So it looks like my HGV carear is over after I recived a letter today from the fine people at the DVLA saying that they are taking my class 1 and 2 entitlement off my licence due to information they have recived regarding my eyesight. I am absolutely gutted and intend to appeal but hold out no hope as I have read on here and heard off other drivers how they take licences and livelyhoods off people even though they have medical advice and reports saying the person is fit to drive.
I’ve been to the opticians today and had a check up and they say my eyesight and vision is more or less perfect. I passed the field test and the senlen chart, they say I don’t need glasses, my consultant at the hospital which is one of the main eye hospitals in the country has said in his opinion I’m perfectly fit to drive HGV’S after having 2 operations but yet some pen pusher who sits on their arse behind a desk all day has decided i’m not!
Work have been great and they are going to put me through my forklift test so I can work in our warehouse and still have a job. I’m going back to the hospital in October for them to do another field test and then send off the results along with a letter to the ■■■■■■■ at the DVLA informing them I am going to appeal. I can see this being a long drawn out process as I know they don’t like to rush about and I am thinking of getting in touch with my union to see if I could have any kind of legal help. What gets me though is that I have been waiting for over 6 weeks for them to come to this conclusion in which time I have been driving all over the country in an artic. What would have happened if I had an accident in that time? could I have been in serious ■■■■ by the law due to the fact I have now had my licence revoked?
mate thats pants i hope it all works out in the end
Have the DVLA sent you to one of their approved eye check centres ? - it is a free visit
Have the DVLA sent you to one of their approved eye check centres ? - it is a free visit
yes I went to the one at Barnsley General Hospital about 7 week ago. the field test I did today at the opticians was the same one when they found out I had the detached retina and retinal tears. I missed about 15 dots in my right eye the first time, today I missed 1.
Sorry to hear that pal. I wish you best of luck with your appeal
that`s ■■■■ news steve.
hope it all works out in the end.
Have the DVLA sent you to one of their approved eye check centres ? - it is a free visityes I went to the one at Barnsley General Hospital about 7 week ago. the field test I did today at the opticians was the same one when they found out I had the detached retina and retinal tears. I missed about 15 dots in my right eye the first time, today I missed 1.
Hang on . I have done the DVLA eye test many times and it was always done with both eyes together
The Eye dept VF was done with 1 eye at a time to see how bad my glaucoma right eye is but that was not required for DVLA
Sorry to hear the news, hope it all gets sorted soonest.
Sorry to here that know how you feel
But do fight it & keep going it took me several mth to get my licence from the DVLA medical section a few yr ago then had to fight again with them so it can be done
If you were to contest it then surely a letter from a consultant would stand up in court before some dullards opinion at the DVLA
Fight the ■■■■■■■ Steve! ■■■■■■■ gutted for you pal,
that ■■■■■ big time!
Fight it every bloody step mate…and good luck!
Hope it all turns out ok for you.
Sort of know what your going through, been there for other health reasons
A couple of things you need to do:
A letter to your MP explaining your circumstances and your desire not to be an unemployed burden on the country whilst the DVLA twiddle their thumbs, government ministers are always ready to toast someone at the DVLA, and not without good reason as you and me have found out.
Ring the medical department a least twice a week and have a calm winge about the time its taking, your calls have to be logged and it goes against their (don’t laugh) ‘‘Customer Satisfaction Statistics’’
Good luck, and don’t let the ■■■■■ get you down
Thats bloody ridiculous steve, where do the dvla think they are coming from.
Surely the way to go, would be to talk to the traffic commissioner, since all DVLA do is administrate there wishes and rules, fail there and it’s off to the magistrates court isn’t it?
A hospital consultant who actually specialises in optical problems says that you’re eyes are fine and you are perfectly safe to drive a HGV can be overuled by some pencil necked know nothing at DVLA? Wtf?
I really sympathise with you here Steve, and while I usually despise the compensation culture I’d urge you to fight this every step of the way and WHEN you’ve won your fight then sue the ■■■■■ at DVLA for every penny you can, loss of earnings, emotional trauma, the lot!
Maybe if we could sue the individuals responsible for these ■■■■ ups instead of the company they work for they would put a lot more thought in before destroying a mans livlihood.
All the best fella.
Thanks for the support fellas, means a lot I go back to the Hallamshire Hospital on the 3rd of Oct for full works and then hopefully he say’s again there is no reason I can’t drive HGVS and sends them a letter stating so. What gets me though is there are drivers at our place say that if they took their glasses off for driving,they wouldn’t be able to see their hand in front of their face!
I guess there are plenty more like that up and down the country.
If it goes to court and I win could I claim for loss of earnings and the overtime and nights out I have lost out on■■?
Thanks for the support fellas, means a lotI go back to the Hallamshire Hospital on the 3rd of Oct for full works and then hopefully he say’s again there is no reason I can’t drive HGVS and sends them a letter stating so. What gets me though is there are drivers at our place say that if they took their glasses off for driving,they wouldn’t be able to see their hand in front of their face!
I guess there are plenty more like that up and down the country.
If it goes to court and I win could I claim for loss of earnings and the overtime and nights out I have lost out on■■?
Probably not know the DVLA
If I took my glasses off I can see just not very well dont think I would like to drive without them
Like I said I had a different health problem ( it is in the family & health forum ) had to fight them all the way but did eventually win I didnt even have to go to my MP or court
So it can be done just dont give up hope or trying
Thanks for the support fellas, means a lotI go back to the Hallamshire Hospital on the 3rd of Oct for full works and then hopefully he say’s again there is no reason I can’t drive HGVS and sends them a letter stating so. What gets me though is there are drivers at our place say that if they took their glasses off for driving,they wouldn’t be able to see their hand in front of their face!
I guess there are plenty more like that up and down the country.
If it goes to court and I win could I claim for loss of earnings and the overtime and nights out I have lost out on■■?Probably not know the DVLA
If I took my glasses off I can see just not very well dont think I would like to drive without them
Like I said I had a different health problem ( it is in the family & health forum ) had to fight them all the way but did eventually win I didnt even have to go to my MP or court
So it can be done just dont give up hope or trying
If Steve goes to his consultant and gets him/her to write a letter to the medical people at the DVLA stating that his eyesight meets the relevant required levels for his licence. They have no right to deny him his licence.
He could take them to the European Court of Human Rights if Necessary,but I wouldn’t think he would need to go that far.