Hey guys, I start a new plant hire delivery job in a few weeks after doing trunking for 4 years and its going to involve taking a class 1 low loader all round central London and here and there…
But what sat nav would you guys recommend?
From what I’ve seen online there seems to be 3 I’d go for and my hearts pointing me towards the Tomtom as its easy to read the screen and roads and easy to use out the box… So here’s my list of the 3 I’ve been looking at
The snooper should have traffic too? I use a snooper which I get along fine with, have to pay for the speed camera updates once a year and they’re not as accurate as they claim but other than that it’s fine and works in London
I have never used a Garmin but if the truck ones come with the same directions as the car ones, it would be worth a look. They have started giving directions like, “Turn left at the Petrol station” rather than “Turn right in three hundred yards”. That seems to be a good result!
Snooper. I have a buggered Snooper on my desk. It died once about a month before it came out of warranty. They fitted a new motherboard to it and sent it back. It then died again about six weeks later, now out of warranty and the screen just wont work. The software is questionable, the build quality is shocking and the service is worse than ■■■■■■
There is also a rule in their software which allows the system to ignore height, width and weight restrictions in the first and last mile of your journey. Smart that its!
TomTom. I used a Pro 7*** for a couple of days a while ago on agency work and it was fantastic. Clear, concise, idiot proof. It was a lesson in ignoring the TM because my old boss told me to steer clear of TomTom, but he couldn’t have been wronger.
Yeah, I’d try the Tom Tom next to be honest. I have a snooper at the moment & the touch screen is woeful, I feel like stabbing my finger through it sometimes. The traffic jam information is useless, I use the traffic master app for iPhone instead. The graphics are way behind the Tom Tom (ok, not that important). I never use the tv function on it. Nice & big though & it is pretty good at routing. It’s more expensive than the Tom Tom.
I didn’t get a free case no. I did see a site that offered it but wasn’t sure what site to trust or not. So many out there and even found 3 sites that all had the same contact number and it put me off. So I went with the one that have me the most support and useful information. I’ll have to get my own case now
Tomtom 5150 anytime. Live traffic is brill - set your speed to something like 50mph, and you can tell almost to the minute what time you will arrive if the customer calls, including the holdups. I run at 13’ 3" and have set my tomtom at that height. Love the way tomtom tries to help when I go down into Edenbridge, as I know that I can get under the 13’ 3" bridge, but he thinks I cant. As I get into the village it is frantically showing I should turn right and do a 7 mile detour. Like the dead end destination warning as well - now always check on googlemaps to make sure I avoid any embarrassment.
Ordered one of these 5150’s on Thursday, expecting it to arrive Friday (the ‘next day delivery’)…has it arrived yet? Nope…guessing it’ll be the middle of next week now…must’ve got lost!
stay away from the tomtom its ■■■■ as far as the garmin is concerned not sure but ive just bought a snooper had it 2 days and its ■■■■■■ brilliant went to the same drop i do all the time first time i went tomtom tried to ■■■■■■■■ it up but the snooper took me the correct way and way ive been going for ages (just thought id try it on a run i do all the time to see if it had any changes)
Looking to change my old snooper and currently thinking the tomtom 5150 is probably the way to go given the majority viewpoint. Any good reason not to buy the tomtom?