Waeco or not to Waeco...

right heres the issue. ive just started tramping (and loving it - up to doing days) ive got most of the gear already not a problem but I havent got a plug in coolbox or a kettle so no brew and no jock during the day till i find an MSA not good so ive seen a couple of products that seem to fit my bill from WAECO i was just wondering what you guys thought of the brand & are they really worth the £105 for the pair or am i getting ripped off ( not bought them yet).

thanks in advance guys

just got a cool box from halford 40 odd quid 12v its brill as for a kettle they dont last long get a gas stove and a pan


just got a cool box from halford 40 odd quid 12v its brill as for a kettle they dont last long get a gas stove and a pan

have you got a link for it on there website i cant see to find this one that everyone seems to be talking about i always seem to get £70+ cool boxes showing, as for using gas stove id love to but we have all been barred form using them too many numpties else where having accidents got the head honcho worried so he said no gas

well soon your TM will telling you no fridges and kettles cos they will flatten your battery ( fed up with the call out charge)

I wouldn’t buy anything less than a Waeco.

I’ve had 2 Waeco kettles in the past 4 years & cant fault them. Ok they do take a while to boil but I just keep mine topped up & boiling on & off through the day. Always bought mine from Roadking.

I’ve had 2 Waeco kettles in the past 4 years & cant fault them. Ok they do take a while to boil but I just keep mine topped up & boiling on & off through the day. Always bought mine from Roadking.

Thanks lads

just had a look at this roadking site the same cooler ive been looking at and priced for it £30 more expensive on roadking - kettles the same though

thanks for the help

Put a pan of water on the exhaust manifold 30 mins before parking up.
Hey presto . . piping hot,cup o t, pot noodle, strip wash.

Talking of which I picked up a solar shower from Lidl last week at £3.99, ideal for me as I go out running when I’m parked up. Just handy if you cant get a wash anywhere.

Waeco kettles are deffo worth the money. Screw the mount in the cab somewhere, fill it up and plug it in. 10 mins before arriving lean over and flick the switch and it’ll have two mugs ready when you pull up. It’ll switch itself off when done and you’ll know cos the light goes out.

OK that seems logical but the big red kettle which looks like a good buy will slide about all over the place if you are moving, has no switch so you just plug it in, no light so if you leave the truck and it boils you’ll not know if it’s boiled a minute ago or is waiting to cool down enough before it can switch itself on again.

I had a Waeco which lasted a couple of years but thought it was pricey to replace so bought a big red kettle. After about 2 months I kept the red one a spare and bought another Waeco one as it was worth the hassle.

Looks like waeco is the way to go then cheers guys

One thing to note is you really need to ‘hard wire’ it as the current drain is 16 amps where on most units the fuse rating is 15.

What t’ kettle or t’ cooler (do you reckon I could get away with plug and play for a few times a week)

Try the camping shops for the cool box. As for a kettle, I’d take one of those portable camping stoves;

tauntonleisure.com/outwell-p … tAodnRAA4w

And a whistling kettle;

argos.co.uk/m/static/Product … %7Cadp:1o2

Obviously shop around for the best deal but they are small/compact, easy to use and boils the kettle fast. I’ve used them outdoors many times bad weather and never failed to get a good brew out of them, so for inside a cab I imagine they would be perfect. Just remember to take a spare gas can.

Coolbox, i`ve got one from Aldi, cost 35quid, will keep things nice and cold or on the coldest setting will actually start to freeze water/squash etc. Runs of the 12v socket and after 4 years is still going strong.
Kettle, got an all ride one for 14 quid 3 years ago and still working.

Watch now, soon as I get out on my own again, hopefully end of the month, they will both bleedin pack up. :slight_smile:

Coolbox, i`ve got one from Aldi, cost 35quid, will keep things nice and cold or on the coldest setting will actually start to freeze water/squash etc. Runs of the 12v socket and after 4 years is still going strong.
Kettle, got an all ride one for 14 quid 3 years ago and still working.

Watch now, soon as I get out on my own again, hopefully end of the month, they will both bleedin pack up. :slight_smile:

That’s Sod’s law that mate you’ve mucked tht now

I’ve had a Waeco CF35 fridge for 2 years now and its a great bit of kit but they are expensive

Its been in the truck for all of this time and I have never unplugged it - Oh except for when I take a 2 week holiday and then it goes home

I have it set on 2 degrees and not once has it ever flattened the batteries - even after the truck has been parked up for a week. If the batteries do get low it has a sensor that switches itself off

I would recommend these compressor fridges despite the cost

One thing to note is you really need to ‘hard wire’ it as the current drain is 16 amps where on most units the fuse rating is 15.

I did mention this on another thread a while back, but what I did was buy a Durite 20a socket to replace the original cigarette socket (£5 on ebay), then changed the 10a fuse for a 20a.
I’ve been using the kettle daily for over a year now with no problem.

Would recommend the Waeco kettle, got mine from Conrad Electrical online for around £25, but buy the 24v rather than the 12v though as it is a lot quicker to boil (under 10 mins).

I’ve also got a Waeco Tropicool TC14 cooler which I’ve had no problems with either.
The cheaper ones from Halfords etc will cool just as well as the Waeco, but the Waeco tend to have a lower current draw and things like overload protection & low battery shut-off which the cheaper ones may not.

I agree with others, the waeco coolbox is amazing, and worth the extra money if you can afford it, if not, a 12v 1 from an outdoor shop / aldi will do the job until you can.

For a kettle though, get a gas stove and whistling kettle as mentioned, don’t let the boss see it, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, MUCH quicker to boil than a 24v kettle, gas canisters are cheap too, and they work when the numpty goods in clerk has took your keys :wink:

Also handy for cooking some beans and sausage if you get stuck in the middle of nowhere due to said goods in clerk :smiling_imp: