The Fickle World oF The Agency Driver

Last Friday 0600 start at a local haulier usual stuff 1st load Morrisons Wakefield. I phone the yard and they tell me to run in empty.

Get back to yard tofind the TM looking a bit sheepish






Well in my experience when one of our colleages decides to move on and he has seen the next days load it means one thing.

TM “Its just a few drops round HULL mate already loaded in drop order piece of cake if anyone complains about it being late tell em to ring me”

ME"Does this mean that I will be required next week being a driver down"

Off I toddle but before I do I txt the agy to make sure they confirm the booking 20 mins later they txt back 0500 start Tuesday.

I kick arse round Hull working like a dog to get them off and back to the yard for 1500.

TM" Could you dom me another favour Dave nip to NETTO and tip this load

ME tug mi forelock and off I go.

1745 back at yard NO TM to be seen and a txt message from agy that reads
: YOU HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I try to ring agy but no answer so home for a beer…

Tuesday morning 0915 and I am on the school run when the moby bursts into life AGY "DAVE CAN YOU GET INTO XXXXXXXXX in half an hour the jobs back on.

ME "Yep but only if you pay t/half all hours

AGY “er er er er yeah go on then”

I know seems a bit off but I am getting zb off with muppets

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i have started moaning too. at the moment, my daily commute is 45 mins each way. its costing £40 a week in petrol and in a few weeks, i will get a new car which runs on high octane petrol and it guzzles the stuff. i told them i wont be able to run the car on the money they are paying so they will either give me local work or pay me more :sunglasses:

Ah the life of an agency driver :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Should of asked for double time.

i will get a new car which runs on high octane petrol and it guzzles the stuff. i told them i wont be able to run the car on the money they are paying so they will either give me local work or pay me more

What a strange world you live in :confused: Sorry but after beating my had on the wall for 5 minutes, i still just can’t see how it’s your agencies fault that you want to use a vehicle you can’t afford to run. Sorry chief, can’t see it any other way.

If i had to commute 90 miles a day, I would be looking for a diesel as a replacement for a gas guzzler, or a second car (probably a second car).


i will get a new car which runs on high octane petrol and it guzzles the stuff. i told them i wont be able to run the car on the money they are paying so they will either give me local work or pay me more

What a strange world you live in :confused: Sorry but after beating my had on the wall for 5 minutes, i still just can’t see how it’s your agencies fault that you want to use a vehicle you can’t afford to run. Sorry chief, can’t see it any other way.

I wondered how long it would be before someone commented on that, I’m surprised it took a little over two days. I was going to say something but I couldn’t believe I had read it correctly but you have confirmed I did SiaC. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: I think most people running an agency would have a very short reply for you on hearing that ultimatum. Clue - 2 words, 2nd one is off. :wink:

I think most people running an agency would have a very short reply for you on hearing that ultimatum. Clue - 2 words, 2nd one is off. :wink:

Quite often it can help to get you a better rate just by asking. If i ever get asked last minute and it late ,i.e. a weekend i tell them i want more to go and most times get it. You never know till you ask.

… Sorry but after beating my had on the wall for 5 minutes…

I think you will find that , that is illegal or improper at the very least.

Yeah, I can understand it with a last minute or desperate job because you hold all the cards, I have used a similar ploy myself on urgent/no one else to do it jobs, but as a general ultimatum?

I did not give the guy an ultimatum I just told him that I had something that meant I would loose money if I did it for normal Time…Remember the Agency make money out of us so I do not get too upset about that.

I am self employed and will look after my business interests just as they will theirs…also they were the ones who cancelled me . :wink:

I wondered how long it would be before someone commented on that, I’m surprised it took a little over two days. I was going to say something but I couldn’t believe I had read it correctly but you have confirmed I did SiaC

Yes neil, i am extremely dissapointed that without supervision they are unable to take advantage when somebody makes such a blatantly stupid statement :wink:

I think you will find that , that is illegal or improper at the very least.

worth the effort though :wink:

I did not give the guy an ultimatum I just told him that I had something that meant I would loose money if I did it for normal Time…Remember the Agency make money out of us so I do not get too upset about that.

i wasn’t having a pop at you coder :wink: Both of my tiny brain cells were transfixed on Richie blokes post, I am still wondering if i read it wrong.

must dash, off to buy a F430 & tell my gaffer I need £150k a year 'cos a ferrari needs super unleaded :wink: Ah! fallen at the first hurdle, the “other me” just told me to off



Sorry coder, I wasn’t referring to your post with the ultimatum comment. :wink:


is that some strange language from the north ■■ :wink:

Besides, what are you doing here on a Thursday, you seem to be getting too fond of thisUK work & i bet all those euro coffee shops are on the way to bankruptcy now :frowning:

It’s a self portrait, stance looks a little gay mind you. :wink:

I’m enjoying the UK work at the moment. haven’t been over the water for a couple of months and not really missing it, despite thinking I would.

I like those big purple coffee machines in the MSA’s here. I win a coffee every time I have a go on one, and the best thing is they seem to be free because I sure can’t find a slot for the money. :wink: :sunglasses:

No probs Lads just easy to be misunderstood on here.

While were on it Coffee would you recommend INT work I am thinking about it :laughing:

While were on it Coffee would you recommend INT work I am thinking about it :laughing:

Yes I would.

I never thought you would settle happily on UK work, how are you going to write the next book !

Glad you’re enjoying it, our paths may cross one day & the coffee & biscuits are on me :wink:

Any thoughts of another book have been postponed, no way will I have enough material. I’ve got enough for about half a book at the moment though so you never know.

Coffee what book have you written mate ? :astonished:

I couldn’t possibly use TruckNet to advertise, it just wouldn’t be right. :wink: :smiley: :blush: :blush:

But if you promise not to tell anyone, THIS ONE. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: