The same drops day after day after night after night

I do a container swap at Felixstowe twice a week or so.

Someone telling me i could do that every day forever would be my idea of heaven!!!

Class 2 doing 12 drops every night … 5 nights a week going to the same place via the same roads … I think I’m about to enter insanity

Try different places every day ,looking for building sites ,getting held up ,fobbed off ,not knowing who to see ect ,you will soon want you regular run back,I wish I had one .

Dan Punchard:

Class 2 doing 12 drops every night … 5 nights a week going to the same place via the same roads … I think I’m about to enter insanity

Try different places every day ,looking for building sites ,getting held up ,fobbed off ,not knowing who to see ect ,you will soon want you regular run back,I wish I had one .


We had several guy’s who for 20 years just did 6 or 7 loads a day to a concrete works half an hour away. They loved it, knew what they were doing each day, took their holiday when the plant closed for two weeks and had no mither finding different drops etc. They were still working on days when the rest of us had none or very little work, couldn’t fault them really. :wink:


I do the same trip four times a day five days a week. I find lorry driving pretty boring full stop now so it doesnt matter where i go so just plod along listening to the wireless or talking books.

Depends what type of person you are.
Some people are born in a town and stay there their whole lives, have the same job, have their set same routine every day, go to the same place on holiday every single year and then die in that same town 70 years later.

Others like to travel, try new things, change jobs, take risks, and want a challenge out of their comfort zone.

There is no right way or wrong way, just what you want.

My job is fairly varied but sometimes I have to shuttle stuff about, I do the same drop several days running and not be bothered by it but I hate going to the same place back to back. I can just about do 2 loads to the same place in a day but 3 times does my brain in.

I used to do a similar job for Haulfast, delivering to Fenner Belts shops. As you say it’s predictable to the point of tedium, but on the good side you knew you’d be home after every shift, no “just-nips” when you get back to the yard and best of all, the traffic planners were in bed so they couldn’t nag you!

Thats what i like baring a brakedown i only speak to my boss for a couple of miniutes every friday. I stop when i want and set the day up to suit me.

As with what as been said each to their own I though prefer doing the same drops which I currently do.

I know what my start time is finish time is and at what time I have my break.I know what I will encounter in any yards I go to know the route I take and also any diversions short cuts if needed.

As with what as been said each to their own I though prefer doing the same drops which I currently do.

I know what my start time is finish time is and at what time I have my break.I know what I will encounter in any yards I go to know the route I take and also any diversions short cuts if needed.

Yea to be honest, I had a regular run for 18 months and do look back and think it was pretty good. Same start & finish times, never got lost, no hassle, knew all the roads, knew the customers by name, free cups of tea etc.

I suppose for the op though it’s a bit different working nights and self tipping into closed shops.

Try talking books or something similar.
Force yourself to listen to different radio channels.
Or what about learning a new language on the job.

Or a college course at night school to learn a new trade/skill or arts.Then take the homework/study pack in the cab.
Or an open university course.Or retake O or A levels or whatever they call them now.

Try talking books or something similar.
Force yourself to listen to different radio channels.
Or what about learning a new language on the job.

Tune in radio app plus mixcloud

sometimes it so boring i just sit in silence for the whole shift :grimacing:

I do pretty much the same area every day and rarely have a new drop to find.

I like the fact that I know every drop, which yards I can turn around in and which I have back into, where the loos are, coffee machines, forkies, who closes for lunch and when.

But at night, on your own must get a bit tedious, I know a lot of guys who tune into talk radio shows and listen to the banter :laughing: :laughing:

I do pretty much the same area every day and rarely have a new drop to find.

I like the fact that I know every drop, which yards I can turn around in and which I have back into, where the loos are, coffee machines, forkies, who closes for lunch and when.

But at night, on your own must get a bit tedious, I know a lot of guys who tune into talk radio shows and listen to the banter :laughing: :laughing:

I use to love ian Collins on talk sport … But now they talk football all night :frowning:

One thing I used to enjoy about driving a lorry was the unexpected. If I went to the same place more then a dozen times I’d find it boring, bar for an 18 month stint doing work all over Scotland that was defo the best 18 months ‘work’ I ever did, sigh.
I’d love to go back on the road again in an artic but with the right pay and the right variety. I miss so much about the job now I never thought I would! it really made me appreciate that job is what you make it.
That said I couldn’t do the same runs every week let alone every day I’d be in the mad house before the month was up :smiley: but someone has to do it to keep the wheels of life turning…

I used to feel the same thing about my pack up, “not bloody cheese again” I complained to a friend.

Well why don’t you tell the missus to pack you up something different?

I can’t do that, I make my own pack up :stuck_out_tongue:

Same driving my bus, same route everyday.
Must admit though, my current route is nice and the passengers(mostly) are nice.

We had several guy’s who for 20 years just did 6 or 7 loads a day to a concrete works half an hour away. They loved it, knew what they were doing each day, took their holiday when the plant closed for two weeks and had no mither finding different drops etc. They were still working on days when the rest of us had none or very little work, couldn’t fault them really. :wink:


similar to that…i done 7-9 loads a day to a readymix plant half an hour from the quarry for 14 years.would still be doing it today if lafarge hadn’t changed the system :angry: