Toll Crossings. What are the prices?

Hello everyone. Was Liverpool way this week and the obvioue route would have been through the tunnel (Mersey i think) but only had £3.20 with me and didnt think this was sufficient so phoned depot to see if they knew. They didnt.
Consequently i made a rather large detour . :frowning:
Looking on the net i found a list of sorts for cars but not hgv.

So i propose we gather as much info as possible about bridges and tunnels here and then collate it into a useful document.

So, could anybody with the info please post it here in a form such as :-
“West Liverpool, North tunnel A123 cat 2 £3 cat 1£5.”
(return or one way as appropriate for islands)

I the moderator wishes to get involved your very welcome etc etc.

Thanks for any replies. :smiley:

Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Dartford…£2.90…these are for class 1 vehicles

7 bridge…£13.50.(approx)…class 1

Good Idea… :wink: :smiley:

Tyne Tunnel A19 £1.20 each way

humber =£17.50. the last time i crossed, if i remember right. :cry: :wink:

£17.50… no way…thats a bit steep.:astonished:
Thanks for the swift replies > :laughing:

Keep em coming.

erskine bridge…60p all vehicles…both ways

forth bridge…£2.00…artics…only pay going north…i.e. going into fife

tay bridge…£2.00…artics…only pay to leave dundee…i’d pay more for that pleasure :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

erskine bridge…60p all vehicles…both ways

Never knew that! Thought it would be a few quid at least as the bridge looks fairly impressive side on.

Many a time I’ve gone the long way round from south of the river through the Clyde Tunnel (free by the way) and joined back up the Gt W Rd. Would have cost me more in fuel! :angry:

Never knew that! Thought it would be a few quid at least as the bridge looks fairly impressive side on.

don’t normally come from it side on,it’s ships only and submarines :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, Ohterry is right. Humber Bridge crossing is £17.50 each way!! What a rip-off :imp:

Central London

£5.00 per day

A282 (M25) Dartford Crossings

M6 Toll Birmingham

M4 / M48 Severn Bridges

A15 Humber Bridge

A19 Tyne Tunnel:

Tolls for using the vehicle tunnel are currently 20p for motorcycles,
£1.00 for cars and light vans and £1.20 for heavy goods vehicles.

A38 Tamar Bridge … 20page.htm

A90 Forth Bridge

A92 Tay Bridge

A898 Erskine Bridge Glasgow


Mersey Tunnels

A19 Second Tyne Crossing will be open in 2009

A406? Thames Gateway Could open in 2010 … o6phP6VMpA

Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Truckyboy…is this a tryping error or has the Blackwall collapsed?

humber bridge and severn bridge are basically saying if you’ve got a wagon we don’t want yer! i’ll not use either out of principal even if it means going twenty mile out of my way.


Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Truckyboy…is this a tryping error or has the Blackwall collapsed?

This years AA Atlas CM says it’s 13.3.

Dunham bridge (A57to lincoln) raelly bugs me after all these years its paid for itself 10 times over.Why should we still be paying .private enterprise at its best.

Tyne Tunnel A19 £1.20 each way

And don’t try and go through with anything over 15’9",as you’ll set the alarms off.


CM wrote:
truckyboy wrote:
Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Truckyboy…is this a tryping error or has the Blackwall collapsed?

This years AA Atlas CM says it’s 13.3.

thats for north bound traffic,and its

cant remember southbound but i get through at 13’9

the clyde tunnel is free height is 15’ and no adr is allowed :wink:



Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Truckyboy…is this a tryping error or has the Blackwall collapsed?

This years AA Atlas CM says it’s 13.3.

The height limit is for NORTHBOUND traffic. I think SOUTHBOUND is 16’, I know I have taken a highcube container southbound on many an occasion.

peter cherry:
Dunham bridge (A57to lincoln) raelly bugs me after all these years its paid for itself 10 times over.Why should we still be paying .private enterprise at its best.

Chuck a choccy bar or a couple of bags of crisps at them. You’d be suprised :wink:.




Blackwall tunnel…free…but height limit in operation 13.4 inches

Truckyboy…is this a tryping error or has the Blackwall collapsed?

This years AA Atlas CM says it’s 13.3.

The height limit is for NORTHBOUND traffic. I think SOUTHBOUND is 16’, I know I have taken a highcube container southbound on many an occasion.

There is no height restriction southbound … northbound is 4.0 metres or 13’3" … my trailer goes through at 13’1" :O))))) BUT I only tend to use the northbound at night as a ‘just in case’