i am curious to know what gives VOSA the right to pull you over,i have not been pulled over myself,but as far as i am aware they are a civil service,bit like the council jobsworths people encounter every day,the police are much the same but they are given authority by the government,are VOSA the same,if VOSA pulled in front of you with follow me on their vehicle are you obliged to or do you say bxxxxxxs and go round them,in which case the police would probably get involved then, and i would pull over for them,the reason for this query is as far as i know they [VOSA]are no longer funded by the government,so they are not government controlled so what gives them the right to pull you over if they are just civilian jobsworths,as i said, i am just curious if anyone knows the answer

the law was changed a few years ago to allow vosa to stop a vehicle without the need for the police

And if you don’t stop I think the tc will write to you !

They can’t stop you if you are overtaking a truck in lane two or when too close to the truck in front of you.
If the gap is too small they can’t fit the Galaxy in.If stay behind a convoy they pull you all in.

the law was changed a few years ago to allow vosa to stop a vehicle without the need for the police

as i said the reason for asking is i done eastbourne and that area today and came back on the M25,it seems VOSA have a regular spot on the M25 just before J9,they are allways there because they have their inspection area on J9 as you know if you or any others have passed that spot

There is a weighbridge under the tarmac that weighs the trucks while in motion in that area.


the law was changed a few years ago to allow vosa to stop a vehicle without the need for the police

as i said the reason for asking is i done eastbourne and that area today and came back on the M25,it seems VOSA have a regular spot on the M25 just before J9,they are allways there because they have their inspection area on J9 as you know if you or any others have passed that spot

They mostly target overweight trucks, there is a WIMS system as you go past Clacket Lane services. They mostly stop foreign trucks which being 4x2 are prone to drive axle overloads.

They can’t stop you if you are overtaking a truck in lane two or when too close to the truck in front of you.
If the gap is too small they can’t fit the Galaxy in.If stay behind a convoy they pull you all in.

Total ■■■■■■■■.


They can’t stop you if you are overtaking a truck in lane two or when too close to the truck in front of you.
If the gap is too small they can’t fit the Galaxy in.If stay behind a convoy they pull you all in.

Total ■■■■■■■■.

Indeed. M6 VOSA near junction 13, Johnny Foreigner tucked himself right behind the truck in front cos of the Galaxy in his mirrors, but Mr VOSA squeezed his motor into the gap in a quite frankly idiotic manoeuvre.

Dedication to the cause I must say.



They can’t stop you if you are overtaking a truck in lane two or when too close to the truck in front of you.
If the gap is too small they can’t fit the Galaxy in.If stay behind a convoy they pull you all in.

Total ■■■■■■■■.

Indeed. M6 VOSA near junction 13, Johnny Foreigner tucked himself right behind the truck in front cos of the Galaxy in his mirrors, but Mr VOSA squeezed his motor into the gap in a quite frankly idiotic manoeuvre.

Dedication to the cause I must say.

I’ve seen this particularly stupid manoeuvre carried out myself and often wondered what would happen if they got hit / caused an accident . Suppose it would be the trucks fault for tailgating :unamused: :unamused:

That said, if the gap between you and the truck in front is barely big enough to squeeze a VOSA Galaxy into, it’s arguably too small in the first place.

Agreed but it’s still a dodgy manoeuvre all the same

There is a weighbridge under the tarmac that weighs the trucks while in motion in that area.

There are also weighbridge’s spanning all 4 lanes under Jnc 11 on the M20,so the vehicles pulled in to their place in Ashford is not at random.
According to Mr VOSA bod they can read axle weights up to 70mph.

was to;d they have the same on the M6 on the approach to there place betwix 14 & 13

Weighing axle weights from under the tarmac, when vehicles are traveling at speed, sounds much like a MMTM story.
Is there any real hard evidence these exist?

D’ya not?:
Weighing axle weights from under the tarmac, when vehicles are traveling at speed, sounds much like a MMTM story.
Is there any real hard evidence these exist?


Harry Monk:
They mostly target overweight trucks, there is a WIMS system as you go past Clacket Lane services. They mostly stop foreign trucks which being 4x2 are prone to drive axle overloads.

What is WIMS?

I would guess Weight In Motion System
edit just read the link above, and I was right :sunglasses:


D’ya not?:
Weighing axle weights from under the tarmac, when vehicles are traveling at speed, sounds much like a MMTM story.
Is there any real hard evidence these exist?



There must be a scale in the road just after J16, M1, that’s why Vostapo wait on the slip road at Watford Gap !

I came out of Heinz/'Wan’kantons, Wigan, last week, rolled over the weigh bridge (with my lift axle up) & my drive axle was 9590kg (2 tons overweight, from memory I’m sure the axles are plated at 7500kg each)
My gross weight was only 31990kg.

So, in theory, I can be driving along, singing away to Lynyrd Skynyrd or C.W. Mcalls ‘Convoy’ & if I’d forgotten to drop the lift axle on the road, I could drive over a ‘covert’ sensor & get nicked for being around 25-30% overweight on the drive axle. Sneaky ! :unamused:

Always thought Jonny Foreigner was overweight anyway, especially if they load them up the same as us with 6 axles, they might get an extra ton or two payload but they’ve got to be careful where they put it !

I came out of Heinz/'Wan’kantons, Wigan, last week, rolled over the weigh bridge (with my lift axle up) & my drive axle was 9590kg (2 tons overweight, from memory I’m sure the axles are plated at 7500kg each)
My gross weight was only 31990kg.

What were you driving? I tend to find most drive axles are plated at well in excess if 10 tons. My Stralis drive axle is plated at 12,500kg.

Also, how could an 18ton rigid have 2 axles plated at 7500kg?