Which make of truck would you most like to drive?

Similar to the polls we ran in 2011 We are doing some research and are interested in your responses to the above question
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As long as its a manual

I’ve driven all the European trucks, so I’d like to drive a yanky job just to say I’ve done it, or a road train… No, not a Stobarts wagon and drag :laughing:

The nicest drive I’ve had in terms of seating position and comfort was an Actros. And I’ve driven them all at some stage. Closely followed by the Volvo I’m in now.

Think I might be the only one to say this, but I’d like my Stralis back.

Who voted for iveco?! I love the new MANs at the moment even though I drive a tesco merc at 49.5mph in the slow lane, only thing I ever overtake is lamp posts.

MAN xxl for the space. Scania for the drive.

I’m Happy with my Scanny
Although I do like the MAN TGX’s


Id bite your hand off for a volvo with i-shift.

Never had one, but always liked the Renault Magnum, prefer it to be fitted with a proper gearbox and clutch, and be at least 500bhp :smiley:

peterbilt 379 or kenworth w900 for me i don’t care if its unpractical for uk roads i just want one :slight_smile:

Volvo FH with Ishift!! :wink:

Would like to try the new actors giga space

Volvo 750 with all the bits and bobs on with a nice paint job
If I had the money id buy 1 remove the fifth wheel and use it as my daily run about lol

Id bite your hand off for a volvo with i-shift.

Ill give you a shot of my Renault next time I see you. It’s just the same really.:smiley:

I thought Scania would have been smashing this… I didnt realize there were so many midgets that are happy with a volvo :stuck_out_tongue:

Right now, in January I’d settle for ANY tractor supplied by a paying employer! :open_mouth: :grimacing:

Leyland Bison. :laughing:
Seriously, anyone that comes with decent money, hours and local to me. Not bothered anymore now Fodens’ finished, you can’t read the grille badge from the driving seat anyway.

what i’m driving now,480 fh globetrotter with i-shift :wink:

I voted daf, but my gaffer calls them monday to friday lorries and I cant have one.