Trailer robbers

If your load is being robbed in the night,do you stay in the cab and let them take goods away or get out and confront them?
Bearing in mind there will more than just one curtain slasher and they may be armed.

If your load is being robbed in the night,do you stay in the cab and let them take goods away or get out and confront them?
Bearing in mind there will more than just one curtain slasher and they may be armed.

I couldn’t care less if there was one bloke on his own using a safety knife, it’s not my load and I’ve 2 kids I’d like to get home to see so I’ll be staying locked in my cab enjoying my 9/11 off.

they can have all the fresh air they want out mine … run back mt and if loaded I’ve always had 45 in depot which is what will happen tonight.

Always been told by the boss to not challenge them, stay safe, insurance will sort out any damage or theft, life is a bit more difficult to replace.

If I knew there was only one, and he had his back to me, then I might try and lamp him one, otherwise I’ll stay well clear.

Leave them to it. I’m off duty! Too many nutters about now and the Police response will be slow - I mean they’re on push bikes now!

Difficult one innit? I personally couldn’t give a rats ■■■ about the cargo, but it’s a bit of a cave man thing really, it could be considered a slur on your masculinity to allow some ne’r do well unfettered access to what is “yours”. Bit of a quandary really.

If you do tackle one you then have the problem that if you give him a bit of a kicking you either have to move your vehicle away or spend the night awake in case he returns with a Molotov cocktail, or you have to do a permanent number on him and is a low life and a pallet of tampons worth doing 10 to 15 for?

Deffo leave them to it. That is if course if you even wake up anyway. I had 3 pallets of chocolate taken by curtain slashers about 5 years or so back whilst overnighting in a layby in the 303 and the first I knew was when I did my walk around in the morning.

yep, let em crack on… IF I happen to wake up, it will be a discreet call to the cops, while leaving them too it! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Discreet call to the cops my ■■■! A good long, continuos blast of the horn and they would run away. Happened me with our country cousins trying to get diesel. I was still awake and heard them. They scarpered quickly on hearing the hotn

Drive off or back in to their vehicle .

the maoster:
I personally couldn’t give a rats ■■■ about the cargo


yep, let em crack on… IF I happen to wake up, it will be a discreet call to the cops, while leaving them too it! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Years ago one of our blokes rang the coppers to report some geezers stealing some diesel from another truck,one was caught the other two ran off but must of come back because they must of known it was him that rang and he had a brick slung through the windscreen.

yorkshire terrier:
Years ago one of our blokes rang the coppers to report some geezers stealing some diesel from another truck,one was caught the other two ran off but must of come back because they must of known it was him that rang and he had a brick slung through the windscreen.

Serves him right, nobody likes a grass…


yorkshire terrier:
Years ago one of our blokes rang the coppers to report some geezers stealing some diesel from another truck,one was caught the other two ran off but must of come back because they must of known it was him that rang and he had a brick slung through the windscreen.

Serves him right, nobody likes a grass…

Seem to remember that’s what a few of the other lads told him :smiley:

Used to go out with a girl who’s dad’s line of work was questionable (rumours him and his mates would target lorries) if true, who ever said crime doesn’t pay is a liar :laughing:

I would leave them to it, the load doesn’t belong to me.

I read in the local paper a few years back about a trucker who got woken in the middle of the night, he got out of his cab holding a small knife he used for peeling apples and ended up getting in a scuffle with two guys who were trying to steal the load.

The trucker stabbed and killed one of the guys. From what I remember he got off on self defence. The two guys were father and son! It was in Wellesbourne, Warwickshire for anybody that wants to know more

I am not going to sit back and do nothing! Would make a call and drive off if possible.

Little wonder the bandits are so brazen when so many are prepared to do nothing!

I am not going to sit back and do nothing! Would make a call and drive off if possible.

Little wonder the bandits are so brazen when so many are prepared to do nothing!

Drivers have a responsibility to park as sensibly as they can, but not to be putting themselves in harms way to protect a load. Some criminals will attack if they know you have seen them, it’s not worth the risk.

For me, a curtain is not sufficient security for a valuable load of goods. I find it strange after all this time nobodies come up with some sort of security solution. Gaining access to goods in a trailer at the moment is just too easy.

I am not going to sit back and do nothing! Would make a call and drive off if possible.

Little wonder the bandits are so brazen when so many are prepared to do nothing!

There are few if any live heroes.

How would your next of kin feel if your demise was caused by some scum bag looking for some way to make some easy cash.

‘He was well loved by all and wouldn’t harm anybody’ blah, blah, blah. Too late after the fact I’m afraid. That isn’t going to put grub on the table is it?

The owner of the load? Well they thank you for your heroism and all that but they’ll just carry on regardless with little or no thought about who you’ve left behind.

Whilst I admit its not the the ‘proper’ thing to do, it IS the most sensible!

Would you take the same approach if your neighbour was being robbed?