working for 3663

I wonder if things have changed in 2013 ? As i think i may be offered a job by 3663

The money is decent but it’s hard graft and lots of pressure to perform. If you are physically able and can cope with the multi-drops and everyone constantly telling you you’re late (as the salespeople promise everyone they will be first drop) or can shrug it off you’ll be fine. My OH managed a year with them, was the fittest he’d been for a long time but the toll was more mental with the constant pressure, no matter how much you achieve they will expect more. I’m sure there will be regional variations but not too dissimilar.

What depot was that at ? And what sort of hours was your oh putting in ?

What depot was that at ? And what sort of hours was your oh putting in ?

Worthing. Quietish times (over the summer) were ok 5:30/6-18:00, however when the schools went back and it went crazy he wasn’t getting home till gone 9pm regularly. You get mileage bonus and box count bonus, which is ok if you get a decent cage run, but if you’re handballing nearly every box… well there’s your workout. Some sites you can spend up to 40mins on each delivery as they expect you to put stuff away and everything :open_mouth:

Does the 48 working week not cover this ?

I did a week at Worthing and enjoyed it. Started 05:30 and was done by 14:30 most days. It was the end of summer holidays too so lots of school kitchens.
The worst part wad that you were expected to put all the items where the customer wanted them, sometimes up 2 flights of stairs and 1/4 mile from the truck! Its ok for a couple of items, byt when you have 2 cages full it’s hard work.

Seems a mixed bag some say good some say bad

But with the 48 hr working week can they really expect 15 hr shifts ?

Seen a job advertised for a Class 2 multi drop delivery driver working for 3663. Pay looks quite good but have heard horror stories about how hard they work you ie getting back late at night, a lot of drops etc. Anyone had any experience good or bad?

What do you mean pay looks quite good

Are we talking 20k, 25k or more ■■?

And where have u heard these so called horror stories from ■■?

3663 this is one of many about 3663 that can be found by putting 3663 into the search facility at the top of this page :smiley: :smiley:


3663 drivers deliver to many hotels etc…
The drivers have to put the items they deliver where it is stored if that means up stairs etc… thats where the drivers have to put it . ( Allegidly )

The advert said £450 per week. That seems quite good to me!!

Only Asking steamer

Cos i saw an advert on and they have stated 28.5k

Thats good too

Like all handball multidrop jobs
Its awfull and back breaking

When you start off. that is… :laughing:
Once you get a regular run,
youll be suprised how soon you can get your drops done.
and the job then becomes easy.

If you survive the first week,
then you are sorted.

My mate works for Brakes.
12 drops a day , but on the same run.

At first it took him 12 hrs to do a shift,and he hated it.
Now he can easily do it in 8hrs with a midday kip :laughing: and lots of free grub.

I started on DBC doing about 25 drops per day, the pay was about £400/wk 3 years ago.

It was 4.30am starts and lots of handball. Sometimes you’d just drop it by the kitchen door, other drops you’d have to take it right into the pantry or fridge.

The worst drop was a school in Newham, they’d have about 4-5 cgaes full of stuff all of which had to be carried up 2 flights of stairs. There was usually one cage of crisps which was hard going after you’d lugged the other 4 cages of drinks up the stairs.

Plenty of food and drink going in the kitchens though.

Got agree back brakeing but if you can stick it out for the first few months by then you will either hate or love it. pay is higher due to the job and high turnover. It really is starting at the bottom of the pile. I have worked for both brakes and 3663 via agency and my wife works in the transport office in Royton. Personally I wouldnt touch it with a barge pole off past experience not that it is a bad company to work for just not my cup of tea. the other depots are not much better. Oh and just a footnote 3663 have just taken over the bain of my life Subway from Brakes something to bear in mind.

Oh and just a footnote 3663 have just taken over the bain of my life Subway from Brakes something to bear in mind.

Probably the worst shops to deliver to.
Tiny rear back doors just enough to pass a box of crisp through.
and definately not designed for class 2 vehicles.

Reading what some you have put is quite shocking but when your a newbie with no experience, you take what you can get and if 3663 or another companies like them offer newbies the opportunity then good for them

Maybe afew more companies should follow the lead by offering newbies a chance…

Then if you have a family to support, then you don’t wanna be applying for the crappie jobs that start at £6.50, cos you’ll never make a decent living.

From what I’ve seen of 3663, they got a lot of newish trucks, a wage that is not half bad for a newbie, so there’s a little backbreaking work moving boxes.
Certainly will keep some one fit instead of sitting on ya fat ■■■ all day doing nothing more than driving but then that seems to be the norm nower days, everyone wants an easy life

Reading what some you have put is quite shocking but when your a newbie with no experience, you take what you can get and if 3663 or another companies like them offer newbies the opportunity then good for them

Maybe afew more companies should follow the lead by offering newbies a chance…

Then if you have a family to support, then you don’t wanna be applying for the crappie jobs that start at £6.50, cos you’ll never make a decent living.

From what I’ve seen of 3663, they got a lot of newish trucks, a wage that is not half bad for a newbie, so there’s a little backbreaking work moving boxes.
Certainly will keep some one fit instead of sitting on ya fat ■■■ all day doing nothing more than driving but then that seems to be the norm nower days, everyone wants an easy life

Might depend on age - when younger I could have done a job like this :smiley: but not now :frowning: