Vaccinations and us Drivers

I’ll be one f the first because I don’t have a spleen,but I have doubts these vaccines are going to work,I dont know why.
As for the conspiracies,I think once all the whole world is up to its eyeballs in debt because of covid,someone will come along with a “solution”.
Then ,maybe we will have a new world order,one world government…

I used to pay money to get messed up by injecting myself.

So the chance of getting messed up via injection for free for once is all good :slight_smile:

Daughter ( nurse ) has had first covid jab but has now received email from trust saying don’t go for 2 nd covid jab , I was told I was at risk so must have a flu jab ( never had one before ) but haven’t heard anything about covid jab , nor mrs who is nhs ( she does to a test & have temp took on arriving / leaving hospital though )
I just continue wearing mask at all times & tell anyone who gets near to get away , that’s my policy , I don’t want it , I’ve not had jab so haven’t got that as protection , so mask / keep away from me is my protection, some don’t like it but you’ve just got to look after yourselfs while this is going on
Makes you wonder though , 1/2 brother has worked from home from the beginning of covid & continues too , and not a thing wrong with him

The way I see it, the government wait until the horse has bolted before thinking about stuff like this. As someone else said, when the supermarket shelves are empty, they will start to think about the people that put the stuff there. To be fair there is a lot that goes in to putting the stuff there besides the distribution side of things. I suppose fairly unlikely we all go down at once along with the farmers, pickers, factory workers, warehouse staff.

One aspect I suppose is that because we are mobile, we could be the ones that distribute new strains up and down the country. However, those that earn the big bucks have decided we take our turn according to what they have decided, so it is what it is.

I would imagine that if everyone was self-isolating strictly to the rule of law, then there would be a lot more people off than there actually is. We are not particularly great at doing what we are told in this country. I am playing lip service to the rules and wearing a mask and washing my hands. I imagine that if I ever had Covid-19 on my hands, then there is a good chance it would make it onto my mask with me touching it several times a day. It is not intentional, but when you are out doing a job, you have to get on with it and not be constantly paranoid about it all day.

Of course drivers of essential goods should be categorised as key workers and offered priority vaccinations.

Not me, I deliver boats, the vast majority of which are for leisure (crab and other fishing boats are more local jobs) so I’m not essential and at the moment I’m not delivering anything anywhere so not spreading it around the country either.

From a personal point of view, i’m not having a vaccine that was made in 1/10th the time it usually takes, and where the makers and those administering this fast tracked fast tested experimental drug are not to be held responsible should it prove in due course to be something Mengele might have been proud of.

What does concern me is if companies are forced to have vaccinated workforces, presumably the company will be making themselves responsible if they force you, with menaces, ie your job on the line, to have the vaccine.
A re-run of BS5750? only certified vaccinated able to trade with others the same, non compliant companies to join the millions that will be on the dole, sorry, basic income, queue.
Big business and mates of ministers and apparatchiks, will thrive

Good luck to those who want it as well as those of us who don’t, i hope sincerely it won’t be compulsory under threat of internment/re-education camps, but as that has already been officialy rejected as govt policy then its a dead cert, together with the mark-of-the-beast indentity papers, maybe not needed once you get the modern equivalent of the concentration camp tattoo, a machine readable tag or implant?.

Fear not, Juddian. Just sit back with your popcorn and watch the fireworks from a safe distance as one by one those who have been vaxxed either become too incapacitated to do any physical work or worse, pop off altogether. Those of us who could see what the end game was right from the start will suddenly become in high demand to get ■■■■ moved from A to B as there’s no-one left to do it. No vax? Not a problem driver, there’s an exemption in effect as we just need that ■■■■ moving yesterday!

The vax is an IQ test for the stupid.

Anyone seen Tiffany Dover?

Mick Bracewell:
Anyone seen Tiffany Dover?

A quick google and all is revealed … e&ie=UTF-8


Mick Bracewell:
Anyone seen Tiffany Dover?

A quick google and all is revealed … e&ie=UTF-8

Ahaha! Yes, the “fact checkers” uhuh, funded by the likes of Soros and other global elites, so must be legit ! Show me actual footage of her alive since her post-vax interview on live TV in mid December. And no, that doesn’t mean the CHI Memorial “proof” which is quite obviously an actor as they are at least 3 dress sizes bigger, different colour eyes and different hairline. Strange how someone so eager to be the public face of Pfizer’s amazing mRna vaccine is now apparently camera shy and hasn’t been seen since. Her previously very active Instagram and Facebook social media accounts all now inactive/deleted and CHI Memorial’s social media channels also locked down. Given the absolute PR disaster of the Pfizer vax causing her to pass out and collapse, do you not think if she were alive Pfizer would have paid her any amount she wanted to go back on TV to show the world that she’s fine and doing great? :bulb: I’ll tell you why it hasn’t happened: she is dead. Prove me wrong with actual footage of her or GTFO.

I have a new business starting up. Im going to start selling tin hats. This time tommorow i’ll be a millionaire.

Now from my pov, my desire to get one is based purely on selfish gain rather than fear,…to explain, .as I’ve said before on here, that in the near future you’ll be allowed to do the far end of [zb] all socially, unless you carry a card to say you’ve had it…mark my words :bulb: ,

At first I thought so, too but no one knows yet how long the (supposed) immunity lasts. 3-6 months? A year? What about after that…do you have to get a fresh one? I mean they only had like 4 months to test the thing to at least make sure it won’t kill people outright. Truck drivers - we’re in the “expendable key workers soon to be not needed anyway” category.


Now from my pov, my desire to get one is based purely on selfish gain rather than fear,…to explain, .as I’ve said before on here, that in the near future you’ll be allowed to do the far end of [zb] all socially, unless you carry a card to say you’ve had it…mark my words :bulb: ,

At first I thought so, too but no one knows yet how long the (supposed) immunity lasts. 3-6 months? A year? What about after that…do you have to get a fresh one? I mean they only had like 4 months to test the thing to at least make sure it won’t kill people outright. Truck drivers - we’re in the “expendable key workers soon to be not needed anyway” category.

There is no guarantee about how long these vaccines will work, but looking at how long other vaccines work, why would COVID vaccines work for a much shorter time.
And in the unlikely event it takes one every year? Why not?
Once set up it would easy and cheap to do. Enough visit a dentist twice a year for a half hour session, a visit to clinic for a one minute job would be easier.

Like last time,you will get the unscrupulous Boss who made a mockery of being “front line workers” who think delivering tractors - concrete blocks -steel -pop etc is front line working just to keep motors on the road,###k the Drivers

According to Bloomberg 13 million doses of vaccine have already been given worldwide.
The UK is approaching 1 million doses given.
Not many reports from Karen on Facebook about hundreds of bodies on the streets? Nothing yet about minaturised submarines exploding out of people’s chests?

I will have a STAB at a post here :laughing:

If the vaccine does work the same as having covid then the same body memory response should apply
So far from the official stats only 1 in 6/7 million have got covid twice

I have been in the process of booking a road trip for 2 weeks in September the the USA. Then I today went on that online calculator and it said Im ticket number 38,844,493 and due to be vacinated by 2nd July 2022!!!
I immediatley tore up the travel brochure and started planning for a week in Skeggie lol

A fit, healthy, youngster then!

How chuffing unlucky is that? :smiley:

As the majority of drivers are old fossils (group 4/5 in the jab pecking order) it won’t be long before you receive the call to go get the jab.
I await the “Im a tramper, so how am I going to get home to get my jab” thread

I know two people who have had the first jab. He’s in his 90s, she’s in her 80s. They both said ‘no problem, no side-effects’ and can’t wait fo the next one. The next one has been put back so more people can benefit from at least the limited immunity given by the first jab.
We are gong to vaccinate millions of people, just in the UK. There will be thousands of adverse reactions, but there are considerably fewer (as a percentage) adverse reactions to vaccinations than there are to antibiotics, for example.
Pretty much all medical treatments have some side-effects. I had a heart pacemaker installed. It was a bit sore afterwards, and I was left with a scar. Big deal. I’d have died without it.


Mick Bracewell:
Anyone seen Tiffany Dover?

A quick google and all is revealed … e&ie=UTF-8

Sounds like a reshash of this silly story …the Oxford researcher who was said to have ‘died’ … id-19-vax/



Mick Bracewell:
Anyone seen Tiffany Dover?

A quick google and all is revealed … e&ie=UTF-8

Sounds like a reshash of this silly story …the Oxford researcher who was said to have ‘died’ … id-19-vax/

I saw this one from Reuters factcheck … SKBN29629G
A nurse was being filmed by a local news company as she received a jab, and she fainted. Apparently she does have a condition such that she faints when in pain.

Dear God…a nurse faints after a jab and because she hasn’t posted to FB recently MUST be dead.

They move amongst us…

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