Why do car drivers do this?

chugging down the motorway at 56, come to a junction there is a car to left wanting to enter ,there are cars to the right overtaking ,car to the left decides the correct way to enter the motorway is to exactly match my speed leading to some interesting expressions on the car drivers face when they start to run out of slip road

Because they think they own the road didnt you know that lol :smiley:

They expect you to give way. I’d bet my weeks wages that over half of them don’t realise that the people like yourselves already on the motorway have priority over joining traffic. I wasn’t aware of this until recent months when I started my truck training :blush: :blush: :blush:

I think there should be some kind of information made available to educate the general public.

To be fair though, it is common courtesy to allow them to join if safe to do so.

And let the big debate begin!!!..

I’ve also noted that they will never carry on and enter the hard shoulder but must attempt to get onto the lane before reaching the ‘Pointy bit’, what happens if you enter the pointy bit, do you dissapear into another world, your car suddenly evaporates or even worse it goes into a point itself!
They never think to ease off and just join the motorway behind you, that would be using common sense and that’s where the problem arises.

The general driving public have the information its called the Highway Code!

The general driving public have the information its called the Highway Code!

Like a bill board poster or summat.

On a side note, there’s plenty of “think bike” adverts about, they should get some “think truck” ones!

They expect you to give way. I’d bet my weeks wages that over half of them don’t realise that the people like yourselves already on the motorway have priority over joining traffic. I wasn’t aware of this until recent months when I started my truck training :blush: :blush: :blush:

I think there should be some kind of information made available to educate the general public.

To be fair though, it is common courtesy to allow them to join if safe to do so.

And let the big debate begin!!!..

But you should not brake in order to do so. If you do, traffic 2 miles behind you will eventually come to a complete stop.

I agree :wink:

They can change speed faster than me so they should speed up to join ahead or drop off to join behind. I move over for lorries as they can’t speed up as fast. The car drivers can use planning and observation to join the motorway but they don’t. So they can duck off.

I went past Tibshelf services last week(southbound) and there was a car stationary at the end of the slip indicating to join the M1, from a standing start in to a live lane… What a ■■■■■! Down the hard shoulder get up to speed and join the lane, thats what I’d have done. Lots of trucks bunched up climbing that hill so it can be difficult to get out.

Had the same thing on M1 a while ago car comes up slip road nothing in front same speed as me got the hump because I didn’t move over got in front and braked slowed me down to 25 mph then disappears into the distance ■■■■■■■■

As the terminator sometimes found.

“This is the vehicle’s top speed”
Driving crappy old wreck not capable of going faster:sunglasses:

I once pulled out to lane 2 to allow a car to join the M4. He then goes straight to lane 2, causing me to swerve into lane 1 to undertake him. :imp:

The most annoying thing for me is when they come storming down the slip road get in front of me (at which time i think “sensible driver all is well with the world”) and then they immediately brake to a nice safe 50mph :unamused:

got the hump because I didn’t move over got in front and braked slowed me down to 25 mph then disappears into the distance [zb]

Would’ve got 44 tonne at ninety clicks in the back doors! :open_mouth: Don’t mess with me :unamused: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Most of them do it because they don’t know any better! It’s down to the teaching, learners aren’t allowed on the motorway, and some pass their test without ever driving on a dual carriageway, so how do they know how to use it properly? They can pass a test and get a licence without ever having driven in the rain. It’s all very well in theory, but different in real life. And some of the instructors I’ve seen aren’t safe to be let out alone, never mind teaching somebody else. I can remember when the majority of instructors were ex- lorry or bus drivers, a lot were ex-police traffic drivers, proper drivers, nowadays anybody does it.

Albion 1938…great post and most of what you say is true however every car driver that sits a test has to drive for a short period on a dual carriageway.Whether it does them any good is a different matter.
All driving tests need to be updated(inc LGV) and most drivers need their poor standards improved.

Starfighter your attitude stinks

I have no hard and fast rule about moving over when I see traffic coming down a slip road, I work on how I see the situation at the time.
Normally I’ll move over for a truck so they can get on, I’ll quite often move over for a group of cars.
I don’t normally move over for a car, unless I think it’s safer to move over than to maintain course and speed. I used to drive a Left ■■■■■■ and thought it’s better to hit the car entering the carraigeway than to move over and to hit the car I didn’t see down the side of the truck.

I do a lot of motorway mileage in cars these days and I know keep my distance from other drivers joining motorways, because they slow down as they get to the slip road and leave me without space and time to get on. I try and have my own little area so I can plan to slip into the flow of traffic at my own speed.
But I do believe a lot of drivers think the traffic on the motorway is obliged to move over, this really needs to be addressed. I also think there should be proper training on this. Maybe pass your test, have P plates and then you must pass a motorway, night driving test within six months or a year or they revoke your licence.

muckles they do have pass plus but unfortunately it is not compulsory.

‘…car to left wanting to enter … cars … overtaking … decides … to enter … to exactly match my speed …’

Maybe their stupidity is a combination of:

A. A poor selection of their randomised stop/go pedal options?

B. They’re otherwise occupied?

C. They’re driving economically - using lateral slipstream advantage?

D. The price we professionals too regularly pay for:

  1. Care-in-the-Community
  2. Ultra-liberal diversity
  3. The demise of Old Bill
  4. Essential cutbacks to meet EU targets enabling Britain to be less-than-average at things we were once admired for

E. They haven’t seen your FULL beam - with consideration of horn as appropriate - to resolutely indicate your immovable presence :wink: