URGENT: Falling asleep at the wheel?

My father died from severe sleep apnea.

So this subject is a tender one for me.

I agree that there is a danger to the public from sufferers who do not realise they have this problem.

Anyone who is clinicaly/morbidly obese is at risk of having it and the risk is increased if you snore or have a “bull” neck.

I would recommend anybody who falls into the above categories to have a sleep test done by the local health authority.

It can be treated but I’m afraid there is a postcode lottery on this (subject for documentary maybe) as my father died whilst on a 9 month waiting list just for a C-pap machine (very basic descrition - face mask that forces air into the lungs )then he would go onto a waiting list for an operation.
An ex work colleague got his C-pap machine within a week and his operation within a month,He lives in the same county but a different health auhority approx 10 miles away.

Oh my fathers proffession?

He was a bricklayer

Maybe the BBC will do a documentary on all the unsafe buildings that could collapse at anytime because they were built by brickies with sleep apnea?


fred Kanka:

Looking at the results of the poll at least there are some honest people on here



What i mean fred is some people arnt afraid to admit they get sleepy whilst driving, whereas others will just refuse to say anything


yea,for that i did that face there,as i would start frightening.
i would talk about that with my doc and not post it as number in a Forum

just to add my bit if you have sleep apnea you have to inform dvlc and they will take your licence of you there and then.(if this has been posted earlier,sorry for that) but im going out and aint got time to read it all the posts)

a simple test can be done on the internet just google sleep apnea

Becomes during Pupillomat-tests since beginning September fallen asleep the so named Pupillomat, a device that measures the exhaustion, on which Innkreisautobahn tested. One-quarter of the tested truck-drivers was load unfit. A part fell asleep during the test.
50 percent load unfit each fourth of the reviewed truck-handlebars simple way was overtired. Some of them fell asleep even during the test. Further 28 percent of that test persons good 100 were at least in the limit area
No sleep during rest periods as well as the experts of the study say, were the overtired handlebars usually simple too long underway. That does not be true however of everyone, some indicated that they were not able to sleep during its rest periods or only badly

Diameters of the pupil survey measures the Pupillomat the diameter of the pupil. The more slowly the eye adapts itself, the person is all the more more tired. A natural cause has the tiredness between 13.00 and 15.00 clock and between 1.00 and 3.00 clock. To these times, the person has a depth biological. There neither loud radio music yet fresh air helps.
Legal anchorage the Pupillomat-study of the Austrian transportation ministry, the committee for wrong security and the country waiter Austria will be concluded Christmas 2006. Should the Pupillomat-inspections how already the examinations with the Alkomat legally will anchor

This poll is flawed, the questions should all be posted twice but the second version saying and do something about it…But then they wouldn’t get the scandal shock horror results they are after
I feel sleepy at the wheel, but I take action…So, no problem.
Sleep Apnia has nothing to do with my feeling sleepy though, it’s caused through having to live like a tramp in appalling conditions in noisy environments and having to work long unsociable hours
someone who thinks they never feel sleepy at the wheel is either not driving more than a few minutes a day, or not being very honest with themselves,but I doubt very much that anyone can honestly say they have never felt sleepy at the wheel,
It would be easier to find sleepy drivers if they interviewed all those people coming out of restaurants after a large Business lunch, but they would risk catching out their own people and those who bank roll them
It’s a shame that someone at the BBC can’t do a documentary about all those Innocent drivers locked up in France, Now there would be a documentary that might get the support of us all.

fred Kanka:
Joke to that Topic

little Bill say’s to the teacher that he will pass away in high Age silent during sleep like his Grand dad,and not like his Neightbour with a screeming in Panik on the Passengerseat

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Briliant!

just tell them that were all tirede…sick and tired…of paying the poxy licence fee

just tell them that were all tirede…sick and tired…of paying the poxy licence fee

trouble is they are an independent company so it won’t bother them licence fee or not

Sleep Apnia has nothing to do with my feeling sleepy though, it’s caused through having to live like a tramp in appalling conditions in noisy environments and having to work long unsociable hours
someone who thinks they never feel sleepy at the wheel is either not driving more than a few minutes a day, or not being very honest with themselves,but I doubt very much that anyone can honestly say they have never felt sleepy at the wheel,
It would be easier to find sleepy drivers if they interviewed all those people coming out of restaurants after a large Business lunch, but they would risk catching out their own people and those who bank roll them

Well said that man!


eh whassup?

Did the BBC not do a programme about Britain’s WORST JOBS a while ago? Amongst the rat catchers, sewage workers etc I am sure that they did an interview/ride along with a female truck driver working nights!?! Although it was not voted “WORST JOB” it says something for the Corporation to even include Truck Driving in series!

Biased or what?

alternate version to freds joke, little boy tells his teacher he wants to die peacefully in his sleep like his grandad not screaming like his passengers on his bus :laughing:

Apart from anything else, sleep apnoea and other sleeping disorders are part of the medical - which is a requirement for LGV drivers but not for other road users…draw your own conclusions


I’m not a driver any more, but I do suffer from sleep apnea. It is probably the most frightening thing that ever happened to me behind the wheel and the real scary thing was I didn’t have a clue what was wrong with me.

I’m now receiving treatment and the symptoms have completely gone - and more importantly I never lost my licence because of it, but rather than encourage a public dialogue about something that I know is a delicate issue for anybody who drives professionally, if anybody wants to PM me, I’ll try and help anybody out.

I certainly wouldn’t talk to the BBC about it.

I cant beleave that this TV production company has the nerve to come here asking for volenteers, who they will then slate on national telly. Go find some Big Brother reject who failed to get their 15minutes of fame, stick a fake licence in one hand and script in the other, and let them parrot out the rubbish that you’ve already decided is your program.
As most of the profesional drivers on here have already stated, we carry our beds with us, tired-layby -snooze -refreshed -back on the road, simple, and unlike the office bound luvvies preparing a hatchet job, we tell our managers what they can do with schedules, because you cannot be diciplined over a health and safety issue. you try telling your managers you failed to find a mug, someone wont be happy.

Grace Productions:
Please call Bethan on 01935 410566 or Lynn on 07736 412349 for a chat and we promise you complete anonymity.

:smiley: Can see you getting many calls…
…not. :laughing:

there isn’t said till now what BBC will bring :question:
Will they bring Life an driver falling aslip :question:
:laughing: They must just show him theres Program

Why wont you do the poll? if your answers are honest and you dont fall asleep what is the problem? there would be no programme for them to make,or are you all falling asleep(sleep apnea does not mean asleep for minutes or hours more about the 2/3 seconds that it happens)this as you all now is the safe distance between vehicles,shut your eyes for 2/3 seconds and bang,ya done

You can just see it cant you , a camera in a car on a motorway, a close of a speedo showing 56 MPH (or rigged to show faster) if they are really lucky torrential rain, and a voice saying in dramatic tones like they use on watchdog,
" The driver of this 44 ton lorry could well be on the point of dropping asleep, we did a survey amongst proffessional drivers and more than half admitted nearly falling asleep up to 5/6 times a day."

If 6 people answer the survey and 4 say they felt tired once, one says he never feels tired, and one says over 3 times a day, that means that OVER HALF say they FELT TIRED UP TO 5/6 TIMES, but not that they felt sleepy, it’s all semantics and staststics and how they present them.

Remember the BBC is now an organization that is ruled by PC, a good example are the newsreaders not being allowed to call the perpatrators of the recent bombings “Terrorists” in case it upset them.

If you take part in this be carefull what you say, bare in mind they want attention catching programmes a few drivers saying they get tired now and again is hardly riveting TV.

Oddsod, the poll has been done, the answer is that no-one trusts the BBC or any other TV programme :laughing:

TV is just utter sensationalism and reality TV. Im with James Whale and refuse to buy a licence. If Mrs Whale wants to waste her money that is fine.

How about reality TV and the new consumer programmes?

Does Rogue Traders really serve a need? If someone is stupid enough to buy a service from a rogue, why do they need help?

Can anyone tell me why Matt Allright needs to wear ferkin knee sliders as a pillion on a Blackbird?

I Drive Tired at the Wheel :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Not the Tired as in Sleepy, but tired of the [zb]s that dont give a ■■■■ about trucks, they jump into your braking distance then start braking because they have realised they are now too close to the truck or car in front, numpty’s who undertake when your trying to get back into the N/S lane, pratts in Wanlon Trucks carrying new jeeps and decide their truck has shrunk to less than 6ft 6" in the road works south of Wetherby forcing other trucks into the concrete drains on the side of the hard shoulder :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Tired of the Mathews Trucks on the A17 determined to pass at any cost regardless who’s coming the opposite way forcing evasive action :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

(Maybe I should Borrow RobK’s Remote control Camera to put on my dash) :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Yeah I’m tired, but its just as well I stay alert to ensure I get home in one piece, and all the above was just this morning coming back from Spalding