What a learning curve

Hi all,

What a week this has been. I started as you all will know, my first C+E driving job on monday @ reed bordall at boroughbridge. they seem a decent company, no vechicles over 3 years old, and one off the very few, who will give newbies a start.

Monday was a introduction day, to learn all about the company, how there systems work etc.,couldn’t believe how much paperwork there was to the job.

Tuesday started off at 4.00am, with being sent out with a senior driver to find a 57 plate volvo, parked in the middle off over 120 others. we find it, then we go hunting for a double decker deep frezze trailor, get hitched up, do all the checks etc, then off we set for asda’s at skelmasdale, my first job, with a running weight just under the 44 ton limit. When we get there thankfully, there are not too many trucks around, so i attempt my first reverse, fully laded up,i manage to get on the bay in the right place, with only two shunts, you wouldn’t believe how happy i was at getting it on. We hand in our keys, + papers and wait to be unloaded, next we move up the huge yard and then load 300 blue pallets for a company in leyland, of we set, we get there, 2nd reverse attempt onto the loading area, not too bad, unload, then around the block, get loaded up with 40 pallets of frozen to bring back, steady ride back,put tractor and trailor in the truck wash, reverse on to bay, uncouple, and finsh off the paperwork, 10.00 hours seemed like 5 mins, i loved every minute off it.

Wednesday was a re-run off the prevoius day, this time with me doing more off the paperwork side off things, the wind was a bit scary going over the M62, but i just left a bigger gap and slowed down more.

Thursday was drops all over Leeds and Bradford, some easy, some not so easy, but i remembered all the good advice that i was given on here, and when there was any doubt, i just got out and checked.

Friday was into nottingham, didn’t have a clue about 1 place, found it in the end, i am going to invest in a good sat nav system, as a back up.

Looking forwards to my 2nd week, as i will be working it all out for myself, again many thanks for the advice, tips, about the job, take care everybody, and keep it on the black stuff.

Pan Man

Hope you dont mind me asking but what sort of money are they paying?

sounds great pan man :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

keep the diary going - it may be useful to other newbies :slight_smile:

well done pan man, it only gets easier

Sounds like a great start pan man. Good luck for the future.

Sounds like you had a good start, and first job in a double decker…nice. Got some where I work but not had a job where i’ve needed to take one out yet, in no hurry to either really.

Hi Russip,

You have asked about wages at R + B, i don’t know how they compare to other places really, but from the odd comment that i have read on various postings on here , a little low i think, but as in my case i couldn’t get a start as a newbie C+E driver anywhere else, so that is why i am prepared to drive the 128 miles from our house in the wilds of northumbland to boroughbridge. I am doing 3 days a week , Friday, Saturday, Sunday, on tramping, anywhere they want me to go, i don’t care, as long as they are paying me. I look on it as my staying out money pays for the 256 mile round trip, there and back.

The wages are £6.79 for the first 9 hours, after which, and up to 15 hours it’s £8.61, Monday to Friday.

Saturdays are £8.61 all day, up to 15 hours.

Sunday is £10.76 all day, up to 15 hours.

Night- out money is £19.79 per night. the company pays for any over night parking fees that you pay out for. in next weeks wages.

Bank holidays are £12.92 all day up to 15 hours. + 1 day’s hoilday in lue.

They knock off 1/2 an hour each day for you lunch.

Hope this helps a bit, on my induction day there were 2 lads with me, who lived somewhere in your neck of the woods.

Take care out there, and keep it on the black stuff,

Pan Man

Hi rog,

I sure will keep the entries coming thick and fast, i know that i have only just started, there will be loads of questions that i will need an answer to.

Take care and keep it on the black stuff,

Pan Man

Thanks for the info mate - thats one hell of a commute :open_mouth:

Was there not anybody closer who would give you a start ? Ive just started looking this week as ive got my class 1 test in 10 days but up to now there`s been no call back :frowning:

Hi russip,
When i got my C+E licence, i phoned over 40 different transport companys, and most off them said " we are desperate for drivers but come back in 12 - 18 months time when you have some more experience ", + a few of the others said it was the time off year.

The reason quoted buy most of them was the insurance companys, wouldn’t give them insurance without any experience.

I really wish you all the best for your test, and that you manage to find somebody nearer to your neck of the woods, that will give you a start as a newbie.

Take care out there, and keep it on the black stuff.

Pan Man.

Pan Man:
Hi Russip,

You have asked about wages at R + B, i don’t know how they compare to other places really, but from the odd comment that i have read on various postings on here , a little low i think, but as in my case i couldn’t get a start as a newbie C+E driver anywhere else, so that is why i am prepared to drive the 128 miles from our house in the wilds of northumbland to boroughbridge. I am doing 3 days a week , Friday, Saturday, Sunday, on tramping, anywhere they want me to go, i don’t care, as long as they are paying me. I look on it as my staying out money pays for the 256 mile round trip, there and back.

The wages are £6.79 for the first 9 hours, after which, and up to 15 hours it’s £8.61, Monday to Friday.

Saturdays are £8.61 all day, up to 15 hours.

Hi panman i have spoken to them today and the shift pattern that sounded ok was the 4 on and 4 off…is that three nights out or 4 nights out …do you know…and are there nightshift tramping options ?

Sunday is £10.76 all day, up to 15 hours.

Night- out money is £19.79 per night. the company pays for any over night parking fees that you pay out for. in next weeks wages.

Bank holidays are £12.92 all day up to 15 hours. + 1 day’s hoilday in lue.

They knock off 1/2 an hour each day for you lunch.

Hope this helps a bit, on my induction day there were 2 lads with me, who lived somewhere in your neck of the woods.

Take care out there, and keep it on the black stuff,

Pan Man