White Van Man (again)



After what happened to me yesterday on the motorway I think there is plenty that can be done. I think (some) van drivers can be very aggressive, not their fault but by the employers who push them to do so much work in too little time.
I was sat on the M2 minding my own business, cruise control engaged at 100 kph. Just passed the first exit countdown marker on Jct 5 of the M2 London bound. White Van man comes charging from behind (in lane 1), does an overtake but needs the exit. So he has to cut me up, (i’m next to the last marker by the time he does this) then brake for the sharp bend down to the A249. He showed me a [zb] sign for his efforts. When I saw him approaching at that speed in my mirror I immediately knocked off cruise control in case he did that.

So now I think all transit (not car derived) type vans should have a limiter fitted set at 70 mph. Surely this isn’t a bad idea. What does everyone else think?

links edited to fit page…Denis F

I think (some) van drivers can be very aggressive, not their fault but by the employers who push them to do so much work in too little time.

dave, it’s kind of you to lay the blame for them elsewhare, i know what youre saying and do live in the real world. but the fact is it is really down to them. we got tio take responsibility for our actions surely?

theres too many gutless wonders about that dont have the backbone to stand up to their gaffer, which is what it needs. and as a result of the frustration they feel resulting from their cowardice (or greed) they proceed to take it out instead on someone that does not deserve it.

by the way, i have been a ■■■■ meself, in the distant past untill i grew the balls to tell the gaffer to go and get stuffed! so i am not on a white horse dave, it was wrong when i did it, and its wrong allways, imho!

dave, it’s kind of you to lay the blame for them elsewhare, i know what youre saying and do live in the real world. but the fact is it is really down to them. we got tio take responsibility for our actions surely?

I agree

As regards being limited to 70mph I can’t see how it would really help, it’s the ones that speed round built-up areas that seem to cause the most hassle and, as mentioned in one of the reports linked, that’s where they spend most of their time.

well mrpj, i do not believe limiters have really done much good on trucks, so i agree, i dont think they’ll do much good on anything else either.

some people would get into bother and cause bother whether the limiter was set at 10mph or 100!
the mentality of people dictates what they do, theres really no way round that fact, although the doo-gooders in society are allways ready with a pile of excuses for them a mile long!

There is no one to blame but the driver at the end of the day.They put themselves under pressure by being stupid enough to do all their drops.
The more they do, the more they will be expected to do.

We can all give examples of Employers who want a day and a half’s work in a day and route delivery Driver’s on unrealistic schedules, but the Driver is still responsible for incidents where they cut someone else up or just drive light a first class fool. You can drive quickly and still drive properly and with a degree of safety but blatant disregard for the rules of the road and everyone around them is not excusable under any circumstances.

While a lot of the blame is laid at the door of Couriers and Delivery Driver’s what about the white van man with ‘Acme Construction’ on the side, and especially Upvc Window fitters and allied tradesmen, how often do you see them in lane 3, 70mph+ two feet from the back of the vehicle in front.

I have said it many times general Driving standards in UK are a joke, Highway Code training testing and Policing is laughable. :unamused: :angry:

as they say you carnt teach a dog new tricks even with a limiter or advanced driving lessons half of the white van men would still probably drive like [zb]. i think the goverment should spend the 1.3 million on improving facilities for us drivers by providing us with more secure parking etc after all we are the ones who are on the road more agree or disagree but thats what i think.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment, if it needs *s to get past the autocensor, take that as a hint you shouldn’t use that word at all (use {zb} instead). Simon :smiley:

i think one problem with vans is 30 years ago you would be very lucky if one would do 80, now they’re getting bigger in the volumetric capacity and most are capable of 100+, fact is whilst they may do that kind of speed the chassis just can’t handle it if you have to swerve, brake suddenly of hit by a cross wind they flip right over. So i think a limiter at 70 would be fine, might reduce the amount of roll overs you see.

Most of the time with couriers, it’s not so much the boss ‘forcing’ them to do more drops, it’s more the driver ‘wanting’ to do more drops, most are paid a bonus for every drop they do over the average. Some of my colleges are obsessed by PRP and drive like idiots just to earn more, greed at the end of the day. Personally i do what i can at a sensible pace and what i cant do i dont do. Simple as that.

Tradesmen are quite often the worst drivers, more so when they get into a 7.5tonner. Most seem to think they can fling them around like a mini. Although to be fair you can say the same about most 4x4 drivers, which have similar handling characteristics.

If you want to see trully awful driving, just park near a school at about 3pm though! It’s frightening, yet amusing at the same time!

On the news this morning government are funding white van man to have advanced driving lessons!!!

simple answer to wvm is to put a tacho in them,then see how they drive /speed/hours etc.

jeremy vines prog was good if somewhat biased with sally giving it her all for the drivers :smiley:

On the news this morning government are funding white van man to have advanced driving lessons!!!

I saw this, there is a firm in Birmingham called ‘Drivetech’ which specialises in training WVM to drive better and some semblence of self control.

mark croft:
simple answer to wvm is to put a tacho in them,then see how they drive /speed/hours etc.

jeremy vines prog was good if somewhat biased with sally giving it her all for the drivers :smiley:

i believe that’s coming in 2008, limiters set to 56 on anything over 3.t along with tacho’s

That only affects larger vans, not the smaller transit jobbies

On the news this morning government are funding white van man to have advanced driving lessons!!!

Sounds like “ALL” drivers of white vans are being prejudiced in the articles I have read.

I regularly drive a white van (Merc Sprinter) but am also the holder of a C+E Licence. Will I have to have lessons from an instructor who probably only holds a car licence?

i think one problem with vans is 30 years ago you would be very lucky if one would do 80, now they’re getting bigger in the volumetric capacity and most are capable of 100+, fact is whilst they may do that kind of speed the chassis just can’t handle it if you have to swerve, brake suddenly of hit by a cross wind they flip right over. So i think a limiter at 70 would be fine, might reduce the amount of roll overs you see.

Couldnt agree more. I used to drive Sprinters on a regualr basis before getting my Cat C. There were horrendously unstable, espcially empty on an open road. Even when keeping within legal limits.

I definatly think they should be limited.

limiting to 70 would not have stopped the guy tailgating you or cutting you up.

in fact limiting to 70 would only worsen things without also removing lane 3 priviledges, as most idiots would sit in lane 3 anyway causing congestion.

so, hands up who wants to share their already overcrowded lanes 1 + 2 with an influx of frustrated van drivers, unable to scuttle off into lane 3?

That only affects larger vans, not the smaller transit jobbies

I’ve heard anything 3.5t and over, which is the majority of vans. most transits are 3.5t, the most popular sprinter is the 311, which is 3.5t :wink:

03sprinter: So limiting to 70 (the legal speed limit) wont do anything good? sounds like you’re trying to justify speeding. I take it from that we can assume you’re not profesional enough to know what the speed limit is or be able to stick to it? :wink:

I’ve heard anything 3.5t and over, which is the majority of vans. most transits are 3.5t, the most popular sprinter is the 311, which is 3.5t :wink:

No its over 3.5t and not inclusive of 3.5t :slight_smile:

Only at DHL we run 3.5t Sprinters and from next year they’re having tacho’s fitted. Cant see them forking out on them if they werent obliged to?

Well it seems the limit is 3500 kgs.

link to vosa website

Anything with a plated max weight above that (3501kgs) must have a working speed limiter set to 56 mph from 2008.

03 Sprinter :

Why should having a 70 mph limiter fitted mean banning you from the outside lane?? That is the legal motorway speed limit. Only vehicles unable to attain 70 mph legally such as cars towing, or because of their speed limiter trucks and coaches, are banned from the outside lane of 3 lane motorways. When coaches first had 70 mph limiters fitted in 1987 they were still allowed to use the outside lane of motorways.

As for my incident, I watched this Sprinter (and yes it was a Sprinter) approaching at an estimated 90 mph. If he had a limiter there was no way he would have even BEEN in time to attempt the overtake in the first place. Quite frankly the majority of these vans are tailgaters and drive too fast. I had to move into lane 2 from lane 1, as lane 1 came off the motorway. I checked my mirror, nothing. Next thing its a van doing 100 mph flashing its headlights. He gives me [zb] signs as it overtakes and goes past.

I’m proposing a sensible limiter set at the 70 mph motorway speed limit. I can see in the future to save costs and the environment blah blah, the EU imposing 90 kph/56 mph on all vans regardless of weight.

link edited to fit page…Denis F