Some dvice on a certain issue with agencies

Hi guys, I work for an agency and have been on the same contract now for almost three years. It seems very much to be that at the minute they seem to be ble to do what ever they like as there is a serious abundance of drivers at the minute. Where i work defnitley has got alot quieter over the months. This has also to do with the change over form somerfield to co-op. Wages dropped three times in last year, not getting paid when sent home cause no work, agancy telling everone that there holiday pay isnt roling over form last year and only tellin people when it was to late for them to get it (our holiday pay always rolled over and was held for us now alot of people have lost there money cause they didint get it before end of march i think it is). I was lucky that i got mine after christmas, just pure luck that i needed them… Anyway we have now all been told that our holiday pay is now only accured when we work through the week and not at weekends. our hol pay always use to incure at weekend too after all it is another working day and at the minute it is the only work we get so since start of feb i have only worked up 10 hours hol pay…

can they do sll these things, it seems that they can do what ever they want, it sounds like discrimination at the workplace to me…

thanks for reading

Ask for a copy of your contract to see whether your agency is in breach of it.

They can,Son
If they do it not the legal Way,then with Sorry,we didn’t know earlier,or Sorry for Mistake,or,whatever.
The other Site is that they can’t pay they don’t have,but,you can move forward your Holiday secretly from 1th Januar to 15th December,to celebrate Christmas with your Family.
Back to work on 7th Januar.
Anywhy. You are interested in a long paid Holiday?
Many Construction Companies will start building Roads in India,and will need Employees to send there,to make sure theres Machinery is treatened well. They pay usually well and Life is cheap there. Leaving in Baraks,eating in Company Restaurant and a paid Fly for your Holiday were in too. … 40635.html
India is booming,and you haven’t trouble with Agency

Go to and research statutory holiday pay. It matters not that you work only at weekends, all time worked counts. The weekend is part of the working week, if you work it. You need your days per week and the days in your working week then work out your entitlement using the formula on the site. You can work out days owed or hours owed, (I think). If your hours worked vary, e.g. 8-9-10-11 per day etc., you can average your days worked over 12 weeks to arrive at your reference hours per day entitlement.
For example: If you work 2 day from 5 you are entitled to approx 9 days holiday pay.
Your contract should state your holiday year. If they change it without notice I believe that’s a breach.

Now, I may have misread some of this information, it’s complicated but it’s all on the site, check it out.

Your union should be able to advise, as well. (What! Not in a (URTU) union? Silly billy! Join now.

can they do sll these things, it seems that they can do what ever they want, it sounds like discrimination at the workplace to me…

thanks for reading

Quite simply, what does your terms of employment say?

Oh, and BTW, its illegal for them not to give you written terms of employment and if you ever took them to tribuneral and it came to light you weren’t given written terms, you’ve automatically won £1250 even if you actually lose the tribuneral.

Hi guys, now that i think about it i changed over agency about four months ago and i really dont remember signing anything.
Im thinking though that if i take this furthur then they will stop giving me work, and at the minute that would be no good since there is hardly any work about.

Hi guys, now that i think about it i changed over agency about four months ago and i really dont remember signing anything.
Im thinking though that if i take this furthur then they will stop giving me work, and at the minute that would be no good since there is hardly any work about.

Even if you didn’t sign anything if they had it written down that it was their policy (say in a drawer somewhere) and you were working to those rules, then you are deemed to have agreed to them.
