Stop & Help?

Wheel Nut:
Did he give you the thumbs up? :stuck_out_tongue:


i’ll always help if i can, usually with a to z in hand. been stuck myself a few times( when the sat nav told a fib). i find taxi drivers on the rank quite helpfull.

I do it when someone looks as he is lost. And as for help when I need it, taxi drivers are usually great…

Except in Hungary. I once stopped on a taxi rank when I was looking for some hotel, and he said he will drive me there. I told him that I have my van, and I just need a directions. He said I have to pay him as he looses the customer if I don’t go with him. I thanked him politely, went to McDonalds and used their wi fi to find what I needed…

I’ll help out the reefers that drive into our gravel pit as they mistake Gill Mill for Ducklington Mill and neither my employer or Phillip Dennis have put a sign up explaining the two. I really hate the foreign driver who leaps out infront of me waving a bundle of delivery notes and atlases as I pass them though…
I’ve also sent ■■■■■■ in completely the wrong direction when I’ve been parked in a local layby and they’ve asked for the way "to de quarry. But that just helps the rest of the decent human community :laughing:

I’ve often had drivers stop asking for directions if I know where they’re going then I point them in the right direction. Once got a free lift up to Saint Gobain once when I was working there on apprenticeship as a driver stopped asking where it was, got a free lift and spared me £2.10 on the bus fair :laughing: :smiley:


Jonny :sunglasses:

£2.10…Jonny, bet you felt like a millionaire…did you buy some sweets with it?

Always try to help out, years ago you could use their lingo too
Germany for a LKW driver
french for Chauffer des Camions.

Nowadays its too much to assume a german truck is german driver too.

And there are so many of the eastern states drivers here too!

Always try and help as it’s bad enough not having a clue where you are going when you speak the language.
As wheel nut said I always ask to see there cmr but some of the address they have are as vague as he’ll but I suppose that’s a transport problem the world over.

There are 2 industrial areas here in the wilds of West Swansea. separated by 11’6"high bridges with a long diversion if you are on the wrong side.If I see a truckdriver parked up scratching his head and beating sh*t out of his pratnav I will pull up and help him,probably lead him around the low bridges.Makes me feel soooo good!!!(Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!!)

I rarely venture away from these shores nowadays, but when i did i was helped on many many occasions in all 4 corners of Europe, so yes i will try to help if i can.

We regularly get trucks into our yard because the road isnt signed as a dead end.
They are usually looking for one of three or four places.

The most memorable was an Italian driver that was looking for Bentley Motors and was in the centre of town completely lost.
He was gobsmacked when i asked him in his own language if I could help., told him to wait till i got the car from nearby car park and told him to follow me. Took him straight to the door, and was rewarded with a case of Birra Peroni. ! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Theres too much of the old “not my problem why should i help a foreigner” nowadays IMO.

Funnily enough i come as a couple of italians in an artic today, they were trying to get in to northwield airfield but couldn’t work it out, i was going there anyway for the burger van so stopped went up to them, they showed me a hand written address on a small bit of paper so i got them to follow me in, took them right up to the unit they needed. They were very greatful for the help.

I have always stopped and helped a British or foreign driver if they are obviously looking for a place. I try and put myself in their place and would like to think that if faced with the same situation,someone would help me.

Nice to know there’s still a bit of other goodwill about. I like to do my bit if I can, got flagged down once in the depths of Kent, didn’t have a clue where the place was but I phoned the deivery point and got them to give me directions which I passed on to the driver.

get this a lot where i live but usually its foreign drivers looking for a shop in the town centre or even the docks(bearing in mind I live up near the golf course end of old felixstowe and the only dock up here is a small marina) I usually just draw them a map as pictures are so much easier than trying to talk,that usually gets a nod of there head and a sort of thank you…

Our house is in a small street, although an infrequent bus route, and in a restricted weight area. The other evening at about 10pm I hear a big diesel engine and hissing air, so I go out to investigate. Bloody great Magnum with tilt trailer trying to squeeze past the neighbour’s parked car.

The driver has no English and was trying to decide whether to go on or go back. He showed me the addy he was looking for which was scrawled in a notebook. The addy was a private house miles away but the postcode was ours - there was also a phone number. I used his phone and spoke to the guy who had sold a canoe on ebay to someone in Hungary and was expecting it to be collected… Not by an artic though:)

I gave the driver the right postcode so he could satnav his way there and watched him back out onto the main road. We had quite a crowd by the time we were done but there was no free beer.

What goes round comes round.

yep they think there in heaven when you ask for the CMR

I’ve had people who have gone out of their way to help me, both UK and abroad, so I always help anyone in the same position. It doesn’t matter what nationality you are or where you are, but any help from a like-minded lorry driving comrade is particularly welcome. There is nothing worse than trying to find somewhere with a vague address at night when all you want to do is find it and park up. Not banging on about “old times”, but there was a time when people would stop and help regardless. There is no harm in a few minutes of your time to put someone right. Its restored my faith in human nature on many occasions.



Until recently the signage heading south over the Runcorn bridge was not great and if you got in the wrong lane you’d end up at a roundabout with a bridge with a 7.5 weight limit to the right, a low bridge straight ahead, or turn left up a side street by a pub. Forever getting foreign and Uk drivers scratching heads and usually got them to follow me through back streets.

You never know when you might want the same in return.

Last week I was on an Industrial Estate near Thetford and this Nobby d artic from Belguim was driving up and down for ages. He was there when I went to load and still going up and down 45 minutes later.
I walked over to him and he had this bit of paper with the name and address of a Company with what looked like a local postcode. Never heard of the ‘Way’ or Company. My trusty Sat Nav said there was no such ‘Way’ but there was a ‘Lane’. Not far away, so I got him to follow me. Got to the address and there was a DHL Warehouse and some other buildings/warehouses. I got out and asked if they’d heard of this place at the DHL Depot, “Yes, that’s Us”. “Oh but it says DHL up there” I said, “we haven’t got around to changing it”. ■■■■■■
Anyways, this Nobby D driver was chuffed to ■■■■■, he wouldn’t let go of my hand, nearly shook it to death, lol.

There are 2 industrial areas here in the wilds of West Swansea. separated by 11’6"high bridges with a long diversion if you are on the wrong side. .

So I discovered… :blush:

Theres too much of the old “not my problem why should i help a foreigner” nowadays IMO.

I’ve not seen that attitude in any of the posts on here, closest was a misdirection for ■■■■■■ which is acceptable