So sad I was right about the change to a new platform

Well unfortunately my fears seem to have been well founded. I commented when they were on about migrating to a new platform how when this happens the site owners throw all kinds of whistles and bells in and turn what was a once decent site with decent clean easy to use and navigate layout into an utter pile of garbage.

Congratulations TrucknetUK, you too have done this. In fact I’d say that this has to be one of the worst examples I’ve come across of “[zb]”. Was this something that an undergrad student said they’d do for free to put in their portfolio for their Comp Sci degree because it sure as hell looks like one.

It’s an absolute nightmare to navigate, nothing makes sense. I’m typing this post and as I sart to type on the right hand of the screen is a post preview text box that comes up with thread suggestions etc until I press ESC and then it shows my post contents. WTF is that all about?

No wonder the site was offline so much, the people designing it were trying to figure out how to use as many of the toys and plugins of the new forum software they could possibly cram in.Absolute unadulterated utter dog crap. If you wanted to kill off the site and the community then congratulations. Between the downtime and this absolute abhorrent disaster of a forum design you’ve done it.

All you had to do was migrate the old site as it was to a new platform, maybe do a bit of updating of some of the graphics.

Don’t be surprised if the numbers using it and posting on it drop through the floor.


Yeah this site isn’t intuitive at all.

Some of the old posts have been merged with new ones - it’s a right shambles.

I’m on a number of other forums and migration is normally done on a weekends in the evening with little to no fuss.

A number of them use Invision Community software which is clean and easy to use. Another uses php/phpBB

This one could have been moved a lot easier and cheaper if the owners had thought about it a bit.


Rethink on this FFS, you have destroyed TNUK and taken pleasure from hundreds of posters and lookers and readers, just wish I had the knowledge to start a new thread on the lines of the old TNUK which was easy to use even if there were delays at times posting, best you revert before the site is dead, very frustrated Buzzer


The person that taught me a little programing always said each function should do one thing only and it should do it well. Unfortunately with the modern approach it seems that everything has to do everything badly with as many stupid pop up boxes as possible, I cant tell you the amount of apps i have used over the years only for them to be updated to a pile of rubbish.

who ever provided the software here obviously is a huge fan of pop ups and data mining

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First time I’m able to log in since … last year? If I can do without TNUK for a month, you’ve just proved to me that I can survive without it at all. Was the intention to lose as many posters as possible? I note that new users are still not able to create an account.

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Ive just logged off, and tried setting up a new account, it seems to work, although I didnt follow through.
Logged off, looked at a topic, and hit the “reply” button. It came up with a box to either log-in or set up an account. As I say I didn`t follow it through, but there is a pathway there.

Where do we go for virtual lorry chat if we don’t come here or use Facebook, (which I don’t)? Like Stu says, live without I suppose (shrug).

If you follow through you have to wait for an approval email which never comes

Buzzer , i miss your daily picture inputs, why the hell change years of a successful forum , our local infant school could a better job it was’nt broke in the first place. toshboy


This link Trucknet UK takes you to the latest postings - a little similar to the old one.

One positive thing though - one can upload multiple pictures in one go.

I’m afraid I have to agree with you - usability should have a high priority.


I think i replied . . can anybody hear me ?

Did anybody hear that?

Finally logged in but what a disappointment. Impossible to navigate

I’ll try to answer some of the points made so far…

Yes, this platform has more in the way of bells and whistles, as well as being far quicker, stable and more secure than the ‘old’ TN, which should address a lot of the concerns posted in the ‘old’ TN Feedback Forum.

We have to accept that the ‘old’ TN was very outdated and difficult to maintain, therefore the decision was made by the owners (DVV Media International) that the old platform was no longer fit for purpose.

For the other half of the population of TN, the ‘new’ TN will certainly take some getting used to, but once you’re used to it, we hope you’ll come to appreciate the benefits it brings.

For the Mod/Admin/Staff Team, the changes we have are in addition to the ones that all members face, so there’s going to be quite a bedding-in period for us too.

All we can do is to express our sorrow that the migration process has taken a very long time, and ask everybody to all bear with each other whilst we learn our way around the ‘new’ TN.

TBF, I should point out that we’re now in the ‘snagging’ stage, which is when we spot something that’s not quite working correctly, then I report it to the I.T. Team to get it fixed.

I’ll try to fix what I know how to fix, but that isn’t very much cos I’m a non-techy, so I’m really grateful that I have access to the I.T. Team, even though I don’t always understand their replies to my messages. :blush:

Let’s give it a fair chance before we condemn it too quickly. :slightly_smiling_face:


This new forum has throw up some complaints about the new forum very quickly.
I note that some of them are dated 2009. So, I guess the “old forum” was once the “new forum”?
La plus ca change…

Where is the cedilla c then?

We’ve retained as many of the old TN’s posts as possible, but one of the glitches that we’ve encountered is that an issue has arisen in the way that the posts seem to appear out of order on this ‘new’ TN.

I’ve made the I.T. guys aware of it.

its funny,its never going to be the comfy old site it was. be disjointed forever nobody will get a banter going now which is actually good for all,One feature that i do like is you can click .hold on someone profile and if theyre online you can see their face real time

Very disappointed, it just wastes too much of my time trying to find my way around, such a shame, I can’t even find some of the old threads I used to aim for.

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All that was needed was for the phpBB software to be updated. Site could have looked like this

An up to date phpBB forum.


could you just tell me how to access the photos>■■?