Win Seering - some predictions for the near future


This will have to be settled the hard way which means a loyal military and leadership which is something we ain’t got ‘so far’.

The problem is that forming a military unit requires solidarity and sacrifice, and iirc you’re talking to the same Winseer who was talking about strikebreaking a few weeks ago, so let’s hope nobody is relying on him not to defect when his feet are held to the fire or his palms are crossed with silver.

Secondly, you don’t have a military loyal to your views, so that just emphasises that your entire agenda is a fantasy. It’s the politics of Walter Mitty.

It’s ironic to hear a Labour remainer talking about strike breaking when that’s exactly what your hero Callaghan tried to do/did before handing over the agenda to Thatcher’s regime.All on the basis of austerity for Brit workers to pay for the good life for German ones.Followed by that most notable of working class solidarity Blair and his regime.History,let alone the moral high ground,isn’t really on your side here.

The fact that we don’t have a military willing to deal with treason,in the form of parliament handing the country,including its forces,over to a foreign Federal power,has nothing to do with fantasy.As they’ll find out if/when the 4th Reich goes for Barbarossa 2 and/or they aren’t enforcing its rule on a dissenting population at home.

Hint Hint: Brexit isn’t a “Right-Wing Wish List” nor a “Left Wing Magic Money Tree”

But the Brexit Dividend - would be the latter there!!

If you arbitrarily have a government - ANY government “free money” to the tune of a ten-figure sum per year, ongoingly - then you’d think anyone would JUMP at the chance!

… The same applies to that other Magic Money Tree - the Overseas Aid Budget of some £13billion per year…

Not much interest in “taking that money back” from little more than this “International Jet-Set Paedo and Kiddy ■■■■■■ club” though eh?

I say we reduce the Foreign Aid Budget to zero - or at very least SCRAP “Gift Aid” which allows a rich millionaire to donate their ill-gotten money to a second millionaire’s “foundation” - and then claim PAYE taxpayer’s cash back on the amount “donated”…

Philanthropy? - My Arse!! :angry:



It’s ironic to hear a Labour remainer talking about strike breaking when that’s exactly what your hero Callaghan tried to do/did before handing over the agenda to Thatcher’s regime.All on the basis of austerity for Brit workers to pay for the good life for German ones.Followed by that most notable of working class solidarity Blair and his regime.History,let alone the moral high ground,isn’t really on your side here.

Which would be all well and good, except that I’m neither a Labour Remainer nor a Blairite. And this goes back to what I say, that some Brexiteers won’t take yes for an answer.

the Overseas Aid Budget of some £13billion per year…

Has anyone ever looked into what the aid budget actually consists of?

My understanding is that it consists predominantly of loans extended at interest, which must be used to purchase British produce and then repaid later.

The reason it exists has less to do with philanthropy or charity, and more to do with providing scale for our manufacturers and creating export markets amongst foreign buyers (often in the third world) who couldn’t afford to purchase things up front.


the Overseas Aid Budget of some £13billion per year…

Has anyone ever looked into what the aid budget actually consists of?

My understanding is that it consists predominantly of loans extended at interest, which must be used to purchase British produce and then repaid later.

The reason it exists has less to do with philanthropy or charity, and more to do with providing scale for our manufacturers and creating export markets amongst foreign buyers (often in the third world) who couldn’t afford to purchase things up front.

If we give someone our cash to spend on our food for poor people in the third world - then £13billion spent that way is just the same as £13billion spent any OTHER way.
The British Taxpayer has bugger-all to show for it, and neither do (unfortunately) the third world kids, who seem to end up working in the black economy in some manner, if not outright vice and prostitution.

Food - keeps people alive, but does nothing to improve their quality of life.
The Vilest creatures upon this Earth - will pay a pretty price for a pretty boy/girl who thought they were going to get something “for free” out of Oxfam & co.

Perhaps the third world has been indoctinated into believing in this “socialist” thing, where the Needy get to take out without putting anything in? - I.e. The very COST of “Free”…? :frowning:



the Overseas Aid Budget of some £13billion per year…

Has anyone ever looked into what the aid budget actually consists of?

My understanding is that it consists predominantly of loans extended at interest, which must be used to purchase British produce and then repaid later.

The reason it exists has less to do with philanthropy or charity, and more to do with providing scale for our manufacturers and creating export markets amongst foreign buyers (often in the third world) who couldn’t afford to purchase things up front.

If we give someone our cash to spend on our food for poor people in the third world - then £13billion spent that way is just the same as £13billion spent any OTHER way.
The British Taxpayer has bugger-all to show for it, and neither do (unfortunately) the third world kids, who seem to end up working in the black economy in some manner, if not outright vice and prostitution.

Except it’s not giving £13bn worth of food, it’s lending the purchase price of a tractor or a waterworks or whatever, which benefits us up front by providing extra scale for our advanced factories, and which is repaid from the productivity that tractors enable.

Effectively, our factory workers capture the wages which would have been paid to agricultural workers for doing the farming work our machines will do.

This is why right-wing governments rarely talk about cutting aid, because it’s profitable business. It’s as ludicrous as Victorian workers trying to enrich themselves by cutting the number of gunboats on the high seas - the only possible consequence would be cutting Britain off from it’s wildly profitable foreign trade and exploitation.




the Overseas Aid Budget of some £13billion per year…

Has anyone ever looked into what the aid budget actually consists of?

My understanding is that it consists predominantly of loans extended at interest, which must be used to purchase British produce and then repaid later.

The reason it exists has less to do with philanthropy or charity, and more to do with providing scale for our manufacturers and creating export markets amongst foreign buyers (often in the third world) who couldn’t afford to purchase things up front.

If we give someone our cash to spend on our food for poor people in the third world - then £13billion spent that way is just the same as £13billion spent any OTHER way.
The British Taxpayer has bugger-all to show for it, and neither do (unfortunately) the third world kids, who seem to end up working in the black economy in some manner, if not outright vice and prostitution.

Except it’s not giving £13bn worth of food, it’s lending the purchase price of a tractor or a waterworks or whatever, which benefits us up front by providing extra scale for our advanced factories, and which is repaid from the productivity that tractors enable.

Effectively, our factory workers capture the wages which would have been paid to agricultural workers for doing the farming work our machines will do.

This is why right-wing governments rarely talk about cutting aid, because it’s profitable business. It’s as ludicrous as Victorian workers trying to enrich themselves by cutting the number of gunboats on the high seas - the only possible consequence would be cutting Britain off from it’s wildly profitable foreign trade and exploitation.

We don’t seem to see much beyond “Well Building” on our TV screens - do we?

…Nor UK factories building Agricultural Plant come to that…

Brexit Party spoke of “scrapping the Foreign Aid Budget in it’s entirety” - but no one was listening.
The Tories talk of “reducing it a tiny bit” - perhaps by lowering the number of begging ads on our TVs? No reduction for the Radio Four ads though, I guess…

As for “Freebies” - if you can trick someone into handing over cash for some “future freebie” that then never happens - you’ve got the best con going since the 918 Spanish Prisoner/Advance Fee Fraud scam - eh? :frowning:

Now that Farage seems to have thrown Brexit Party’s chances away by backing the Tories - we’ll probably see a rather polarized result at this coming election:

What IF…

First, here’s the WORST result I can think of:

Conservatives: 320 (+2)
Labour: 264 (+1)
SNP 37 (+1)
Libdems: 14 (+1)
DUP 8 (-2)
Plaid Cymru 0 (-4)
Sinn Fein 8 (+1)

with everyone else staying the same…

Corbyn - doesn’t go anywhere. Boris - STILL hasn’t got a majority, Swinson - stays on… NI moves further away from the UK… Parliament - as divided as ever.

Here’s the BEST result I can think of:
Conservatives: 325 (+7)
Labour 62 (-200)
Libdems 0 (-12)
SNP 0 (-35)
DUP 17 (+7)
Sinn Fein 0 (-7)
Green 0 (-1)
Plaid 0 (-4)
Brexit Party 245 (+245)

…making Brexit Party the new opposition. Not going to happen though, I guess. Farage has been too weak in his election play, by refusing to put Boris Johnson’s Conservatives at risk by “standing against them in all seats”, which would have encouraged Labour and Libdem voters - not to mention people that “don’t normally bother at all” - to get out and vote for the Upstart party that could and should have removed the mainstream!

Here’s something more realistic, based on this notion I have that “people will desert ALL minor parties, to try and get either of the main two - over the line…”

Conservatives: 330 (+12)
Labour: 294 (+32)
SNP: 8 (-27)
Libdems: 0 (-12)
Greens: 0 (-1)
Plaid: 0 (-4)
DUP 10 (-)
Sinn Fein 7 (-)
Brexit Party 0 (-)

In this scenario, Boris gets his majority - but it is a WEAK one, with over 100 Remainers still in his party.
“His Oven-Ready Deal” - will be reluctantly accepted by the ERG, as “The best we can now get”, and yet will still require a whipped vote to get through the commons. Boris dare not boot anyone else out of the party, with such a fragile majority, so I’d expect the EU to carry on obstructing Brexit at every turn, deterimed to keep the cashflow going to Brussels long after we’ve supposedly left, or even ended the so-called “Transition Period” by this time next year - instead ending up in an “Everlasting Transition Period”, rather akin to “Remaining - without the label”. We’ll all be dead, the the EU goes on - that way. :frowning: :frowning:

Because Labour gained seats - Corbyn - isn’t going anywhere, with Momentum and their Anti-Semitic antics - are here to stay.
The minor parties - got crushed, with them taking the blame for the “Divisions” in society. The Libdems have had a pretty bad week this week… Next week - it’ll be the SNP’s turn for being busted, I suggest.

Since “Labour to win 300-309 seats” is currently priced at 66-1, I think I’ll have a tenner on that, along with the 290-299 range @ 40’s - just in case…

I cannot see in any shape or form how SNP, Libdems, Plaid, and Sinn Fein get to advance at this election.

I also think there is a Labour surge coming, as happened in the 2017 election, which I successfully predicted then of course. I hope I’m wrong, but the two week’s wages up for grabs - will soften the blow for me if I’m not.

I wouldn’t expect many people to agree with my outlook here, but I’d be interested to hear from any “optimistic Labour supporters” who might see where I’m coming from here… ?

That’s it for me, all ready for tomorrow, with bets on various big-priced outcomes in place.

“No Change” = I lose.
“Labour do very well or very badly” - I win.
“Libdems do very badly” - I win.
“SNP do very badly” - I win.
“Tories do very badly” - I lose.

“Turnout too low” - We all lose.
“Ballots destroyed” - the only way that I see “Turnout being low”…

The consequences at this election resulting in another hung parliament with “no Brexit Party” at Westminster - are dire indeed.

I suspect that what we might see at this election - are Non-Labour voting Remainers finally deciding to “give their loser’s consent” by reluctantly supporting Boris Johnson’s Tories - because if Boris loses - then a multi-way Remainer coalition will see us divided over Brexit for years to come, whilst the EU carries on laughing at us until the cows come home.
Their budget monies - will be secure into the far future, and the recession we all fear - comes REGARDLESS of us completing Brexit or not, thus proving (too late!) that Brexit never really had anything to do with the economic cycle, other than “sentiment”.

A weak majority for the Conservatives - means we’ll end up leaving on Boris’ rather weak “Oven-Ready Deal”.
A majority of over 100 - might persuade the ERG faction to tell Boris “now go and improve that deal a bit, as we’re no longer prepared to vote for the current one we already voted for beforehand”.

I can also see a fair number of NON-consenting Libdem, SNP, and Plaid Remainers - flocking to LABOUR at a last-ditch attempt to get rid of Boris Johnson, and his Tories…

Perhaps the final result will look something like this: (My final poll prediction)

Conservatives: 330 (taking them back to where Cameron got to in 2015)
Labour: 292 (The sort of persistant Remainer block voting numbers in all our recent Westminster “meaningful votes”)
Libdems: 3 (With Swinson’s Dunbarton seat and others falling to the Tories)
Plaid: 0 (Get wiped out in Wales)
Green: 0 (Lose their single seat to Labour)
SNP: 8 (Lose their seats to a Labour surge)
DUP: 7 (Weakening in NI)
Brexit Party: 0 (Farage went and threw it all away, by alienating would-be Labour Leavers, not happy that he’s helping the Tories keep their seats by standing aside…)
Others: 10

I stand to win four figures, if I get this correct, but lose less than £100 if I’ve bollocksed it all up. That’s the nature of the game though: “Be Right, or pay the consequences of being wrong” - the very acme of “putting my money where my mouth is”

What entitles one to their opinion more than “backing it with one’s hard-earned” - eh? :wink:
The biggest single return of all the different seat numbers that could be had here - are Labour to surge by around 20-30 seats again like they did unexepectedly in the 2017 election.

Thus, I’m supporting Brexit Party’s cause, Voting Conservative, Betting on Labour.

“Turnout too low” - We all lose.
“Ballots destroyed” - the only way that I see “Turnout being low”…

The consequences at this election resulting in another hung parliament with “no Brexit Party” at Westminster - are dire indeed.
I stand to win four figures, if I get this correct, but lose less than £100 if I’ve bollocksed it all up. That’s the nature of the game though: “Be Right, or pay the consequences of being wrong” - the very acme of “putting my money where my mouth is”

Firstly how do you account for those like me who think that taking part in this sham is effectively saying that I’ll accept this foregone EU engineered and infiltrated process to void the referendum result.

On that note £100 at 10/1 for a <60% turnout and £50 at 2/1 for a 60-65% turnout sounds like a good bet to me.

That’s a tasty pop at a 4-figure return yourself, so I tip my hat to you.

I estimate there will be plenty of Labour voters out there who’ll be thinking "Hey, this is our chance - Granny Brexit won’t be out and about in the cold, so turnout will be lower, enabling us to take Tory seats away with a smaller surge as a result…

THAT is the very reason that Tory voters DO need to put their bloody coats on - and get out to vote!!

That’s a tasty pop at a 4-figure return yourself, so I tip my hat to you.

I estimate there will be plenty of Labour voters out there who’ll be thinking "Hey, this is our chance - Granny Brexit won’t be out and about in the cold, so turnout will be lower, enabling us to take Tory seats away with a smaller surge as a result…

THAT is the very reason that Tory voters DO need to put their bloody coats on - and get out to vote!!

Why when we know that Bojo’s deal is no different to May’s and it’s only a matter of weeks ago when the Cons were saying that they would vote with Labour in support of the Benn Act.The inevitable result being that the whole Remain alliance will claim a mandate for BRINO to Revoke.A low enough turnout ( boycott ) in that case being all that stands between them getting away with that as opposed to a credible claim by the Leave vote not to recognise the Election result.Bearing in mind that no one can be naive enough not to think that this sham is all about Brexit and claiming a mandate for the Revocation of it.

This argument was never going to be settled democratically and ironically a LibLab coalition destabilising the whole country would probably be more likely to create the state of emergency and imposition of martial law that it was always going to take to sort out this mess. Caused by a parliament gone rogue including the Cons.

We don’t, to be fair. The way it is at present, if Boris ends up with the expected “small majority” - then he’ll have to proceed with his Brexit Lite deal, a soft Brexit if ever there was one, still likely to be watered down further, by the sheer non-hardness open-endedness of it.

Should Boris get a thumping majority though - then I can see the ERG deciding to “send him back to get a better deal”, which would suit us in favour of a harder Brexit that have already cast their vote Boris’ way FINE of course.

I’m still amazed meanwhile that Corbyn, who’s always been this Eurosceptic chararcter that badly needs to get his hands on the Brexit dividend - “won’t just stand up and admit that”…

It is HE who has effectively kept “No Deal” on the table - by refusing to outright be a party of Hard Remain like Swinson’s Conservatives or the SNP Anti UK AND Anti Brexit stance…

Corbyn would need a No Deal Brexit - just to re-nationalized Europe-interest controlled industries such as our Utilities - if nothing else.

It is going to prove rather “internationally illegal” to turn this country into Venuzeula after all, and the EU ain’t gonna like one BIT McDonnell’s spending plans, although they have been very careful indeed to “not criticize Labour” over their apparent inability to keep their manifesto committments “Sorry there’s no money” and all that.

I can see the ECB making sure that any incoming Labour government “doesn’t get to borrow any money from the ECB” - without some condition attached like “abandoning Brexit on the spot” for starters, with Corbyn’s “neutral” stance then looking like an attempt to keep BREXIT voting labour on-board, rather than the Remainers…

If my estimations are right meanwhile, I can see Labour surging today - at the expense of the SNP and Libdems in particular.
I’m not expecting many seats to change hands between Labour and the Tories… :bulb:

We don’t, to be fair. The way it is at present, if Boris ends up with the expected “small majority” - then he’ll have to proceed with his Brexit Lite deal, a soft Brexit if ever there was one, still likely to be watered down further, by the sheer non-hardness open-endedness of it.

Should Boris get a thumping majority though - then I can see the ERG deciding to “send him back to get a better deal”, which would suit us in favour of a harder Brexit that have already cast their vote Boris’ way FINE of course.

I’m still amazed meanwhile that Corbyn, who’s always been this Eurosceptic chararcter that badly needs to get his hands on the Brexit dividend - “won’t just stand up and admit that”…

It is HE who has effectively kept “No Deal” on the table - by refusing to outright be a party of Hard Remain like Swinson’s Conservatives or the SNP Anti UK AND Anti Brexit stance…

Corbyn would need a No Deal Brexit - just to re-nationalized Europe-interest controlled industries such as our Utilities - if nothing else.

It is going to prove rather “internationally illegal” to turn this country into Venuzeula after all, and the EU ain’t gonna like one BIT McDonnell’s spending plans, although they have been very careful indeed to “not criticize Labour” over their apparent inability to keep their manifesto committments “Sorry there’s no money” and all that.

I can see the ECB making sure that any incoming Labour government “doesn’t get to borrow any money from the ECB” - without some condition attached like “abandoning Brexit on the spot” for starters, with Corbyn’s “neutral” stance then looking like an attempt to keep BREXIT voting labour on-board, rather than the Remainers…

If my estimations are right meanwhile, I can see Labour surging today - at the expense of the SNP and Libdems in particular.
I’m not expecting many seats to change hands between Labour and the Tories… :bulb:

Why would a small or large majority make any difference to the fact that the Cons are a complicit treacherous bunch of pro EU liars who never had any intention of delivering a Leave vote.As proved by the events of 2017 and to date including threatening to vote with Labour to keep us tied to the terms of the Benn Act.The same applies to Labour if Corbyn was anti EU it would have been Hoey not Starmer in the job of shadow Brexit minister and there certainly would have been no ‘Benn’ surrender Act.The only logical tactic here is boycott this sham then refuse to recognise the result of it and the government’s right to govern and sooner or later the state of emergency that we needed,instead of this laughable EU instigated ‘Election’,will then have to be called.To sort out the predictable mess created by the equally all too predictable Lab/Lib/SNP coalition and their Tory quislings,that is going to claim a mandate to wreck the place and hand it over to Juncker and co after tomorrow morning.

Perhaps it is some kind of faith that Boris “isn’t like the rest of the Tories”…

Perhaps Corbyn “isn’t like the rest of the Champagne Socialists” come to that…

What do we want our politicians to be “honest” about at the end of the day?

Neither side - seems very interested in nailing down their exact plans, and how they intend to bring them about eh?

If Boris wins - it’ll be out of “fear of Corbyn” and people only fear Corbyn - because of his scary front bench, and Momentum activist supporters whom he’s refused despite all the opportunities to ditch over the Anti-Semitic affair… Instead, he barely can be a weak apologist for their antics.
A heavy price will be paid by Labour as a political party - for “ditching the Jewish Vote” I predict.

Boris, meanwhile - seems to have dealt with the Anti Islam issues around the Tories - by making a Muslim Chancellor and an Asian - Home Secretary…
Perhaps Labour might now lose a few Muslim voters to the Tories as well? - Especially the “Business Owners”…

Perhaps it is some kind of faith that Boris “isn’t like the rest of the Tories”…

Perhaps Corbyn “isn’t like the rest of the Champagne Socialists” come to that…

What do we want our politicians to be “honest” about at the end of the day?

Neither side - seems very interested in nailing down their exact plans, and how they intend to bring them about eh?

If Boris wins - it’ll be out of “fear of Corbyn” and people only fear Corbyn - because of his scary front bench, and Momentum activist supporters whom he’s refused despite all the opportunities to ditch over the Anti-Semitic affair… Instead, he barely can be a weak apologist for their antics.
A heavy price will be paid by Labour as a political party - for “ditching the Jewish Vote” I predict.

Boris, meanwhile - seems to have dealt with the Anti Islam issues around the Tories - by making a Muslim Chancellor and an Asian - Home Secretary…
Perhaps Labour might now lose a few Muslim voters to the Tories as well? - Especially the “Business Owners”…

In other words whoever gets in will only get in on the basis of who can appease the Islamic vote most.How will that work out when keeping us tied to their perceived EU allies like Germany and maintaining the open door to allowing in more of them and appeasing Sharia is part of the deal.On that note Boris is a Tory just like all the rest and this election is no different to the 2017 stunt saying trust us to not stop Brexit or get Corbyn.When they are all the same bunch of quisling traitors.

It looks like it’s going to be a just a LibConSNP remain coalition after all.With the Labour meltdown and swing to Tories,not even TBP,seeming to have been either intentional,or a case of if it looks like it’s unbelievable,like Skinner’s vote turning Tory,it probably is.Prepare for BRINO and yet more money going to the EU.

My local MP has been returned with an increased majority, and swears he’s now a born-again Brexiteer, despite having voted Remain in the referendum.

There are over 100 of such “Remainer Tories” who’ve kept their seats at this election, and with the majority Boris now has - he can instantly sack anyone who doesn’t support him, i.e. becomes a “Wet” from this point on.

He’s already set the example, after all…

Getting rid of Kenneth Clarke must have done LOADS to win over Labour voters, as to the working (former) Labour voter - Ken Clarke was nothing but the quintessential “Fat Cat Tory”…

I didn’t win anything at this election, but your bet for turnout to be in the 60’s % looks good…

My chosen lifestyle on agency seems secure now for the next five years, now that ZHC are not going anywhere…

Getting Brexit Done by January 31st - works best if the EU try to stall the trade deal (as they already are…) with the prospect that come January 31st - we go into the transition period having not paid the 39billion, nor ever having to do so - because the EU “didn’t deliver the trade deal on-time”. It would be cool if Boris’ current Oven Ready deal now gets rejected by the EU as well, since that would allow our new majority government to “move it’s own goalpost” and “go get a better deal” based on what the EU are not prepared to do, rather than what they say they are, but make no effort to effect thus…

My local MP has been returned with an increased majority, and swears he’s now a born-again Brexiteer, despite having voted Remain in the referendum.

There are over 100 of such “Remainer Tories” who’ve kept their seats at this election, and with the majority Boris now has - he can instantly sack anyone who doesn’t support him, i.e. becomes a “Wet” from this point on.

He’s already set the example, after all…

Getting rid of Kenneth Clarke must have done LOADS to win over Labour voters, as to the working (former) Labour voter - Ken Clarke was nothing but the quintessential “Fat Cat Tory”…

I didn’t win anything at this election, but your bet for turnout to be in the 60’s % looks good…

My chosen lifestyle on agency seems secure now for the next five years, now that ZHC are not going anywhere…

Getting Brexit Done by January 31st - works best if the EU try to stall the trade deal (as they already are…) with the prospect that come January 31st - we go into the transition period having not paid the 39billion, nor ever having to do so - because the EU “didn’t deliver the trade deal on-time”. It would be cool if Boris’ current Oven Ready deal now gets rejected by the EU as well, since that would allow our new majority government to “move it’s own goalpost” and “go get a better deal” based on what the EU are not prepared to do, rather than what they say they are, but make no effort to effect thus…

The turnout figure ( 67% ? ) ‘turned out’ ( pun intended ) to be as unbelievable as the Labour swing to the Tories by passing TBP completely.So it’s lucky I didn’t go for it on the grounds that destroyed ballot papers would still be counted towards the turnout anyway ? together with a gut feeling that something just didn’t seem ‘right’ about it all which proved correct and I wouldn’t even have got my 100 quid insurance bet back.My own view is that what we’ve seen is a Machiavellian Blitzkreig style EU instigated electoral coup which engineered exactly the result it wanted and the electorate is either too stupid or too naive to see it.As we’ll see when Bojo delivers BRINO in all its glory congratulated by Juncker and Tusk as the first instalment of our ongoing contribution gets handed over to the German banks.

To be fair, although I’m disappointed that Brexit Party didn’t win any seats, and I didn’t win any cash come to that - the voting patterns are well within the bounds of normality, not to mention standard deviation parameters.

If there had been any actual “rigged” ballots this time around (bearing in mind Peterborough went Blue this time) - then some Labour Safe Seater nasties would have lost their seats…

From what I’ve seen, it is only the moderate majority nobodies that lost their seats though.

Jo Swinson - was widely tipped to lose to the SNP before the election. Even Money I believe…

What Brexit Party seem to have done in this election is “pull two votes away from Labour and one vote away from the Tory candidate”.
In the end, the Labour incumbent ended up falling past the Tory candidate “marking time” with their poll tally.

Thus, seats ended up going from Red to Blue without the Tories actually gaining much of an upside vote swing measured as an absolute number, but rather than just as a swing AWAY from Labour causing Labour to fall past them outside the window…

If this was contrived by Boris and Farage working in cahoots behind the scenes, then I tip my hat to the both of them - because it seems to have bloody well worked as a strategy to “Breach the Red Wall”.

I’m not sure what plans Labour had to take 5-figure majority seats off the Tories in the south of England - something that BLAIR managed to do in 1997, and kept on doing in 2001 and 2005…

Trying to put myself in the mind of a Labour Strategist for a moment: I think I might have come up with an alternative Brexit plan outright, rather than just hope the Tories f— it all up instead.
Labour’s re-nationilzation plans - would have REQUIRED that we’d actually done a rather hard brexit BEFOREHAND of course.
We never EVER got to hear about the Labour version of a Hard Brexit though - did we?

(1) Leaving the EU law framework straight away (tearing up all the treaties necessary) giving NI and Scotland a referendum to stay or leave the UK - only once the UK has left the EU beforehand.

(2) Re-nationalizing all the indirectly EU-owned utilitites by confiscation, likely triggering actual trade embargos by the EU…

(3) Ceasing payments to the EU straight away,

(4) Increasing electricity production in Newly-Nationalized Scottish Power/Generating capacity to make up the gap once the EU throws off that big switch in the sky they have…

(5) Being FORCED to trade everywhere else OTHER than the EU - because the EU won’t have anything to do with the UK from then on. Less trade with America, More trade with China and Russia, which we would expect of a Leftist government…

(6) Using the Brexit Dividend money to pay for Labour’s spending plans. £18billion per year for 5 years - would put a big dent in the headline spending figures…

Funny thing is, had Corbyn and Labour just come out with that plan above - I would have voted Labour for the first time in this election just gone..

But no. Labour - just cannot and will not get things done - and in the end, Boris has won big on simply that message.