The night driver does not smoke in the cab but

The plastic steering wheel stinks of cigarettes and I hate it. I have tried wiping all the wheel, buttons and controls etc with dettol wipes but to no avail. Can anyone advise sensibly if there any products that is good for getting rid of this?

Flash Magic Eraser, brilliant for cleaning the steering wheel. You’ll be amazed at the amount of dirt that comes off the wheel :open_mouth:
If the seats and roof lining reek of smoke, Autoglym Odour Eliminator is very good or a can of Oust/Febreeze as a cheaper option.

how about refusing to drive it ■■
then the ball is in your boss’s court.

You’re going to get the ■■■■ ripped out of you on here mate I expect, by all the He-men smokers asking wtf is wrong with you, and calling you a wuss and all that ■■■■■■■■.
Not by me, I ■■■■ hate as a tramper if somebody smokes in ‘‘my’’ truck (inverted commas for the benefit of the predictable 'it aint yours it’s the firms :unamused: ) and I have gone absolutely ape ■■■■ in the past with the said smoker.

If you share with a night man it’s a bit different, but even so if it was me before I went running to management about it, I would have a quiet word informing him of your strong disapproval, remind him it’s against the law anyway, and you are not prepared to continue as things are.
If he then either takes the ■■■■ and/or ignores you and continues.then refuse to take it out.
He can say ■■■■ all as he was warned.

Edit; I may have picked you up wrong after reading it again, I thought you meant that the driver SAYS he does not smoke in your truck but obviously he does by the stink left. :neutral_face:

He’s not smoking in the cab.

I have this issue. Even when another driver doesn’t smoke in the cab the smell is transferred from their hands to the wheel. I use some wipes to clean the wheel first but that often isn’t enough so I follow up with a nice smelly hand gel and repeat as necessary. It’s amazing how persistent the smell is though and bloody ironic that as a non smoker you can leave the truck with hands that smell like a smokers.

how about refusing to drive it ■■
then the ball is in your boss’s court.

And as one old gaffer used to say…" Well I never, what a strange way to hand in your notice " :laughing: :wink:
Regards. John.

old 67:

how about refusing to drive it ■■
then the ball is in your boss’s court.

And as one old gaffer used to say…" Well I never, what a strange way to hand in your notice " :laughing: :wink:
Regards. John.

Like it old 'un :smiley:

To respond to the question actually posed by the OP (rather than going off on a fairy story about the other guy smoking in the lorry even though the OP clearly states that he doesn’t do that…). Dettol wipes are not going to do much about the stale ■■■ smell that transfers oh so readily from a smokers hands to the steering wheel. All they will do is kill a few bugs and add their own, not particularly pleasant odour to the mix. As most of the stink comes from tar in the smoke, I would suggest looking for a product that will go some way towards removing the tar. Isopropyl alcohol might be effective as it should dissolve the tar. You can get “surgical wipes” which should do the job - wipe over with an alcohol wipe and then dry with a clean cloth to remove the tar etc. Don’t just wipe and then let it dry as the tar will still be on the steering wheel…

I seem to be getting a couple of digs here. :neutral_face:
In my edit I admitted that I may had misunderstood, but I worded it wrong by saying he ‘‘obviously had’’ (smoked) it came out wrong, I meant that the o/p thought that he had ‘‘obviously smoked’’ even though he had not.

So na naa naaa naa with tongue out :laughing:

So na naa naaa naa with tongue out :laughing:

Will you please stop spitting all over the dash mate, I hate it when people coat the interior of ‘MY’ truck in phlegm and other bodily fluids! :imp:
And you’ve the cheek to have a pop at smokers… :unamused:


So na naa naaa naa with tongue out :laughing:

Will you please stop spitting all over the dash mate, I hate it when people coat the interior of ‘MY’ truck in phlegm and other bodily fluids! :imp:
And you’ve the cheek to have a pop at smokers… :unamused:

It aint YOUR truck it belongs to the company…been waiting for weeks to say that. :smiley:
As for bodily fluids, after reading some of dipperdave’s post, think yourself lucky you aint sharing a truck with him, so stop moaning about a bit of spit and snot you Southern wuss. :laughing:

Thank you for the info on this issue. I’ve never been one to kick up a fuss to an employer and I wouldn’t refuse to take a vehicle for something like that-unless it’s for safety or bodily fluid reasons :blush:

I’ll give what is suggested a go and let you know how I get on. Hopefully there will be success!

As a Vaper/Smoker who has a non smoking friend (no really I do, he is a bit pretentious but can take a joke) my mate can tell if I’ve been smoking at 50paces so I can understand how distressing it must be to have your steering wheel fingered by a smoker.

Mangina wipes will do the trick, if that fails I find a squirt of jiff will remove most stains.

Could be worse you could share a truck with me, there’s more DNA on my steering wheel than at an ■■■■ in a phorensic lab.

I use a cleaning product called Pink, its a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle.
Available from fuel stations and some truckstops, very nice smell .

Get your boss…

To buy you your own steering wheel. Then, every shift you can take the stinky one off, attach your own clean and fragrant new one. :bulb:

You could chance your arm and try fer a new seat while you’re at it too.

i am a genius

I thought it was against the law to smoke in a company veh that’s shared

I thought it was against the law to smoke in a company vehicle l that’s shared

It’s also against the law:
to exceed the speed limit
Exceed driving hours
Run bent
Use a mobile phone while driving
Etc etc etc,
But that never stops them doing it, does it? … :unamused:

Sit tight o/p I told you all the stick would come. :smiley:

A quick rub with a sheet of coarse sandpaper does the trick,removes the offending layer of filth :wink:
When your steering wheel eventually gets down to the metal…boss chat time :laughing: