Trucker beads:
They say they have enough grit to last 6days if it lasts that long… Great they’ve had almost a year to get stocks up from jan/feb when it was bad.

To be honest i hate grit anyway, means i need to clean my lorry more. :laughing: :laughing:

so do i, it tastes horrible :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Cruise Control:

Trucker beads:
They say they have enough grit to last 6days if it lasts that long… Great they’ve had almost a year to get stocks up from jan/feb when it was bad.

To be honest i hate grit anyway, means i need to clean my lorry more. :laughing: :laughing:

so do i, it tastes horrible :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Your not supposed to lick the lorry clean :laughing:

Snow is predicted for some areas of the UK on thursday and temperatures down to -10!!!
Do you like snow or find it annoying? I know i like it as i can miss school :stuck_out_tongue: but what about you peeps out on the road? :smiley:
Just thought this might form an interesting discussion. :wink:

i LOVE it.

Off course, it’s much better with rear axle driving, but I love it anyway.

And there is less people on the roads, as many leave their cars home… :wink:

Its generally good fun driving about in the snow, reminds me of broadsideing my old sherpa van around at 15mph playing the worlds slowest rally driver game many moons ago.

In last years panic lack of grit period, i had a run up to rural derb’s in an 18tonner (thankfully not an artic on that particular job).
Delivering animal feeds to a farm, i got within a mile or so of the place pulled up and phone the farmer for directions etc, He was a bit shocked that i was actually there, and claimed to have cancelled the load due to the snow on the track up to his place making it hard if not impossible to get the truck up there . Anyways, i was like ok give me a few mins and i’ll call you back.
Phoned into base, let them know the score, and the likely prospect of being stuck up this track in the snow, gaffer was saying " well you’re there now may as well give it a shot", even if i get stuck says I, “yes dont worry about that” says he.

Oh well its his truck!.

phone farmer dude back and let him know i was gonna give it a go, thinking ok, its a farm they have tractors and the like shouldn’t be soo bad, got about 3/4 mile up the track and was alomst there, just a final swan neck turn up a hill to get round and im there…
Needless to say didnt make it and got rather stuck, digging a nice hole in the ground halfway round the bend. It was the i realised that while reversing the steering had little or no effect, the truck just(as they do) just wanted to go straight, which in this case meant backwards straight into a field, managed to stop it by bumping rear end on a muddy bank. I asked if there was a tractor we could use to assist, but sadly tractor was elsewhere, all the guy had was a site dumper which could only just pull itself about.
I then set about dismantling the drystone wall alongside the track and filling the hole the truck had dug , after throwing about 10 or so rocks into it, i was ready for another bash. Foot to the boards and away we went, slipped about all over the shop but finally got up to yard, to be greeted by a sloping yard covered in an inch or so of ice that was only just big enough to turn the truck in (great). Managed to spin the truck around after about 20 very careful shunts, got to the point where you could almost predict the slide and use it to help turn. unzipped curtains jumped back in truck, cab heater on and sat there for 3 hours while the guy slid around his yard on his FLT getting the 9 pallets off the wagon.
Journey down hill was uneventful thankfully.

still like driving in the snow though :laughing:

I quite like snow, but that yellow coloured version tastes funny :smiley:

I love snow too, it makes my garden look tidy like next doors :stuck_out_tongue:

Snow is better than Fog, at least you can see what you are going to hit :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
I love snow too, it makes my garden look tidy like next doors :stuck_out_tongue:

Snow is better than Fog, at least you can see what you are going to hit :laughing:

Yeh but its bad when u have fog and snow lol…

How’s Santa supposed to deliver without snow, those poor little reindeer would wear out their hoves :cry:

How’s Santa supposed to deliver without snow, those poor little reindeer would wear out their hoves :cry:

he simply sub-contracts it out to a “fly by night” haulier and they deliver all the presents in one hit within the 31 hours of Christmas they would have to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth. simples :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

We have had snow for the last 2 weeks here in Edmonton. Monday night temperatures dipped so low, Edmonton was the coldest place on earth. about -48c add windchill onto that and your at a crazy -59c. We drive on snow and ice a lot over here, and after the first day or so of people driving on it, and adjusting their driving to suit the road conditions, we have no problems at all.

This picture shows the condition of the roads after snowfall, this was a few days after we had a big dump of fresh snow, notice its still snowing in the picture too

Me on the A14 last January. BOSS NOT HAPPY.

Had a great snowball fight though

Snow is a pain in the a55 in this country, because most people ain’t got a bloody clue how to drive on it!

Rant over :smiling_imp:

How very very true. I remember when East Anglia had a bit of a blizzard back in 2003. In reallity there was only about 2-3 inches of snow and it rammed up Cambridgeshire. As far as I could tell at the time it took just 2 separate incidents to bring the whole sorry lot slithering to a halt, disgusting really. When I think back to the sixties and early seventies, we just got on with and learned to drive properly in it, helped each other out, and carried on regardless. Nowadays they blame the lack of gritters or the roads, just about anything rather than admit they’re muppets. It’ll be interesting to see what the morrow brings as we’ve already had about 3 inches and its blowing a hooligan from the north west as well, glad I’m having a nights holiday, as mentioned in my previous post :wink:

Me on the A14 last January. BOSS NOT HAPPY.

Had a great snowball fight though

Typical 6x2 blocking up the roads again because the drive axle’s going sideways instead of forwards because it can’t get enough traction.
Check out the old topic by limeyphil 6X4 versus 6X2.It’s around page 13

The thing with the UK & snow is that everybody moans that they can’t carry on as normal because the roads aren’t cleared like they are in other countries, that’s wrong, in countries that get a lot of snow on a regular basis the people accept that things are going to get done a lot slower or not at all, that’s the big difference.

In places like the Alps, Scandinavia, Canada & the USA they have some serious snowfalls, the roads close down while it’s snowing if it’s that bad, when the storm has passed the snowplows come out & everybody gets on their way again, albeit at a pace that suits the conditions, the ones you see in the ditch are the ones that try to carry on as normal.

i left essex at 2120 last night…got back to crick at 0330 this morning…M25 was badly affected…crash on M1/M25 area…didnt see a gritter all night. … now003.jpg
this was 2230 last night…and it only got worse.

Late 70’s and early 80’s we had a good dump of snow… had no problem driving on it 5 of us were loaded out of sittingbourn and ran back without a hitch the boss was gobsmacked when we pulled in the yard as teh news was sayng how bad it was an ppl were getting stuck in it …
took a while to get back but it was al done legal IE hours and not a single hitch … the problem was pople were waiting for the ploughs …

Today people dont know how to drive in anything but dry roads with clear vizability and as soon as a flake of snow drops on the window they think Great never driven in this white stuff lets go play and have fun … that ends up stuffing it up for us who know what were doing…

I say Bring it on The deeper the better :wink:

Snow here in Washington by Asda, woke up this morning at 4.30 with a thumping hail storm bu its snowing again now although the gritters were out last night. Im still on the estate so dont know what the amain roads are like but theres plenty of traffic about so cant be that bad

I dont mind saying, i’m so glad i’m not working today :smiley:

You’ve still got to get to your drop on time it dosn’t snow in a jobsworths office. :smiley: :smiley:

Finished yesterday afternoon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hate driving in the snow, to unpredictable… :cry: