This shocked me

I only have a class 2. I am saving for a class 1 but I came across this video which shocked me how blind an artic can be on a slight bend.

Now I think they should use this to power it home to the cyclists.

Any driver worth a ■■■■ would not be in such a position in the first place. He would either have seen the cyclists on approach to the junction or he wouldn’t be so far out in the road to leave such a gap for them to fill.
Pure overkill for the sake of the hi viz wearing brigade.

But it does make the point about visibility.

I’m more concerned about the mirror positioning…

But it does make the point about visibility.

But an experienced driver never gets into such situations…pure overkill as bloody usual.

I’m more concerned about the mirror positioning…

My thoughts too, no wonder you can’t see them positioned like that.

The wide angle mirror looked like it was set in the wrong position/looking at the same as the standard mirror, he didn’t even film the kerb mirror (I wonder why ?- perhaps he might have seen a couple of them !) & he should have just Hooked a left & wiped them all out :smiling_imp:

Doesn’t matter how much or how little room you leave in London (Cesspit !) someone will still try to get up the inside, outside, underneath or even over the top :unamused:

I propose a new law-
In Circumstances where a cyclist has got him/herself in a Stupid position next to a Lorry ,the driver is allowed to wipe them out & carry on with his/her journey without even stopping to ‘Rob’ the victim.
Cyclist who carry out this act of Stupid’ness will be treated as Road Kill & be dealt with accordingly, ie:- someone can ring the council & they will send a Dustcart to collect the remains. The Bicycle will be either repaired or sold as scrap, with the proceeds going to the Lorry Driver/victim, so he can buy a few beers to celebrate another Brain Dead Inconsiderate Cyclist off the road. :wink:

Countless lorries i’ve got into the mirrors of which have been set similarly, or worse, than those in the clip.

Why is using their brains so difficult for some of our brethren (and constantly dumbing down the test for a clue but why?), only a complete twerp would have both NS mirrors covering the same area whilst giving superb views of the lorry sides.

I think the film was setup like that just to prove a point, which IMHO was well made. Cyclists need to understand that lorries have limited vision and that passing an HGV on the nearside is dangerous and could be fatal.

As a side note I drove a vehicle last week fitted with the nearside sensors fitted. If anything was within 5ft on the nearside of the lorry while indicating left the alarm (a loud piecing shrill) would sound in the cab and an external warning “warning this truck is turning left” would play. Within an hour I had a stinking headache form all the racket.

I’m more concerned about the mirror positioning…

indeed ,i got one of our trucks the other day and it offered a superb view of the side of the cab and the box but bugger all of the road in that area though

All well and good but most cycling incidents seem to be with rigids usually tippers in London.
I’m not here to start having a pop at tipper drivers as that’s what I’ve done most of my driving life.
What I don’t get is the so called blind spot on a rigid. I’ve got the normal mirror the wide angle mirror the kerb mirror and the front corner mirror and I can see the whole side of my vehicle and the front corner at all times.

All well and good but most cycling incidents seem to be with rigids usually tippers in London.
I’m not here to start having a pop at tipper drivers as that’s what I’ve done most of my driving life.
What I don’t get is the so called blind spot on a rigid. I’ve got the normal mirror the wide angle mirror the kerb mirror and the front corner mirror and I can see the whole side of my vehicle and the front corner at all times.

I think you just explained the problem-
3 mirrors on the near side, 1 mirror on the windscreen, 2 on the off side, as well as checking ahead & checking the traffic lights & checking that the box Junction is clear- by the time you’ve done all that ‘Sammy Suicide’ has crept up the inside & is holding on to your near side mirror because he’s got his feet locked in his pedals !

Wile I think it’s a good idea to educate cyclists about blind spots on lorries, that video says as much about incorrectly adjusted mirrors as anything else.


In London , and maybe most major cities , I’m sure more cyclists are knocked off by Class 2’s and Coaches/Busses than Class 1’s , if that is the case what point is this video ?

Ive only had one cyclist hold the mirror arm there was nothing behind me so i stuck it in reverse frightened the life out of him.

In London , and maybe most major cities , I’m sure more cyclists are knocked off by Class 2’s and Coaches/Busses than Class 1’s , if that is the case what point is this video ?

I think the point maybe to demonstrate that a driver has restricted vision when turning left. Yes this may be an extreme example but I think what’s been forgotten here is that the vast majority of cyclists don’t drive HGVs so don’t have a clue. At least TFL are doing something to educate them (cyclists) rather than simply blaming the HGV driver which has to be a good thing.

They were talking about the number of fatal tipper vs cyclist accidents on the radio the other day. The contributors seem to think the high ground clearance and lack of side bars was a factor because there is nothing to stop them going under the back wheels. I think I won’t be too long before we see some sort of retractible sidebars on tippers.

I don’t think the camera angles are a true representation of what a driver can see either. The camera seems too far down to start with, I’d say about stomach/ lower chest height, it’s too far to the left of the steering wheel and when it’s panning over to the left mirrors the person is obviously leaning over to the left as well. The mirrors are badly adjusted too … no wonder you can’t see anything !!!

Just out of interest I wonder who the video was made by and who it’s aimed at ?

That’s better more unbiased one

and they should make the traffic light thing law where if the lights been red a while or the cyclist doesn’t know how long been on red then a cyclist can’t use the acl and have to hang back behind the vehicle (cyclist won’t like it rabble rabble rabble cause they will have to wait another 30secs)

The first vid was on here weeks ago & tbh I cannot see the point of it. The truck is stationary at an angle making sure the cyclists cannot be seen.

Old video and not really as valid today. A few years back the curvature and number of mirrors were changed to increase visability around the vehicle. Most trucks now have the new spec mirrors as it was a check item in the MOT and I remember the mirrors were changed on my (06) reg truck about 2 or maybe 3 years ago to comply.
Dont be worried about it and proceed with your class 1. Always remember though to set your mirrors before you move off, keep them clean and keep the windows in the truck clean (inside and out) too.