To the Morrisons Driver


The true identity of SmashedCrabFace becomes just that little bit more apparent…

Change the record Wiggy, it’s getting boring now. I don’t know who you’ve convinced yourself that I am. I’m not Carryfast and I’m certainly not that sad act Rob K or whatever he’s calling himself now.

you wish you was the great man that is RobK

I am here:,-3.270000
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

you wish you was the great man that is RobK

The bloke needs euthanising. Have a look at his Facebook, it’s a fascinating insight into the workings of a sad little man’s mind. He’s a bit too obsessed with TNUK and obviously a little put out by the fact SmashedCrabFace has stole his limelight. All the evidence would suggest that he is a virgin.

I like to think of myself as the grey squirrel. I’ve come into the woods and I’m better than the red squirrel. I get all the nuts first and the poor red squirrel is left with the bits I don’t want. Eventually the red squirrel will shrivel up and die and nobody will remember it ever existed.

Still waiting for my “slice of the Knappster” Rob, you sad act.


you wish you was the great man that is RobK

The bloke needs euthanising. Have a look at his Facebook, it’s a fascinating insight into the workings of a sad little man’s mind. He’s a bit too obsessed with TNUK and obviously a little put out by the fact SmashedCrabFace has stole his limelight. All the evidence would suggest that Robert Knapp is a virgin.

I like to think of myself as the grey squirrel. I’ve come into the woods and I’m better than the red squirrel. I get all the nuts first and the poor red squirrel is left with the bits I don’t want. Eventually the red squirrel will shrivel up and die and nobody will remember it ever existed.

Still waiting for my “slice of the Knappster” Rob, you sad act.

ooh look, more willy waving,
Your so full of yourself, your not seeing the big picture, Rob is one of those guys who sees the funny side if driving, drivers, transport managers and transport in general.
It’s not your fault you don’t get him,

I am here:,-3.270366
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

Your so full of yourself

Thank you, I’m glad somebody’s noticed.

Who are you, Rob K’s gimp? That’s what you sound like.


The true identity of SmashedCrabFace becomes just that little bit more apparent…

Change the record Wiggy, it’s getting boring now. I don’t know who you’ve convinced yourself that I am. I’m not Carryfast and I’m certainly not that sad act Rob K or whatever he’s calling himself now.

Carryfast? Before my time Crabster…

I enjoy your posts too much to blow your cover mate (as if I could anyway).

You keep your posts entertaining and I’ll keep playing my own little guessing game and we will both be happy.


Carryfast? Before my time Crabster…

I enjoy your posts too much to blow your cover mate (as if I could anyway).

You keep your posts entertaining and I’ll keep playing my own little guessing game and we will both be happy.


Sounds like a deal.

I’m going to spoil your guessing game though. I’m just a 26 year old, incredibly good looking lorry driver from Nottinghamshire. In my spare time, I earn a bit of extra money having ■■■ with wealthy middle aged women who are bored with their husbands. My favourite food is cheese and I can drink a litre of vodka in an hour and still manage to drive to a high standard. That is all.

Only one litre… wot a wimp :wink:


Your so full of yourself

Thank you, I’m glad somebody’s noticed.

Who are you, Rob K’s gimp? That’s what you sound like.

I’m nobody’s gimp, I just love to laugh at all willy waving that goes on here.
And you seem to be the chief willy waver with all the rest with not so big willies idolising you because your the biggest willie on here at the moment.

I am here:,-3.269824
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

Think of the children that were playing hopscotch in lane 3 with no knock me down bibs on.


Carryfast? Before my time Crabster…

I enjoy your posts too much to blow your cover mate (as if I could anyway).

You keep your posts entertaining and I’ll keep playing my own little guessing game and we will both be happy.


Sounds like a deal.

I’m going to spoil your guessing game though. I’m just a 26 year old, incredibly good looking lorry driver from Nottinghamshire. In my spare time, I earn a bit of extra money having ■■■ with wealthy middle aged women who are bored with their husbands. My favourite food is cheese and I can drink a litre of vodka in an hour and still manage to drive to a high standard. That is all.

That’s ok then,

What if SmashedCrabFace was actually the anarchic alter ego of the mild mannered (and slightly dull) contributor AlexWignall?

Who enjoys nothing more than writing posts all day denying his own identity to himself?

No more fantastic than your own description of yourself marra…



you wish you was the great man that is RobK

The bloke needs euthanising. Have a look at his Facebook, it’s a fascinating insight into the workings of a sad little man’s mind. He’s a bit too obsessed with TNUK and obviously a little put out by the fact SmashedCrabFace has stole his limelight. All the evidence would suggest that he is a virgin.

I like to think of myself as the grey squirrel. I’ve come into the woods and I’m better than the red squirrel. I get all the nuts first and the poor red squirrel is left with the bits I don’t want. Eventually the red squirrel will shrivel up and die and nobody will remember it ever existed.

Still waiting for my “slice of the Knappster” Rob, you sad act.

That’s not the real Rob K on facebook is it? Blimey! :open_mouth:

And you seem to be the chief willy waver with all the rest with not so big willies idolising you because your the biggest willie on here at the moment

Once again, thank you. I’m glad you appreciate my efforts.

I prefer to think of it not so much as willy waving but more slapping you around the face with my ■■■■ until you’re unconscious.

Whatever floats yer’ boat! :unamused:


And you seem to be the chief willy waver with all the rest with not so big willies idolising you because your the biggest willie on here at the moment

Once again, thank you. I’m glad you appreciate my efforts.

I prefer to think of it not so much as willy waving but more slapping you around the face with my ■■■■ until you’re unconscious.

I didn’t say you had a willy, I said you were a willy.
And the hell would you knock me unconscious with your little offering

I am here:,-3.269637
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

I didn’t say you had a willy, I said you were a willy.
And the hell would you knock me unconscious with your little offering

Oh look, I’ve made Okey-Dickey-Dokey lower himself to SmashedCrabFace’s standards and immature sense of humour.

The words ‘double standards’ and ‘hypocrite’ spring to mind.

I am unbelievably awesome. Back of the net.

Back of the net? You even sound like whatsisface! :open_mouth:


I didn’t say you had a willy, I said you were a willy.
And the hell would you knock me unconscious with your little offering

Oh look, I’ve made Okey-Dickey-Dokey lower himself to SmashedCrabFace’s standards and immature sense of humour.

The words ‘double standards’ and ‘hypocrite’ spring to mind.

I am unbelievably awesome. Back of the net.

Get over yourself squid face, you’ve a long way to go before you get as low as I can get.
Your just an armature at trolling forums.
Now get your magnifying glass out and get back to the illusion that your the biggest willy on here.

I am here:,-3.269882
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

What’s an “armature”?

What’s an “armature”?

usual TN spelling mistake

I am here:,-3.269783
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

Thought there was an opening somewhere. :laughing: