Speed limit question

As some of you may know, Ive just started my class 2 training and today I was told that if the speed limit is 40mph then trucks are limited to 30mph - is this correct as I always thought that on an A road the limit is 40mph, dual carriageways is 50mph and motorways is legally 60mph, though limited to 56mph :confused:

As some of you may know, Ive just started my class 2 training and today I was told that if the speed limit is 40mph then trucks are limited to 30mph - is this correct as I always thought that on an A road the limit is 40mph, dual carriageways is 50mph and motorways is legally 60mph, though limited to 56mph :confused:

You can do up to 40mph if it says 40mph. and the rest is correct

correct if its 40 for cars its 30 for trucks but you show me anyone that obeys it :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


If it is 40 on a single carriagway its 40 for cars and trucks, if it is 60 or 50 on a single carriageway then it is 40 for trucks, 50 for vans and 60 for cars.
50 maximum on a dual and 60 on a motorway for all lorries(HGV).

And in fairness if you have just started your practical I will assume that you have past your ā€œtheory testā€ recently which means you should bloody well know this :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

As some of you may know, Ive just started my class 2 training and today I was told that if the speed limit is 40mph then trucks are limited to 30mph - is this correct as I always thought that on an A road the limit is 40mph, dual carriageways is 50mph and motorways is legally 60mph, though limited to 56mph :confused:

Thats crap mate 40 is 40 for everyone, you should change instructors :open_mouth:

You can do up to 40 if it says 40.

As some of you may know, Ive just started my class 2 training and today I was told that if the speed limit is 40mph then trucks are limited to 30mph - is this correct :confused:

DAF95XF with the
I always thought that on an A road the limit is 40mph, dual carriageways is 50mph and motorways is legally 60mph, though limited to 56mph :confused:

That saved me from doing it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

PS - anyone who thought different needs to get a copy of the highway code very quicklyā€¦

I often wonder where these urban myths get started.

The highway Code will tell you the truth about speed limits so check there instead of listening to tales by other so called experts.
If it says 40 then thats fine and you are right about the rest just as busby06 says.
Good luck with the training - and what exactly did your instructor tell you about the 40 MPH query - just for interest?

As some of you may know, Ive just started my class 2 training and today I was told that if the speed limit is 40mph then trucks are limited to 30mph - is this correct :confused:

And in fairness if you have just started your practical I will assume that you have past your ā€œtheory testā€ recently which means you should bloody well know this :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

HE DOES :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

DAF95XF with the
I always thought that on an A road the limit is 40mph, dual carriageways is 50mph and motorways is legally 60mph, though limited to 56mph :confused:

Thats crap mate 40 is 40 for everyone, you should change instructors :open_mouth:

I would ask your instructor again - just to see if you get the same answer :wink:

Have answered you in the identical post - HERE :slight_smile:

In my training I was told
speed limit over 40 knock off 10 for hgv
under 40 do it in hgv (upto of course)

hope this is right
Iā€™m sure its what I got told

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And donā€™t forget if a speed limiter is fitted than the speed the limiter is set to becomes the limit for the vehicle. So in my case itā€™s 52mph, and poor Jessicaā€™s Dad risks a ticket if he runs up to 56 on a downhill stretch. Incidentally has anyone ever been done for violating a limited speed?

And donā€™t forget if a speed limiter is fitted than the speed the limiter is set to becomes the limit for the vehicle. So in my case itā€™s 52mph, and poor Jessicaā€™s Dad risks a ticket if he runs up to 56 on a downhill stretch. Incidentally has anyone ever been done for violating a limited speed?

I would love to see the peice of legislation that says this, can you find it anywhere on the web because I cant, or any reference to it.

Ive never heard of this either?

Whats is VOSA/traffic cops view on ā€œover speedsā€ on the digital tacho? isā€™nt that roughly the same sort of thing? I was always let to believe you can be ā€œdoneā€ for them if they VOSA etc followed the letter of the law :question: :question:

I stand to be corrected though :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And donā€™t forget if a speed limiter is fitted than the speed the limiter is set to becomes the limit for the vehicle. So in my case itā€™s 52mph, and poor Jessicaā€™s Dad risks a ticket if he runs up to 56 on a downhill stretch.


And donā€™t forget if a speed limiter is fitted than the speed the limiter is set to becomes the limit for the vehicle. So in my case itā€™s 52mph, and poor Jessicaā€™s Dad risks a ticket if he runs up to 56 on a downhill stretch.

Oh great, the price of bacon has gone up :exclamation: :open_mouth: :laughing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :laughing:

Whats is VOSA/traffic cops view on ā€œover speedsā€ on the digital tacho? isā€™nt that roughly the same sort of thing? I was always let to believe you can be ā€œdoneā€ for them if they VOSA etc followed the letter of the law :question: :question:

I stand to be corrected though :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

VOSA will check your tacho speeds against known speed limits, e.g. if your depot is 15 miles from a dual carriageway and all roads to it are 40mph , and your records show you driving at 56 mph within a couple ofminutes of leaving the depot, they will warn you regarding excessive speed., 60 mph over speed downhill on motorway is perfectly legal no matter what your speed limiter is set at