Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?

Case has been adjourned for further submissions.

Based on the video I saw it looked like every copper in London must have been there.

TR’s sham trial today was adjourned by the Judge, not by TR’s defence team as the dishonest MSM are trying to make people believe. The corrupt Political Elite and the CPS want to see this trial drag on so that they can get TR behind the door for Xmas, quisling collaborating ■■■■■■■■ !

#iamtommy #freemelshaw FBM AMW NFSE !

Dave Penn;

I’m beginning to think that TR being jailed or not - will rally people to UKIP as an outlet for their disgust at our so-called “legal system” - even if he never actually gets to join UKIP. :exclamation:

Nothing gets done about the “M15 3000” - because it is poltiically incorrect to “bother” such suspects - until it is too late, and their deed is done.

Then the system conducts a flash-trial that would make a Sanhedrin high council jealous in the sheer speed of it!

The only thing this guy is “guilty” of - is working as a proper, albeit “amateur” Journalist.

Remember them?

Another example of an attempt to stifle free speech… … ells-fans/

Yes the fascist left in action, they have no clue what it would be like living under sharia law

I’m beginning to think that TR being jailed or not - will rally people to UKIP as an outlet for their disgust at our so-called “legal system” - even if he never actually gets to join UKIP. :exclamation:

Nothing gets done about the “M15 3000” - because it is poltiically incorrect to “bother” such suspects - until it is too late, and their deed is done.

Then the system conducts a flash-trial that would make a Sanhedrin high council jealous in the sheer speed of it!

The only thing this guy is “guilty” of - is working as a proper, albeit “amateur” Journalist.

Remember them?

Thing with ukip is it was and still is a controlled opposition party that was set up by our corrupt establishment,it had one goal Brexit,but Farage quit early,was this part of their plan?
TR has recently being asked by ukip (Gerard batten) to become a member, he has accepted the offer, but the establishment cucks who infiltrated the party are blocking this, maybe tr agreed to join ,not because he want’s to actually be a member, but as a test for us all to see, and so far at leat one senior ukip figure has resigned because of this,
Also Gerard batten is an hypocrite he before he was leader told Anne Marie Waters a very good friend of TR’s to distance herself from Tommy, after a photo was published of them together, it wasn’t that long ago that he & Farage was calling her & Tommy racists /nazis ,AMW set up her own party the For Britain party which is growing very fast, many see this party as our only real hope for a better future,Because voting for either cheek of the same arse liebour or Cuckservative wont ever result in the changes needed

Whatever the rights and wrongs of he said she said, the patriot parties had better bloody soon knock their own heads together, bury their petty hatchets, and form a united front so patriots of all persuasions have the chance of putting a cross in a patriots box come the next election that won’t be a wasted vote.
It doesn’t matter if they call it UKIP or For Britain, or scrap the bloody lot and start a new united party with a new name entirely bringing all patriots in to the fold.

Splitting the vote between UKIP, For Britain, Britain First, or any of the other smaller parties will not see a single MP elected, once again.
Remember, UKIP did very well in the european elections, but so did the BNP at one time.

It’s in the interests of the establishment parties to split the patriot vote, they are the enemy, not other nationalists.

And on that subject, yes he did good work, but Farage is not the man to lead or be involved in this, as he is openly hostile to those who were former members of the parties he proscribed from UKIP, he is disparaging of Tommy and whatever else Tommy may be (he’s a rough egg, he isn’t a bloody polished politician, he’s a genuine street wise working class bod who started EDL for a real reason) his heart is in the right place and he deserves recognition due and a party to channel his enthusiasm through, let alone the thousands of genuine loyal Brits who respect the chap and who would follow him.

Farage would be better sniping at the LibLabCon from the outside, a good and generally respected man to have on side who knows how to play the media.

The next “political upheaval” will probably be the Autumn Budget, now brought forward to October 29th I believe.

There is a chance that Labour will vote this down, regardless of what is in it - to try and force another election before Christmas.

Hammond, realizing this - is likely to put a load of stuff in it that would have this budget rejected by TORIES, which would then put the Prime Minister out on a limb:

She would be forced to Sack Hammond, and regardless of if she does or not - Hammond could then challenge her directly for her job, offering to do a “fresh” budget from scratch, but this time with a Remainer perspective, which would gain the support of All Libdems, 75% of Labour, and 50% of Tories in the house.

I believe Hammond might back a backstab attempt at becoming PM this autumn! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

That’s my read on it, anyways. You read it here first. :grimacing: :sunglasses:

Update on TR’s trial on Thurs 27/09/18 the CPS have added 2 extra charges now and have offered TR a plea deal, plead guilty and walk away or stand up for yourself and face upto 2yrs jail time! The extra charges are simply down to the repeating of things that were already in the public domain and criticism of a political ideology that masquerades as a RoP. We now find ourselves unable to make any kind of criticism of the RoP or it’s total incompatibility with Western society or it’s values, because our corrupt political elite have allowed islamic blasphemy laws to be introduced by stealth into OUR COUNTRY, this is sharia law being imposed on our majority society by a tiny minority of society, WAKE UP folks, we are being taken over !

#iamtommy #freemelshaw FBM AMW NFSE !

Dave Penn;

At last! This is the crux of what is going on, and what TR has been trying to tell the people of the UK.
When will people wake up, and realise that the current mass immigration into this country from non-EU citizens s actually politically motivated. Gadaffi predicted that Europe will be totally muslim by 2050, without having to actually fight for it.
A few facts. Wherever a mosque is built, that land is considered muslim land. 85% of muslim women claim benefits/housing. Muslims consider benefits paid to them as a tax on the non-believer. More than £500million spent by the NHS per year on birth defects due to in-breeding by pakistanis.
Current and past incumbents:
Mayor of London - Muslim
Mayor of Birmingham - Muslim
Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim
Mayor of Sheffield - Muslim
Mayor of Luton - Muslim
Mayor of Oxford - Muslim
Mayor of Oldham - Muslim
Mayor of Rochdale - Muslim
63% of Muslim men don’t work.
Muslim no-go areas in many towns and cities.

It does not matter about the vote trends between UKIP and Labour etc, what matters is that free speech is restored and TR is allowed to speak without being labelled a fascist by the liberal left media.

A good article here: … ever-wider

in the current climate, would anyone dare publish ‘that book’'?

We’ve come a long way down the road to cowardice and self-censorship.

I always thought that Fatwa set upon Rushdie - was because as an Atheist - he was admitting to Apostasy, which is punishable by death in the Islamic world. :confused:

My understanding is there was a problem with the book…it alleged that the ‘Satanic Verses’ in the Koran were the work of the Devil, and with the author who had rejected the Religion of Peace.
The civilised world rallied behind Rushdie then: I wonder if it would now?

The Islamic “Religion” needed it’s own “Reformation” to bring it into the modern world. They got stuck in their own mire of “Conservative” behaviour though.

Instead of fading away into History, as say the Ancient Egyptian civilization did (another example of “couldn’t get away from it’s own traditions, couldn’t keep up with social change”)

Islam tried to continue in an unaltered form, condemning any “reformist” type characters would would question the exact wording and interpretation of the Koran.

The nearest thing in Chrstian civilization to that - was probably the Cathar Heresy nearly a thousand years ago, where the Cathars suggested that the “Old Testement” characters of the Bible - served a different god than the New Testement characters.

They tried to suggest (amongst other things…) that the “god” that brought down the walls of Jericho, divided the Red Sea for Moses, and sent the ten plagues to Egypt - was in fact the Devil, whilst Jesus Christ was an entirely different “god” sent to push back against the “first god” with his “New Covenant”. Problem was, that “God could not be made Flesh” so Christ was not acceptable as any kind of ‘god’. As far as the Jewish elders were concerned, Christ was a heretic himself. Thus, the “Cathar” heresy - hoped to be seen as if on some kind of “middle way” to try and reconcile the differences between Christian and Jew - which had a tendency to treat each other badly wherever they went during the middle ages.

The Cathars ended up being hunted to extinction - by the Inquisition - which was set up purely to counter the Cathars originally. The inquisition, of course, - went on to become it’s own monster against other religions and even deonominations of the same religion in the centuries that followed. The world is most aware of how the Catholic Inquisition treated Protestants (another branch of Christianity) - but doesn’t talk so much about the way they persecuted Jews in a ■■■■-like fashion, or even the Moorish Muslims, driven out of Spain not by a “War of Liberation” as recorded by History - but rather by a programme of “Ethnic Cleansing” which no doubt must have given people like Hitler a few ideas…

An important example of how “History gets written by the Victors”, regardless of the evils done, good deeds forgotten, and countless lives lost.

In my mind - Militant Islam is acting like an “inquisition” when what is needed for that once-faith is a reformation instead.

Christianity doesn’t burn people at the stake any longer for “Heresy”. Why should the rest world allow Islam to carry on in it’s unreformed state then? Burning people in cages, blowing people up, including their own kids, or protesting loudly should we ask them nicely to cease and desist? If we now treat the Catholic inquisition as a “Great Evil” of History, then perhaps we should re-double our efforts against the Islamic militants - just as the Protestant Movement eventually defeated the Inquisition all around Europe. If the Muslim world doesn’t come up with a solution before long - then the blood will truly be upon them, as far more Muslims are killed by other Muslims than get killed by all the other factions in the world - put together. :bulb:

The interesting thing if you look at this map - is that the original Cathar build-up zones - is rather similar to the current build up of Islamic Hotspots around Europe…

Cathar Map.jpg
Even in Britain - we see “Londonistan” and Birmingdhad" quite clearly marked!. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Very interesting…

I’ve spent some weeks in Morocco…it’s a Muslim country, the burka is banned, they are horrified by the antics that the Saudi-inspired jihadis get up to in their name, and they are proud to have sheltered the Jews from the Inquisition. Extremist clerics get locked up.

They also have this great thing of ‘the hospitality of the desert’…When I blew a wheel bearing on my motorbike in a little village in the middle of nowhere, the local Iman popped out of the mosque to help me prop it up on rocks so I could get the wheel out. My offer of a small donation for the mosque in recognition of his kindness was smilingly waved away.

It’s unfortunate that the wrong kind of Islam has been allowed to take root in the UK the way it has.

More recently I had an interesting conversation with a man from Bangladesh…he was similarly horrified with what the militants get up to, and was surprised that the UK govt was sitting on its hands the way it was. The issue of Daesh fighters being allowed back into the UK was a particular concern of his.

Very interesting…

I’ve spent some weeks in Morocco…it’s a Muslim country, the burka is banned, they are horrified by the antics that the Saudi-inspired jihadis get up to in their name, and they are proud to have sheltered the Jews from the Inquisition. Extremist clerics get locked up.

They also have this great thing of ‘the hospitality of the desert’…When I blew a wheel bearing on my motorbike in a little village in the middle of nowhere, the local Iman popped out of the mosque to help me prop it up on rocks so I could get the wheel out. My offer of a small donation for the mosque in recognition of his kindness was smilingly waved away.

It’s unfortunate that the wrong kind of Islam has been allowed to take root in the UK the way it has.

More recently I had an interesting conversation with a man from Bangladesh…he was similarly horrified with what the militants get up to, and was surprised that the UK govt was sitting on its hands the way it was. The issue of Daesh fighters being allowed back into the UK was a particular concern of his.

Agree with you entirely there…

I had similar “good” experiences when I lived in Egypt May 2000-Sept 2001. (I arrived home in Blighty on the morning of 9/11, just missing the airport lock-down)

I was friends with (one of) the local Imans in Luxor, Egypt who would get me to mind his shop whilst he popped across the road to the Mosque, five-times-a-day man that he has to be there, of course.
Another friend used to be my Arabic voice, as I don’t know more than a few words of the language, actually knowing more of the ancient Egyptian language - than the ‘modern’. :blush:
I ate around the house of a local guy who worked in a restaurant, where he was soon to be wed to his University girlfriend - all in full kit…
I don’t consider myself an “Islamophobe” - any more than I’m a “Britophobe” just because I seriously don’t get on with the Brainwashed Hard Left of this country, who seem to think a “militant” solution is their way to power… Yep. I fear that alright, and also object to the way they hide behind moderate Muslims as a kind of Human Shield… You can’t criticise Islam - without being accused of acting against moderates, with all talk of “militant jihadists” not even making it into the conversation before I’m shouted down.

I wonder if Saudi Arabia pushes so hard to “spread Islam” because they have a money-making machine going for them, what with Haaj events drawing in billions of Tourism income every year and all.

Egypt is considered a more “Conservative” area for the Home-grown Muslim. Their hospitals can’t be beat - when it comes to “disease”, and all you have to do out there to get access to all kinds of inexpensive stuff - is bloody well ask, or make friends with some locals as I did!

(I cut the official “tour guides” and “consulate” type people out of the loop about 24 hours after I’d landed in Egypt… I was put off by their obviously bulls hit spiel regarding “Don’t eat the food outside your accommodation zone” “don’t hire any private staff” etc etc. I drank water from the tap in my coffee (albeit, boiling it first) I ate wherever I pleased (never got food poisoning) and I actually employed a driver and interpreter, rather than went on any “official” tours to get about. I used public transport, which was giving me change out of a 1LE note (about 10p at the time) and the only thing the accommodation offered that wasn’t to be found muchwhere else - was the Air Con. I was looking to stay across the river in an old colonial manor from the Protectorate times the following year 2002 - but 9/11 put the cobblers on that idea, and I’ve alas not been back to Egypt since. A crying shame, because I absolutely loved the time I spent there.

The only “bad” experience I had, if one can call such a minor issue that - someone rushed up to me on the street one day, and grabbed my arm. I dunno what he was gabbling on about, but seconds later, a police car pulled up alongside, bundled this person into the car, and sped away. No, I hadn’t had my wallet nicked, as I wasn’t carrying one! I later found out that this car was the tourist police, not the regular police. The perp was apparently a known conman, trying some scam or other with the tourists, of which of course “I still looked like” at the time, not tanned over and wearing local clothes and all… The Egypt under Hosni Mubarak saw him as a POPULAR leader, especially among the younger generation. Law and Order was GOOD there. The best part of all about Egypt was the low cost of living, once you got away from the “Touristy” stuff. Accommodation about LE120 a week (£12 back then) and eating/drinking about LE20 per day (£14pw). Electricity was as cheap as chips, albeit with regular power cuts, and water in the taps came via a purification plant, meaning you could drink it “boiled” as I did every day. Good enough to cook in pots with as well of course, albeit I left cooking to my Mrs, and whatever friends wives happened to be inviting us to dinner - friends all of them Arab, with only one family an Arab Christian family. I didn’t get to meet any Jewish new friends out there, but I understand that there is a higher Jewish population density in Cairo, in the North part of Egypt I’ve yet to visit. Back home, I have plenty of Jewish friends, but alas only a few acquiantences that are Muslims these days. 9/11 turned my world upside down, socially - and to this day - I’ve not just “never been back to Egypt” - but actually not set foot on an aircraft since then. It isn’t about “Fear of Terrorism”, but rather it is just too much expense and hassle for what it is worth imo nowadays. :frowning:

Just to keep everyone in the loop, TR’s retrial has been adjourned until 27/09/2018 because the CPS hasn’t filed the prosecution papers on time, still at the Old Bailey though. Looks like the CPS are finding it very difficult to find any suitable lies to take their continued persecution, sorry prosecution, much further forward.

Whilst yer all ■■■■■■■’ about Political Party’s, UKIP is funded by the same people as the Tory party and will always be a a Tory Lite party and we have seen just how much their leader has put Britain first in delivering the democratic vote, and now the Laughing Stock Party, after being a labour supporter and a trade unionist all my adult life there is nothing positive I can say about them ! I very much doubt they will be around as the Laughing Stock Party within 5 years, they have sold out to the alter of diversity, the RoP and the far left. I recently posted on the Momentum website that I would stake £1000.00 of my own money that within 5 years they would be called the Moslem Party of Britain, funnily enough no-one, as of this point in time, has taken me up on my bet, definite sign of a loser group of people, can’t even bet on themselves lol

There is only one Political Party that will deal with our exit from the EU Mafia and the islamification of Britain, make OUR STREETS safer and take OUR COUNTRY forwards instead of continuously backwards !

The For Britain Movement and AMWaters, Onwards and Upwards ! FBM AMW NFSE !

Dave Penn;

Pregnant fish you are!


Just to keep everyone in the loop, TR’s retrial has been adjourned until 27/09/2018 because the CPS hasn’t filed the prosecution papers on time, still at the Old Bailey though. Looks like the CPS are finding it very difficult to find any suitable lies to take their continued persecution, sorry prosecution, much further forward.

Whilst yer all ■■■■■■■’ about Political Party’s, UKIP is funded by the same people as the Tory party and will always be a a Tory Lite party and we have seen just how much their leader has put Britain first in delivering the democratic vote, and now the Laughing Stock Party, after being a labour supporter and a trade unionist all my adult life there is nothing positive I can say about them ! I very much doubt they will be around as the Laughing Stock Party within 5 years, they have sold out to the alter of diversity, the RoP and the far left. I recently posted on the Momentum website that I would stake £1000.00 of my own money that within 5 years they would be called the Moslem Party of Britain, funnily enough no-one, as of this point in time, has taken me up on my bet, definite sign of a loser group of people, can’t even bet on themselves lol

There is only one Political Party that will deal with our exit from the EU Mafia and the islamification of Britain, make OUR STREETS safer and take OUR COUNTRY forwards instead of continuously backwards !

The For Britain Movement and AMWaters, Onwards and Upwards ! FBM AMW NFSE !

Dave Penn;

In 1970 this country made the mistake of electing Heath having rallied because of Powell’s arguments - only for Powell to get completely condemned to the back benches thereafter.
Heath could and should have gone into coalition to stay in power in February 1974, but decided to let Wilson (with only 4 more seats, and losing the popular vote) - form a MINORITY government instead. A different way of playing it from Theresa May’s “Cling to power at any cost”.

If Momentum are to become the Muslim Party, in any shape or form - they wouldn’t be able to take your bet anyways - if you think about it.
It is the mainstream politicians that say things like “I’m not a betting person but…” that we should hurl all our contempt at in our time.
People who sit on the fence for as long as they can, trying to appeal to opposite sides of major issues. Corbyn pretends he is sitting on the fence over Brexit for example. If the Tories complete Brexit, then he’ll campaign for “continuing the UK under Brexit”. If Brexit was overturned, then he’ll pretend he was “against it all along”, and “should be PM because the Tories got it wrong”.
The Libdems - we know where we stand. Those rump of Libdem supporters that continue to back this party - have got to be the very Liberal Elites that we used to call the 1%?
We cannot argue that the 1% are the “Tory Riche” after all. Rees-Mogg keeps getting slagged off because he’s a toff, and that momentum sidekick “Class War” stunt the other day against Mogg’s kids - was an outright disgrace! :imp:

I don’t see UKIP as ever being “Tory Lite” though. That was Tony Blair’s “Nu Labour”!

If anything - UKIP are, and continue to be “Tory Special Brew”, notorious for getting us truckers into trouble - should plod find empty cans of it floating around in our footwells! :stuck_out_tongue:
As such, UKIP taking on Tommy Robinson, and maybe Jayda Fransen as well - “fits the plan” rather than “Gits the plan”.

People are not going to elect UKIP on the back of “Don’t like Labour” or “don’t like Tory” though.
They will get elected on “Brexit won’t happen otherwise”. If Theresa May falls, a Brexiteer PM takes over, and is duly completed before the next election - then UKIP and the Libdems stand to be wiped out once and for all, - but for reasons of “obselescence” more than anything else. :bulb:

I reckon Labour fear such a danger, because if May fell - someone like Mogg could become PM feasibly without a general election taking place.
My bet though (Literally!) is that it won’t be Mogg or Johnson becoming PM - but someone else from the 1922 committee like Graham Brady, with possibly Rees-Mogg as his Chancellor, and Boris moved to the Home Office. Javid could be shunted to the Foreign Office, to tell as many foreigners “at source” - “Not to bloody well bother coming to Britain in the FIRST place in future”!
That message coming from a Muslim - might just be taken a little more seriously than coming from a UKIP minister of course… :wink:

Sadly UKIP has been and still is nothing more than a controlled opposition party, It was set up for those dissenters of the mainstream political scum,to let off steam,and nothing much else, they have not changed look at recent events over the past few years, Farage quits as leader before brexit was complete,I don’t buy that he really trusted the crooks in the tory party to honour the democratic will of the people, what was the real reason he walked? if =i had fought for 25 years to get something there’s just no way that i would give up before it was done winning a vote, It wasn’t done it was only one battle in the war,

Then you had the good bloke, but useless leader Nuthall and then the leadership election that followed the clear favourite (most popular) Anne Marie Waters some how lost to an unknown cuck Henry Bolton who Farage stood by, another useless muppet , AMW after TR said we need a new party ukip is finished,After leaving ukip set up her own party For Britain,Which has grown rapidly in the past year, Whilst TR was in prison
The current UKIP leader attended at least 2 free Tommy rallies in Whitehall,using his name to get memberships, then more recently asks TR if he wanted to become a member (normal member) TR accepted this, So far apart from internal squabbles within ukip there has been one resignation this imo proves that despite the front man nothing has really changed within ukip maybe TR only agreed to be a member to expose this? he ain’t as stupid as people think ,

lets also not forget it wasn’t that long ago that Gerrard batten was calling AMW and TR and all those who supported them Racists along with Farage, after a photo appeared in the press of AMW and TR together she was at the time told by batten to distance her self from TR , now he’s banging the same drum about islam , as she and TR have done for years

If you really want your votes to count then do not vote for any of the establishment run 3 party cabal it really is a 3 in 1 party because no matter you vote for nothing will change, for the better they may as well stop the pretence and merge into 1 brand

You have some good points there TommyT, and i share those uneasy feelings about Farage and why he walked, though masses of credit and thanks to him for getting us the referendum vote because we would not have without him.

I agree that Tommy Robinson is nobodies fool and if you check the latest (obviously not the mainstream media which i haven’t bothered with for years because fake news lies propaganda) it appears Tommy is going to sue a large news network, he granted them an interview knowing full well they would edit it to make him the bad guy, and if you find the original interview he tells them they will edit to make him look wrong at the very start.
Unfortunately for the news company, Tommy being a good bit sharper than them had the whole interview videod, and the broadcast item was as he predicted cunningly edited so Tommy’s replies were a bit like a Two Ronnies sketch about the crossed telephone line but without the humour, where he’s answering another question entirely.
Tommy has the original full version though so watch this space. … fake-news/

And yes its entirely possible Tommy has done the same with Batten/UKIP.
Either Tommy and other former members of EDL/BNP are welcome in UKIP or they aint, if Batten was just speaking to please the crowd and gain some votes at the Tommy demonstrations whilst UKIP still actually despise genuine patriots, then the backlash could see UKIP’s already meagre vote vanish altogether.

Those of us without a voice are waiting to see UKIP/FB etc make an alliance of British patriot parties fighting together under one banner, and welcoming those former EDL/BNP members.

Didn’t Farage once boast “I’ve destroyed the Far Right”?

If all the prior parties considered as “Far” Right - all came together for the next election - then you would get some serious tactical voting going on in this country, along with social media-related campaign trickery to not just “get the vote out” - but “make the postal votes of others disappear” in equal measure. If you want to oppose the Right at the next election - then DON’T do it by post, I would suggest. The “Silent Majority” are going to pretty much corner the market there imo.

The main victim of this - will actually be the Green Party - who will lose their only seat, I predict. :bulb:

Yes Farage reckons he destroyed the BNP, though far right couldn’t be any further from the truth to describe that party any more than it could the EDL, almost all members of both were genuine working class chaps who came to realise they were unrepresented and unwanted by both the fake tories and the champagne labour party, all three main parties you couldn’t a ■■■ paper between and committed to ever deeper integration with the EU, and the very worse of all worlds for the genuine working class, and there was no one else who spoke for them.

George Galloway described the three main parties very well, the three cheeks of the same arse.

Yes Farage reckons he destroyed the BNP, though far right couldn’t be any further from the truth to describe that party any more than it could the EDL, almost all members of both were genuine working class chaps who came to realise they were unrepresented and unwanted by both the fake tories and the champagne labour party, all three main parties you couldn’t a ■■■ paper between and committed to ever deeper integration with the EU, and the very worse of all worlds for the genuine working class, and there was no one else who spoke for them.

George Galloway described the three main parties very well, the three cheeks of the same arse.

Who’s the “Pink Enema” in this '■■■■’ogy then? :stuck_out_tongue: