Yet again im after more help , can anyone offer some advice on driving left hook lorries?
Many thanks. Simon.
Yet again im after more help , can anyone offer some advice on driving left hook lorries?
Many thanks. Simon.
Are you going to be driving on the left of the road or driving on the right?
The one thing you’ll have to master is styling it out when you go to get in on the wrong side.
Put your snap box in the passenger side so when you go to get into the ‘drivers’ side you don’t look like a numpty getting in the wrong side
I drove one once and I found it quite alien. The positioning felt wrong and I buggered up the reverse. And this was a tractor unit in the yard so help me! 4 times I tried to change gear with the window winder.
It’s just something you’ll get better at with practice.
There are no tips that anyone can give you on the internet. You just have to take it steady and bit by bit and it’ll come.
When ever you come across traffic move to lane two, makes the leg and cleavage check much more entertaining! On a serious note, roundabouts you have to stop well back from the give way, once committed stop for no one. In England they are sculpted worse and worse and when you stop you have to pull away compleatly blind!
In the UK to start with. Daidap, yes its reversing that I’m most nervous about, I’m happy reserving right hand drive now but thinking going to left hand is going to be like starting from scratch again ie turning the wheel the wrong way etc.
If this is your new boss, then you’ll have told him this is all new to you. Ask him to let you do a bit of yard shunting… if that’s not possible, head for the first large patch of ground where you can practice reversing - an industrial estate, services or similar - depending on which boat you go out on… you could have to reverse onto it.
Going forward - just take all the room available until you get used to what you need.
It’s all strange at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it… a Left ■■■■■■is much better and easier when you get over there.
Boomerang Dave:
Simon,If this is your new boss,
It was his friend!!!
You’ll find reversing is natural regardless if what side you’re on. To get the truck to turn one way or another the wheel would need to go the same way regardless of what side of the cab you’re sitting.
You’ll find it harder driving in the UK with LHD so just be very observant. Once you’re over the water on the other side of the road it should feel more natural.
m1cks is correct.Reversing will not be a problem.Driving in this country on narrower roads could be a problem especially to begin with if you do not concentrate on your position.I found it very easy to drift out towards the centre of the road.Try to make sure you keep tucked in near the verge and keep a close eye on your offside mirror.After a couple of days it will feel fine.
In the uk you will feel like you are driving in the hedge, it’s normal but feels wrong. Over the water will be much easier, the roads are bigger and the junctions are , mostly, much better.
Don’t forget the sunscreen for your previously Lilly white left arm.
I would agree…reversing is natural, it just feels odd at first. I would still take the opportunity to practice if it’s available … kill off any nerves - especially if the first proper reverse is onto a boat… don’t wasn’t to be making a muppet out of yourself reversing up the ramp.
the roads are bigger and the junctions are , mostly, much better.
There are no tips that anyone can give you on the internet. You just have to take it steady and bit by bit and it’ll come.
This is the best advice. I had one for a week and it’s like riding a bike. You will adapt so quick to it but just take it steady.
I’m still a way off landing a job but there has been progression. Switch is right I spose no one could teach me over the internet, I’m just after some points to be aware of. That’s a good point about roundabouts, they must be very awkard if you don’t stop early enough!
I’m still a way off landing a job but there has been progression. Switch is right I spose no one could teach me over the internet, I’m just after some points to be aware of. That’s a good point about roundabouts, they must be very awkard if you don’t stop early enough!
Do you mean your mate is still a way off landing the job
In all seriousness, good luck with it. I hope it all works out well for you.
Like others have said, reversing will not be a problem. You certainly wont be starting from scratch.
In all seriousness, good luck with it. I hope it all works out well for you.
Cheers, its by no means going to be handed to me on a plate i know that for sure.
Like others have said, reversing will not be a problem. You certainly wont be starting from scratch.
Thats reassuring thanks.
In the uk, watch out got telegraph poles they get abit close!
always move into the middle lane and drop your window for perving
once you get used to it, it’s a doddle!
You might laugh at this, but you could do worse than investing £14.99 on Euro truck simulator 2 from Amazon. It gives you the option to select LHD or RHD tractor units, and drive in the UK or Europe.
Load it onto your PC, and you can spend several hours practicing reversing in yards or driving in a LHD unit. Just google the game in Youtube and see what you think?