat is another man’s poison and all that.

Me I will do whatever is required of the job I’m doing, if I was on containers I would expect to do more hours than I would if I was driving a tipper on locals.

If I’m doing 4/5 night’s out a week then I’d max my hours every day as I want to get the most money I can while I’m at work and I’m at work anytime I’m not at home as far as I’m concerned, so sitting around for 12hrs a night is wasted time in my book.


I knew exactly what I was getting into as I worked in another job in the company I work for before driving, that was 37 hours a week.
I now do around 47 to 50 hours a week on class 2 with my own truck plus one or two nights out a week as required and some are at last minute notice.
I like it. :wink:
I do it for the money as its better than what I was on and we have overtime rates and I don’t mind the hours as they are all weekdays and I get my weekends for me and the family. :sunglasses:

Quiet week last week, 4 nights out 70hrs shift time 46hrs driving.

Mon-Fri days. 8am till 5.30pm usually. No nights out. I do about 10 drops and 4 or 5 collections per day in Glasgow. Normally only do 70-100kms per day. Some days busier than others. Expected to get on with it when its busy, and in turn, we can have 2hr break when its quiet and nobody bothers. Guaranteed 50hrs and usually only work 45hrs.
Looking at it, I’d say I’ve probably got it very easy in this job and I’ve no intention of leaving.

Doing agency work so quite a bit of variation, anything from 6-12 hours a day, Mon-Fri with a Sat if I feel like it, whatever comes my way. Working for a well paying client so whatever they want.

I work to suit the loads as they come in, my average week can vary from quiet to very busy but I would think it will be about 65ish most weeks with 4/5 nights out.

Big week last week - got 50 hours in! :open_mouth:
No nights out as on day work only, and it’s
not general haulage… :smiley:

My contracted hours are 6.30 17-30 Monday to Friday alternate Saturdays 6.30 12.30
I’m usually walking out the gate no later than 16.30. Paid set daily rate.
Can be a bit boring as most days I do four runs to and from the same place. Money’s ok and it suits me at the moment.

Doin 60-65 hrs a week with 2-3 nights out. want more nights out as i live miles away from work but ya gotta take what you get.
Why do i do it ? i like my own company and couldnt sit in an office or stack shelves with idiots, At least in this job i only meet idiots when im tipping/loading.

Start 6am Monday, tramping, 4 nights out every week, finish mid afternoon Fri average 50 hrs not including breaks and limited POA.


I average about 48 - 50 hours on a 4 day week.

Why do I do it ? Well I’ve done 20 years in offices in financial services and frankly don’t need the tedium and stress from small minded managers. I always prefer being out, in this job you don’t ask to go to the toilet and R4 does interesting documentaries and news.

65-70 hours one week (5 days) and 70-75 the next (6 days) and that’s home every night!

Usually 60-65 with avg 3nights out , i do what is needed if it’s legal to do, the same as NMM if I’m at work I will try and max the hours

60-70 hours set week with odd night out when asked to cover trampers sick, holiday etc, a lot of messing about due to office monkeys not having a clue what they’re doing so I capitalise on their incapabilities…:laughing:

40 to 48 hrs weeks, odd shift pattern which means i work a month less a year than a normal 5 day week and suits her and me fine.
No nights out as planned, only get caught out once in a blue moon if something goes wrong.

60+ most weeks 4 nights out then take off the breaks ect :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

if tramping i want max hours every day except the last day and i don’t want to run in. if doing day work then i just want to upto 12 hours, but prefer less.

currently working on a farm, we normally do 55 a week. 7 - 1730 and 7 - 12 saturday, but when it’s quiet we can do less if we want, but come harvest and drilling time, it becomes 7 days a week and i peaked at 117 hours in a week this year.

I do 53/55 hours a week mon-fri no nights out and unlike a few years ago working sat Is a rarity. I’m happy to just be doing a job I enjoy with the added bonus off earning decent money and still sleeping in my own bed at night.

Depends … Start at 7pm and could be finished anytime between 1am and 7am. Usually 8 hours a night. Paid for 40 hours a week plus five at time and a half regardless. No weekends. Usually I put in a 40 hour week: I’ve done my share of 70+ hour weeks and these days I’ve got better ways to spend my life.

65 - 70 hours a week, mon to Friday, 4 nights out, £600 plus in the bank every week, and home by 3 ever Friday afternoon, easy money compared to 20 years ago, all tank work no more sheets or covers, yeee ha :wink: