Sorry scania lovers

feel sorry for all scania lovers out there if scania gona be looking like this :open_mouth: … opneus.jpg

Uwwwwwww wtf

That’s gotta be a ■■■■ take!

Looks like something out of the steady Eddie cartoons.

designed by Disney■■?

Think it looks pretty good.

Scania for life!

I think you’ll find it’s some sort of safety truck concept, hence the rather bulbous nose and longer front overhang!

Fugly, aint it…

nope if you read the side eu is allowing new longer cabs to be built for better aero dynamics for future euro emmisions

The Leyland FG (Thrupenny Bit) makes a comeback!!!
Next year, Daf reintroduce the Ergomatic cab as an update to the CF…

are the covered front wheels for aerodymanics or are they just to hide something before it’s released?

Looks like the old ERF Sabrina… And should be confined to history with the Sabrina… :open_mouth:

i think its volkswagons way of killing off scania and fully replace with MAN since they own both

I based my guess on this item. … cidents-wi

I’ve always thought that Scania make some nice looking vehicles but jeez that’s a double bagger.

Reminds me a little of the old ERF EP6 / BMC fugly thing.

Is that the new bullnose? That is one ugly motor.


yeh pic is same one as you described

Is it pregnant?

Thats got to be one of those cheep Chinese knockoffs like that Rolls Royce thing that top gear reported on. Ill never complain about my Renault again.

2013 Scania■■?