Just wandering, i bought a tomtom go520 Traffic for when i was multi dropping, and would like to use it for when i get back on the road (although i still will use maps, i want to also use the sat nav to guide me in). does anyone know how o download tomtom truck onto my device??
Sorry for barging in chaps, does it work on tom tom one 3rd edition?
I`ve got a One xl western europe (no idea which version). My mate took it for a week and put the truck software onto an sd card. He also put “IQ ROUTES” on it, and i have lane guidance too
So yes it is possible, i have it and use it every day in europe. (you just need a good nerdy mate to do the business for you! )
Ive just thought, does the one have a card slot? if not then id say no its impossible.
I have one and it does not have an sd card so there is not enough memory to save the maps.
i got a 0ne v2 with a card slot and have tried truck on it but it didnt work,kept crashing when planing a route and no opition to change vehicle details
have also tried it on a 910 which worked ok, apart from having major problems with the voice slowing down