Tacho Card expires in 2 days, help please

Just been doing a photocopy of my licence and other bits for a job interview and have noticed my Digi Tacho expires on 5/2/2012.

I have not received a reminder or a new card.

My address on my driving licence is up to date and has been for several months.

How do I get a new card? How long does it take?

Thanks in advance, Mucker85

I believe you can ring up for replacements. Debit / Credit Card over the phone. 3-5 days delivery from what I heard from a colleague.

I don’t know for sure but I think it’s DVLA you need to ring

0300 123 1341 this is the dvla driver card number

All you need to give is name, address, long number on the front of your credit card and expiry date takes literally less than 2 minutes. Very impressive service :smiley:

Does it still need to go to your local vosa site, or can it be posted to your home address ?

Does it still need to go to your local vosa site, or can it be posted to your home address ?

Home address.

Its a common problem where someone has moved house. They remember to update their licence - but not the digi card and they are seperate records. The digi card reminder then goes to the old address

If the address on the digi card is wrong - you can’t apply for a new one over the phone. It has to be via the correct form.

Phone line is 0300 123 1341 and yes they are very helpfull

Obviously if you card expires you can still drive analogue as long as you carry the expired card with you for 28 days

Can take up to 15 days for a replacement card.

Goes without saying but I wouldn’t risk driving a digital equipped vehicle after the card expiry date even if you have arranged a replacement.

Its a common problem where someone has moved house. They remember to update their licence - but not the digi card and they are seperate records. The digi card reminder then goes to the old address

It doesn’t, they use the address on the licence for digi card reminders. All my renewal stuff for the digi card came to this address, which had been changed on my licence, even though the digi still showed my previous address. Three other people I know who moved but didn’t bother changing the address on their digi card also got the reminder to their new address.

In this case it must have either gone missing in the post or as they send the reminder out about 3 months before the expiry it may have gone out as the address was being updated on the licence but just before it was actually changed.

You can drive up to 15 days without a card, providing the DVLA have been informed & you do a print out at the start & end of each shift, & keep them as you would an analogue tacho.

You can drive up to 15 days without a card, providing the DVLA have been informed & you do a print out at the start & end of each shift, & keep them as you would an analogue tacho.

I would agree for lost/stolen or defective cards but if his card expires then he no longer has one and therefore cannot drive a vehicle equipped with a digital tacho just like you couldn’t when they first came out.

I agree that what you says makes sense as the VU will still record all the activities - when he adds his name and licence number to the print it is no different than an analogue chart (well . . . long and thin instead of round)

I did read a case somewhere when the FTA advised a driver couldn’t drive ANY vehicle because he had sent away for renewal with less than 15 days leadtime. They advised that once the card expired and until the new one arrived the driver couldn’t drive digi or analogue. I can’t remember the exact reasoning behind this but distinctly remember reading it somewhere. I’ll try to find it. There again perhaps I was told this by a DCPC trainer - so it must be right. :wink:

As for the address issue I have seen both happen. Some received their reminder even though the address on the actual digi card was different - some didn’t. Maybe there is a big time delay from changing licence address to this being reflected on the digi card record? Or maybe DVLA aren’t very efficient :open_mouth:

You can drive up to 15 days without a card, providing the DVLA have been informed & you do a print out at the start & end of each shift, & keep them as you would an analogue tacho.

He hasn’t lost the card, it hasn’t been stolen and it hasn’t malfunctioned. He’s forgotten to apply for a new one.


You can drive up to 15 days without a card, providing the DVLA have been informed & you do a print out at the start & end of each shift, & keep them as you would an analogue tacho.

I’m afraid that, unless the rules have changed since Christmas, you can’t drive without a card if you’ve forgotten to renew the card. My brother forgot to renew his & when he rang Swansea he was told he could continue driving until his current card expired but would then have to park up until his new card arrived. He was lucky and his card arrived in time for him to go to work after the new year.


Only if he tells them he’s forgot to renew it, I can skim a digi card further than an analogue tacho :laughing:

make the most of it, get down the rock and roll and sign on to the gravy train. Allegedly £500 sheets a week take home for doing one up the tax payer.

May or may not be anything useful to the OP here:


Thanks for the advice, I phoned up DVLA 0300 123 1341 (they operate the production of the cards for VOSA). The nice bloke on the other end guided me to the Business link website businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/ac … =RESOURCES and to the correct form to download D777B. Just need to fill out and send back with a new photo and a cheque for £19.

There is no problem with me not being allowed to drive, I haven’t got a job.

Only if he tells them he’s forgot to renew it, I can skim a digi card further than an analogue tacho :laughing:

He won’t need to tell them he has forgotten to renew it, they know that already.

And on the link posted, it states NO new photo will be required !

And 1 for Coffee : i am moving soon from london to kent, so when i notify dvla about my new address, do i also have to notify them for the digi, dcpc, etc etc, or does it all happen under 1 roof.

just got my renewal thru not due to expire till 30/4/12
plenty of notice , but cant renew on line■■?

just got my renewal thru not due to expire till 30/4/12
plenty of notice , but cant renew on line■■?

Cant renew online but if you have a credit or debit card it is easy peasy on the phone, only takes 2 minutes.

Does anyone know If you phone the now and organise a replacement will it start from end date of old one or from date off issue ?