Why not many Asian and African drivers?

Only whites,and not enough lady drivers,we get paid to listen to the radio and stare out of the window for ten hours,not rocket science is it?

Well, there’s nothing stopping them so one can only imagine that they don’t find the job attractive.

As I have said in a previous post just head to any Tarmac yard in the West London area and they are mostlet Asians behind the wheel.
I was also in AI’s the other day at Bardon Hill and seemed plenty driving there as well!

How do you get the hard hat on wearing a Turban or a Rasta haircut?

There’s more than enough of them over here, not that race has anything to do with it but most comehere from the African continent and sign up with some crap company to train and drive, they can’t speak English, they can’t reverse so how the hell they pass the test I don’t know ?
It’s mostly Africans and eastern block immigrants but there are countless. Oart of my job now includes interviewing drivers for our terminal and out of the last five one of them was Nigerian, two were Hatian and two Dominican, the Nigerian and Dominican got jobs basically because they seemed to want to work and they could also speak English.

Any Gambians,Sierra Leonne,Mali,drivers in the USA?

How do you get the hard hat on wearing a Turban or a Rasta haircut?

Q. Should you refuse employment to a turban-wearing Sikh who refuses to wear a safety helmet on a construction site?
Where employees, or potential employees have particular cultural and religious needs which conflict with existing work requirements, it is recommended that employers should consider whether it is reasonably practical to vary or adapt these requirements to enable these needs to be met. For example, it is recommended that they should not refuse employment to a turbaned Sikh because he could not comply with unjustifiable uniform requirements.
S11 of the Employment Act 1989 exempts turban-wearing Sikhs from any requirements to wear safety helmets on a construction site. Where a turban-wearing Sikh is injured on a construction site liability for injuries is restricted to the injuries that would have been sustained if the Sikh had been wearing a safety helmet.

I see the Indians not wearing anti sea gull hard hats on the motorway construction sites?? :question:

I’m mixed race, passed my class III back in '83, got my class I in '87, done steel, containers and doing chemical tankers now, don’t think race has anything to do with doing this job, just wish I’d swatted more at school so I don’t have to spend my week in a tin box.

See you out on the road, I’m the one in the truck. :wink:

How do you get the hard hat on wearing a Turban or a Rasta haircut?

Like this.

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?4rykih


I think it’s because the training nowadays is really expensive maybe, or because employers are not actively looking to recruit them, I mean if you were setting on today who would you rather have behind the wheel, a white English male with 10+ years experice or an ethnic minority person only just passed their test or has very little experience?

Any Gambians,Sierra Leonne,Mali,drivers in the USA?

You name them … we have them.

They are usually terrible drivers.

Only whites,and not enough lady drivers,we get paid to listen to the radio and stare out of the window for ten hours,not rocket science is it?

Often see 1 oldish indian dude in freightliner leeds, wearing a turban and has a big handle bar tash.

Sent from my iPad but adjusted even more to ■■■■ winseer off.

There is a good reason that we don’t see many people from Asia and Africa driving lorries…They are not very good drivers :open_mouth:

A joke I heard recently explains it very well. How do you make an Asian blind?..Put a steering wheel in his hands :laughing:

Now on a more serious note, people who have lived in Asia or africa for most of their lives have no experience of driving conditions at all, whereas we have 17yrs of seeing what happens on the roads before we get a car licence, so for us it’s situation normal, but most people who have emmigrated to the UK have done so for a reason, to escape the poverty of their home country, poverty means they have no cars, so they haven’t got that experience and it shows when they drive their cars, so really it’s a good thing they don’t drive lorries :open_mouth:

There are quite a few driving around in the large cities, Coventry, Birmingham, Leicester, West London etc, but they’re 2nd/3rd/4th generation so they’re as used to traffic conditions as the rest of us :wink:

As I have said in a previous post just head to any Tarmac yard in the West London area and they are mostlet Asians behind the wheel.
I was also in AI’s the other day at Bardon Hill and seemed plenty driving there as well!

Quite a few sikihs on for them in belvedere where I live. GIT quite a big Indian population in the area anyway.

I think it is because they have more sense,

probably get more off goverment per week lol

probably get more off goverment per week lol

Many a true word spoken in jest :open_mouth:

Huh? I see loads of different faces driving trucks, all different colours, although most truckers do seem to be middle-aged white men.

They’re all driving for Addison Lee :laughing: