TRUCKIN IN THE 80's (International)


In 1983 I started for P.G Horridge road traction out of Poole.We did work for R&G Maritime,Aquilla,MAT & Interoute.Other firms I remember from Poole,Bernie Kellaway,Colin Duffett Cecil Compton,ECT.
Dave Ketteringham from Phil’s drives a tanker from round St Genis nowadays.
The big ELF Truckstop at Barbezieu on the N10 is Claudes.I believe St Genis is run by a Dutchman but still belongs to Claude.

Hi Dave. Ive been wanting to post this photo for a long time…
cant find a shot of KRH, but hope this one will suffice :wink:

BMB 447W

Cor yeah, C.Compton, used to catch the Portsmouth-Le Harve boat with that lot, usually along with a load of Bulldog Int and C.A. Stevens too. I wrote to Comptons about 4 years ago and asked if they had any photos of their trucks i could buy from them, didn’t even get a reply (Yes i know you have one of a very well known Scanis Ash before it went into Astran colours!).
Don’t forget H.J.Cutler who were taken over by Fergusons from Poole, Channel Express were a customer of theirs, lots of flatbed work by them too.


nice to read all the chat lads. bringin back a few good memories for me.

Patricks was one of my favourites too! Keep the pictures coming please!
time to put a few more pics on then:
heres one for you Ian, Promotor F12 with a South African driver, if I remember correctly, his name was George.

Heres the Hercock roadtrain “Roman” in his F12

and how many of you knew Hercocks did a bit of heavy haulage?

this is how Hercocks ended up for those who didnt recognise the Derby and White name

Leggetts was another regular i used to see. Was amusing to see the Volvo F12’s and f89’s “waiting” for the SLACK ATKI’s to catch up!
dont know where this was taken, reckon it was somewhere in Swiss.
Anyone have a clue?

Leggetts were parked in Muttenz Basel
and now a few more to jog yer memories…
who remembers FERRY FRIGHTNING ?

Swains with a French reg 111 and Martintrux, night shot at Dover

Early David Croome F12 especially for JJ72. Croomy had a Mack, ill have to sort that 1 out and post it if anyones interested?

and finally one of my favorite outfits, PATRICKS. They always had top o the range kit. This F88 wagon and drag is a cracker!
now owned by Rogers who have also recently taken KENTVALE over as well.

so, am i putting too many photos on here? Do you guys want to see more?
Or should I be thinking about a book…[/b]


Edit- put the pic on so it can be viewed as you scroll through.

Thanks for posting that Mr Anorak, it’s how I remember seeing it in the late 80’s. :smiley:
I would say that’s exactly where I used to see it parked up whenever the driver was at home as that appears to be The Heywood Industrial Estate which was next to the old I.C.I. Distribution Center in Heywood, I believe it belongs to Fowler Welch now.
Did anybody have any ideas about newmercmans question as I did wonder if the added panel might of belonged to a Commer van.
What ever you do lads, never do a Google search for Viva Van images when you wife is stood behind you asking you “what would you like for your dinner”. :blush:


and to start : especially for JJ72
got any photos of these motors mate?
think ill start another thread “heavy haulage international” :slight_smile:

and just for you CARL check out the F7 behind.
Imagine running right across Europe in that baby. 240 hp 8 speed box: :confused:

apparantly: there was a convoy of these trucks driven down to work internals in Saudi. Anyone have anymore info?

Unknown owner driver. Anyone know who this is?

Always nice to see Irish 88’s…

I took this shot in Dover. Proper Middle East spec. Parked so close to next truck, i couldnt get a full veiw of it.
Check out the bullit hole :open_mouth:
No name, just red and gold. Anyone know whos it was?

glad to see ya back ash top pics as usual :wink:

Cor yeah, C.Compton, used to catch the Portsmouth-Le Harve boat with that lot, usually along with a load of Bulldog Int

Bulldog Int.,yeah I remember them,came from down Andover way didn’t they?
I met the owner a few times,can’t remember his name,and he had an Irish lad driving for him too.
They also used to take OOCL containers down to Italy.

He sold the company logo to Hoveringham,a silouette of a Mammoth,for a tidy sum.

Maybe Ash has some pics of their Mercs.

glad your back ash any luck with the robinsons pics? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ive got an ldd with a bulldog 1644 going to italy abloke called peter phippen was driving the motor when iget sorted i will post the article also got one of them going to morroco in a 420 renault the old turboliner sort :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

erm yes ash :blush: was supposed to be finding the old planthaul photo album for you wasn’t I, will do it eventually mate…

p.s think it’s nick bull that fella’s name


That reg number rings a bell with me as aChapman and Ball number,wait out.

Bulldog Int.,yeah I remember them,came from down Andover way didn’t they?
I met the owner a few times,can’t remember his name,and he had an Irish lad driving for him too.
They also used to take OOCL containers down to Italy.

You mean John Ward? Now the chairman of PMP Logistics, who also haul OOCL containers, but not as far!

i found this site while mouching for truck pics enjoy

wow thats amazing, some of my dad’s old trucks are on there, very nostalglic to see all the Shanahans lorries on there as well

240 Gardner:

Bulldog Int.,yeah I remember them,came from down Andover way didn’t they?
I met the owner a few times,can’t remember his name,and he had an Irish lad driving for him too.
They also used to take OOCL containers down to Italy.

You mean John Ward? Now the chairman of PMP Logistics, who also haul OOCL containers, but not as far!

John Ward,that’s him.
But they did used to run OOCL boxes to Italy.

good to have you back ash, any pictures of sedatk 400?, sticking my helmet on and crouching behind the couch as i here the uproar…lol well i do belive it was truck of the year 77?..was only 7 myself then…pete

any pictures of sedatk 400?

Pete, I drove one in 1983 with a ‘roller’ 340 and it pulled like a train, it was one of the most comfortable sleepers at the time, flippin freezin up Sunbila in January with all that glass though. (no night heater :confused: )


Here’s a couple more of Planthaul / EPH. You must have been there the same day as me Ash judging be the F7 in the background of your photo, at least you were there when it was still light.

mike t:
Here’s a couple more of Planthaul / EPH. You must have been there the same day as me Ash judging be the F7 in the background of your photo, at least you were there when it was still light.

was this company from northamptonshire

They were from Bedford, but Truckerash will be able to tell you more about them than me