can u belive the radio today tesco have said there goin to bring polish workers over here to fill the shelf,s may if they paid us english a decent wage people work go to work for them sound,s like cheap labour to me
this is getting ridicoulous what they gonna call it next teski
Theres an agency in Winsford.Cheshire that brings Polish drivers over here, gets them accomodation and fixes them up with work in the local area, mainly I think with Woolies (Wincanton) but I do believe also with Tesco at Middlewich.
It’s not the polish drivers to blame,after all they’ve got to work too. I blame the greedy agencies. If it wasn’t for them there would be plenty more jobs and they would have to pay decent wages. I live in quite a small town but there are 14 agencies. No permenant jobs but plenty of agency ones.
I go into a company in hillington who have a lad from Poland.He speak’s very good english,and he is paying taxes in this country the same as we are.Does it bother me that he is from Poland NO it doesn’t and i can’t for the life of me think why it bother’s you’s that much
We have lad’s on this site that live and work in Germany ( guy’s like Marcustandy,BritPete).Do they get this treatment off the local German’s I very much doubt it,and if they did they would not put up with it.So why should these Polish people be singled out for trying to better their life and the life of their family.You’s are all quick enough to buy their booze and ■■■■/tobacco from them when they offer it to you’s,but as soon as a company say’s that they are going to get ppl from certain country’s in to work,christ you’s are there like a rat up a drain pipe.Do us a favour and give this a rest.i for one am sick fed up of hearing about polish drivers this,tesco’s that.
Isn’t there a 7 page thread further down this section covering the exact same topic as this?
Isn’t there a 7 page thread further down this section covering the exact same topic as this?
more like ran out of space,so let’s start another boring thread on polish drivers and tesco’s.
Isn’t there a 7 page thread further down this section covering the exact same topic as this?more like ran out of space,so let’s start another boring thread on polish drivers and tesco’s.
This is no different from UK drivers moving to Canada or the USA…we are all looking to better ourselves right■■? But it seems to me that some companies over in the UK have used it to there advantage “BIG TIME!” It would be nice if we could get a Tesco representative (or other) on here to explain there companies policy’s on foreign drivers? In the USA I have been paid the same or more than USA drivers based on my experience and job performance.
Hire 'em cheap, sell it high, seems to be the motto now! Is it any wonder they are raking in billions in profits? Tonight I tipped in Scunthorpe, and there were these two Bulgarian drivers, double-manning. You should have seen it, one was guiding the other onto the loading bay, to say I dont know how the driver got his license is an understatement, I think Stevie Wonder could have reversed that trailer better. It really was like the blind leading the blind.
Is this the future?
My view on foreign workers is that if they are FULLY up to the job, then I don`t have a problem. Just take this into consideration, though - on your travels up and down the highways of Britain, the majority of accidents we see involve a foreign truck. The general public hear on the news that there has been an accident involving a truck, and hey presto - the anti-truck brigade have a field day, demanding that we all be removed from the road, so that they can jump on the motorway at one junction and off at the next one, to get their really important things done - like shopping
slightly off topic but
I was talking to a corby chilled driver t,other day, weather this is true or just another drivers fable i dont know but this is what he told me.
apparantly NOLANS (irish firm), employed three poles, gave them three new topliners (i think is what he saiid).
three trailers with valuble loads set them off on there merry way to deliver said goods and never seen them again. vanished without a trace.
again i couldnt swear on oath that this is true, ANY ONE ELSE HEARD THE SAME ?..
serves them right. us brits have to have references, a checkable work record and a criminal offence declaration before we get past the interview these days. the only advantage we have is being better it is up to you lot to prove that you are better unless you happen to come across an employer with similiar views. they seem to work for small to medium companies too which still have values and respect for their employees. the bigger companies are out to prove who is making most profit and they dont care who or what they step on to get it
slightly off topic but
I was talking to a corby chilled driver t,other day, weather this is true or just another drivers fable i dont know but this is what he told me.apparantly NOLANS (irish firm), employed three poles, gave them three new topliners (i think is what he saiid).
three trailers with valuble loads set them off on there merry way to deliver said goods and never seen them again. vanished without a trace.
Here in Finland I have heard same kind of story which I believe to be true. A little company employed couple russian drivers and they got quite new Volvos. After few weeks they disappeared and last sight of them was in customs between Finnish and Russian border. After they got to the Russia there was no hope to catch them.
Tonight I tipped in Scunthorpe, and there were these two Bulgarian drivers, double-manning. You should have seen it, one was guiding the other onto the loading bay, to say I dont know how the driver got his license is an understatement, I think Stevie Wonder could have reversed that trailer better. It really was like the blind leading the blind.
You’re welcome here to whatch it every day if you want. Empty yard with plenty of space and trailer wanders to every other direction than towards bay
At times it feels like those russian drivers haven’t drove nothing else than car before.
We have also quite same problems as you have, poles retain your wages lower than they could be and here russian companies have take over practically all hauling between Finland and Russia. Of course with lower rates I wait with fear when they start to invade Finlands internal hauling.
I read an article the other day about Tesco hiring foreign labour, after they had tried numerous adverts for local staff without any luck.
So basically if the locals dont want the work then business sense tells you to bring in outside workers, regardless where they come from, it’s strange how all of a sudden there is uproar because Poland residents are jumping at the chance of better wages, yet there is never a word uttered about the thousands who have moved out to Spain to live in the sun, simply by selling up a £200,000 house, paying off the Mortgage and buying a cheap place in Spain and living off their bank account.
Fairs fair, if Tesco is prepared to pay agency’s silly wages for drivers that are being paid pathetic wages, and yet still rake in Millions of pounds worth of profit each year, they must be doing something right.
In the article I read, even a Union Official agreed that Tesco had done as much as possible to hire locally and failed, I’m sure the article was in Commercial Motor Magazine last week.
Davey Driver:
I read an article the other day about Tesco hiring foreign labour, after they had tried numerous adverts for local staff without any luck.So basically if the locals dont want the work then business sense tells you to bring in outside workers, regardless where they come from, it’s strange how all of a sudden there is uproar because Poland residents are jumping at the chance of better wages, yet there is never a word uttered about the thousands who have moved out to Spain to live in the sun, simply by selling up a £200,000 house, paying off the Mortgage and buying a cheap place in Spain and living off their bank account.
Fairs fair, if Tesco is prepared to pay agency’s silly wages for drivers that are being paid pathetic wages, and yet still rake in Millions of pounds worth of profit each year, they must be doing something right.
In the article I read, even a Union Official agreed that Tesco had done as much as possible to hire locally and failed, I’m sure the article was in Commercial Motor Magazine last week.
Never been a one for my gin and tonic stirred anti clockwise
I’ll stick to the Carling Extra Cold
Were Tescos offering a decent package for the job Davey? After all, although we all do a job, do we want to work for tescos, taking home a wage of say 1/3 of what we earn for 1/2 the hours?
If they were offering a rubbish job, at rubbish rates then who would want to take the job. If it was a good job at a reasonable rate, why didn’t you take it? (I know, I know, you are the owner of a very successful electronic equipment company, so don’t need a job at tescos)
Yawn Yawn Yawn
Can’t we have a ban on this bloody topic■■?
We have lad’s on this site that live and work in Germany ( guy’s like Marcustandy, BritPete).Do they get this treatment off the local German’sI very much doubt it,
…and there are more than us two i.e. Slackmack & Boosty to name a few.
Everyone has to just face up to the fact that we live in Europe which is made up from many countries. I’m not the biggest fan of this ‘Europe’ thing but remember there are advantages as well as disadvantages; anything from freedom of travel to booze cruises, cheap ■■■■ (and diesel!) from Belgium etc etc.
I work here because I had the opportunity of a good job; i’ve only done what the Polish drivers at Tesco’s (or wherever) have done and that is move to improve my lifestyle and that of my family. Eveytime you lot have a dig or a moan at the Polish I feel it is almost a bit of a dig at us that moved abroad (anywhere) to better ourselves.
Davey Driver:
it’s strange how all of a sudden there is uproar because Poland residents are jumping at the chance of better wages, yet there is never a word uttered about the thousands who have moved out to Spain to live in the sun, simply by selling up a £200,000 house, paying off the Mortgage and buying a cheap place in Spain and living off their bank account.
Exactly!!! Many of us probably know some one who has done this, whether it be to Spain or Australia (or Germany ) but do you think bad of them or keep posting on here to complain about them■■? I didn’t think so.
I’d suggest that we accept the situation that polish drivers are in the UK, have the right to be in the UK and should be treated fairly by all of us. All these (moaning) energies would be far better focused on the companies that are exploiting any resident of Europe!!
Can’t we have a ban on this bloody topic■■?
I’m kinda starting to think like that myself.
im not part of europe. im Scottish! british if i really need something
i only get cheap ■■■■ due to a contact, other than that, i dont wanna know about this EU gibberish. its all a plan to screw us in a new way