Stobarts on ITV4 Thurs 19th 8pm

New series. Documentary following the fortunes of the two men who run the Eddie Stobart Group and the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis.

May be worth a look…

wonder why its on ITV4 and not 3,2 or even 1 :question:

New series. Documentary following the fortunes of the two men who run the Eddie Stobart Group and the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis.

May be worth a look…

WATCH LIVE TV on-line for anyone who needs to :slight_smile:

Thanks, my bro used to work for them and has told me without doubt never to ever work for him. Although he has always hated authority and never held a job more then 6 months due to his arguementative nature, so I will be able to see if I was proved right that his attitude was wrong again :laughing:

watched it and they are filthy rich - private jets, helicopters - :blush:

loved the bit where william paid someone 500quid :open_mouth: to get rid of a bleeping noise in his new motor - filthy rich but not the brightest bulb :laughing:

watched it and they are filthy rich - private jets, helicopters - :blush:

loved the bit where william paid someone 500quid :open_mouth: to get rid of a bleeping noise in his new motor - filthy rich but not the brightest bulb :laughing:

When your that rich mate £500 to pay some bloke to turn beeps of is like buying a mate a pint!

Wether the business ethics are right or wrong you have to admire what they have achieved in life none of use would complain if we were a few £k behind them! LOL

So they are rich, For all the knocking of Stobarts, lets remember they started of with a single truck, scrabbling for work, Some where out there today is another sole vehicle owner who will have the business kudos and charisma to make it big., dont knock Stobarts because they made it, they started they same way as everyone else

I for one dont knock Stobarts, they pay the norm for the industry, they run legal, give their drivers decent motors, because they have acieved the economy of scale doesnt make them bad, just big.

They also unlike many other large companies attempt to give a positive image to the general public, something this industry sadly lacks

I am not a Stobbie fanboy, but can appreciate that Stobarts is a well run business that doesnt crap on its employee’s, and actually in the publics perception gives our industry some positive coverage

I worked for them, i thought they where great to work for. I think as they’ve grown bigger and taken over more contracts over the years and maybe smaller subbies have lost out to them, the guys who worked the contracts previously dislike them for it. The rumours about them are legend as we all know.
Although at the same time, apart from a smart appearance i couldn’t say they where anymore organised or disorganised than anyone else. Thats from a drivers viewpoint.

So they are rich, For all the knocking of Stobarts, lets remember they started of with a single truck, scrabbling for work, Some where out there today is another sole vehicle owner who will have the business kudos and charisma to make it big., dont knock Stobarts because they made it, they started they same way as everyone else

I for one dont knock Stobarts, they pay the norm for the industry, they run legal, give their drivers decent motors, because they have acieved the economy of scale doesnt make them bad, just big.

They also unlike many other large companies attempt to give a positive image to the general public, something this industry sadly lacks

I am not a Stobbie fanboy, but can appreciate that Stobarts is a well run business that doesnt crap on its employee’s, and actually in the publics perception gives our industry some positive coverage

very dissapointed in your last paragraph ricky, theres alot of larkhall , manton wood drivers loosing there jobs at the moment, who wrongly or rightly feel theyve been crapped on. maybe a bit more thought about what you post in future


So they are rich, For all the knocking of Stobarts, lets remember they started of with a single truck, scrabbling for work, Some where out there today is another sole vehicle owner who will have the business kudos and charisma to make it big., dont knock Stobarts because they made it, they started they same way as everyone else

I for one dont knock Stobarts, they pay the norm for the industry, they run legal, give their drivers decent motors, because they have acieved the economy of scale doesnt make them bad, just big.

They also unlike many other large companies attempt to give a positive image to the general public, something this industry sadly lacks

I am not a Stobbie fanboy, but can appreciate that Stobarts is a well run business that doesnt crap on its employee’s, and actually in the publics perception gives our industry some positive coverage

very dissapointed in your last paragraph ricky, theres alot of larkhall , manton wood drivers loosing there jobs at the moment, who wrongly or rightly feel theyve been crapped on. maybe a bit more thought about what you post in future

I see what you’re saying Ady. Look what some nutter wrote here…!!!>>>>>

Thank’s to the link that Rog provided I was able to watch this programme, Thanks Rog, :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

AFAIC William & Andrew did a bloody good job of showing how a massive company has to operate in this day and age, for me it came across as a professional organisation that actually wanted to keep people in work and really wanted to see the haulage/transport industry and anyone involved in it as professional and essential. I just hope that future episodes? concentrate more on how ESL keep the food, clothes & bed available 24/7 then maybe joe public might realise just how important road transport is to our society.

Also if anyone on here has the bloody nerve to say that they wouldn’t indulge themselves in some way, if they found themselves in the same position, then I must be living in some kind of parellel world because the ‘Hippie’ type way of thinking really ended in 1968.

I think ESL has changed the whole face of Haulage/Transport/Logistics and lets support what they have done rather than try to bring them down, otherwise it will be the WB’s, ND’s, DHL’s & all the other European Subsidised Companies that will be controlling the whole lot of our haulage/transport infrastructure.

It looked liked William and Andrew had a very close relationship not just in their working life but also in their private life and if that close partnership has enabled them to build the most high profile Transport Company in the UK then bloody good on em!!!

If I was still in the class 1 job market I would be very pleased if I could get on for them, no doubt about it! whatever anyone say’s about them.
Dave Penn;

the ‘Hippie’ type way of thinking really ended in 1968.

I’m not being picky Dave but it wasn’t the year 1968 :smiley:

It looked liked William and Andrew had a very close relationship not just in their working life but also in their private life

See?!! Thats more recent than 1968 :smiley:
Good on them, live and let live i say !! :smiley: :smiley:

you can put up any link you like , but at the moment my thought are with the drivers at larkhall, manton wood loosing there jobs.
but i do understand that you have to kiss your bosses ■■■ , score some browny points with him, i always wondered how you and j.d with your records became moderators , now all is being revealed
:exclamation: :exclamation:

Ady, I understand what your saying. and for those drivers its crap, But is it Stobarts or Innovate who let them down?.

The Transport industry is not a charity, Stobarts have retained more jobs by the Innovate takeover than would have happened if Innovate had simply closed. to keep depots open that were not financially viable when they could service those contracts from existing depots is daft from a business point of view,. It probably one of the reasons they bought the Innovate assets, they could utalise existing depots and service the contracts with no major added costs and make a profit where Innovate couldnt.

I am sorry for the guys who are being made redundant, But Stobart didnt cause that situation , Innovate did, It is only Stobarts name on the redudancy notices because they bought the business and are now trying to reform it to make sure it doesnt fail again

I’m with you there Mike-c, I just meant that the origanal ‘Hippie’ movement and ‘love & peace’ philosophy ended when Charlie Manson and friends decided to what they did, so whatever & however W & A have chosen to to live their lives and run their business is something this country should actually be very proud of.
And along with you I will always say ‘good on them’ and ‘live and let live’ :smiley: :smiley: :wink:
Dave Penn;

you can put up any link you like , but at the moment my thought are with the drivers at larkhall, manton wood loosing there jobs.
but i do understand that you have to kiss your bosses ■■■ , score some browny points with him, i always wondered how you and j.d with your records became moderators , now all is being revealed
:exclamation: :exclamation:

I’m confused. You said the recesion is not all bad and you have a job for life and on the bright side houses are cheaper? Now other people should watch what they say?
My thoughts arw with the guys from Larkhall as well, it may be a selfish interest but it was a regular contract of ours. And like you too, i’ve just witnessed several guys get made redundant this week, one in his sixties realistically will not work again, well unless a miracle happens in the next year or two.
On the bright side, i’m kissing the bosses ■■■ , thats going well and i’m a moderator along with JD, see? Some of us are going places even in a recession :smiley:

Lets get one thing straight here, None of the mods or admins kiss my arse, to be quite honest they spend most of their time kicking the ■■■■ thing, Every single volunteer mod or Admin are members of this community and are entitled to their own views, We do not expect them to toe any particular line or follow any doctrine, If they have a view or say on any subject they are entitled to say so, and bloody better say so, their views are as important, and no more important than any one elses.

So lets get back on subject and stiop the silly mud slinging

Lets get one thing straight here, None of the mods or admins kiss my arse,

I think he’s refering tomy employer Rik, i don’t think he’s actually seen us !! :smiley:

I was especially impressed the way Mr Tinkler lost more than he pays his drivers in a month on an horse race, even though we are " the most important part of the business!"

What’s this programme actually called? Next Thursday at 8 is football on ITV4…