Paul, one big thing to take on board: Your asking about starting a career in HGV driving. Sometimes to get a foot in the door, you have to take a slightly lower paid job with a not so shiny motor to get on. These will, most certainly not have air conditioning. The first vehicle I drove virtually needed refilling with oil at the end of the day, was probably an unroadworthy scrap heap and I was happy to drive it, but I didn’t know any better. I was earning and learning. 3 years (total class 1 & 2) and lots of stress later, I’m now running a year old Mercades Wagon & Drag/DAF CF artic with all mod cons and have finally found that elusive decent job.
If you want a good idea of the reality of truck driving, then have a read around the forums
. Their are lots of different areas in driving, just find one that suits yourself.
I do have a say over what hours I work to a certain extent, but I can’t pick and choose. However, if those hours were to breach drivers hours law, then I would walk, if the problem wasn’t sorted and go somewhere else. After all, it’s my licence and my livleyhood at stake. As it is, I can’t see that happening where I am as the runs are reasonably well planned (famous last words).
The tacho doesn’t cause problems (well not for me anyway), if I can’t do it, I can’t do it and that’s that it as far as I’m concerned.
Getting stuck in a jam can and does cause problems, but mostly, with the aid of the traffic bullitin and a good map/bit of cunning, this can be avoided (I say mostly). Also you develop an affinity for these things with a bit of experience. For instance, most mornings, I could safely say J11 - 7 of the M1 will have heavy traffic.
I couldn’t say weather you’d like driving or not, but I love the independance I get from it. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do.
Would it be worth asking the Jobcentre for help with your training? They may have something somewhere, go and hassle them, make a nuisance of yourself
. Also their’s a link at the top of the forum entitled - funding for training, it could be you. This may interest you
Good luck and feel free to ask away with questions.
Hope this helps.