Silly number plate "nicknames"

I was going to post this in the unreasonable annoyances thread - but I do believe this deserves a thread of it’s own.

Earlier today I was driving down a lovely A road in some weird hick town called “Husbands Bosworth”, when I notice a yellow tipper; an eight wheeler not dissimilar to my very own. 'Pon nearing said tipper I notice a reg plate on the windscreen.

“Great” I say to myself, another lorry driver with a silly nickname. Oooooooooooh no my fellow trucknetters. This was not just a silly nickname, far far from it. This guy had more front than a Scotsman moving to England. His reg plated nickname - “Road Dog”. I know. Seriously. It actually said it. “Road Dog”.

If you are a member on here “Road Dog”, please explain to my feeble and boring brain of why you might do such a thing. Otherwise, please remove it and burn it. I will then be happier than I was after my first W***. What the F*** is a Road Dog even?

Anyway, having had my rant for which I will most likely be shot, please all share the silliest, most stupid reg plate nicknames you have seen 'pon your travels…

I always wanted a private reg that read tomk86 but my misses wouldn’t let me cos the thought it was a bit ■■■■■■ :wink:

If he wants it in his window its got ■■■■ all to do with you.
Too many drivers and even members of this forum are too quick to decide what anyone else can have in their wagon.
Concentrate on your own driving and never mind what anyone else calls themselves.
I could say tomk86 is a pretty ridiculous and unimaginative username but I dont because you chose it and its up to you what you call yourself and its no one elses business why you decided to use it. Same goes for his nickname .

At NFT Alfreton there is a “Mad Dog”

It’s a chap in his late sixties on day work, different unit every day. Seems a bit of a sad thing to do, but he’s not harming anyone and it must bring him some happiness.

Each to their own I say (and I don’t have one) I did see someone the other day at vivergo fuels with CLINT in his window though?? Either he is totally oblivious or well abit of one??!

Blimey man get over yourself. What is it to do with you?

If he wants it in his window its got [zb] all to do with you.
Too many drivers and even members of this forum are too quick to decide what anyone else can have in their wagon.
Concentrate on your own driving and never mind what anyone else calls themselves.
I could say tomk86 is a pretty ridiculous and unimaginative username but I dont because you chose it and its up to you what you call yourself and its no one elses business why you decided to use it. Same goes for his nickname .

Couldn’t have put it any better.

One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.

Oh dear two number plates in the windscreen

And again

I rather a nickname then “David”, little boring but no real harm.

One of TangoBoy’s workmates has “Predator”, made me chuckle thinking of times its good to be called that, could think of more bad times to be described one. :laughing:

Its personal choice, if it doesn’t effect me then crack on live and let live I say.

I personally don’t like any of the truck related tat whatsoever, leave the unit clean fuelled and damage free and I’m happy.

If I were to have a nameplate my side would read “Mike” the other side would read “Victim”

I’ll be half tacky…I’ve got “Nathan” on a nameplate in my cab. :blush:
The best nickname on a nameplate in a tippsr I’ve seen goes to Sam on Earthline…“Choc Ice.” Yes, he’s Black. :laughing:

At NFT Alfreton there is a “Mad Dog”

It’s a chap in his late sixties on day work, different unit every day. Seems a bit of a sad thing to do, but he’s not harming anyone and it must bring him some happiness.

When I first saw that I thought what a ■■■■■■■■■ :laughing: but he’s a genuinely nice bloke and would help anyone, at least the impression I got when I worked there.
That said all name plates are crap.

Best I’ve seen was on a Bank Holiday weekend, “Caravan Hunter” [emoji23]

Honestly !

00 Oh dear two number plates in the windscreen

U back at Clarks now big rig or are they old pics

If he wants it in his window its got [zb] all to do with you.
Too many drivers and even members of this forum are too quick to decide what anyone else can have in their wagon.
Concentrate on your own driving and never mind what anyone else calls themselves.
I could say tomk86 is a pretty ridiculous and unimaginative username but I dont because you chose it and its up to you what you call yourself and its no one elses business why you decided to use it. Same goes for his nickname .

And that’s the exact sort of reply I would expect from someone who calls them self “the snowman”.

No need for you to attack like that, I thought it would be a fun thread but I suppose we will stick to stuff that you grumpy old people find interesting like bowls etc. Eat my beard.

I always wanted a private reg that read tomk86 but my misses wouldn’t let me cos the thought it was a bit [zb]… :wink:

Now I know your not telling the truth diesel

There’s no way you could have a mrs :laughing:

'Pon my word, Tom, not only are you seemingly not achieving some kind of understanding of the general direction of the messages that are “threading” towards you, (see what I did there, "Thread"ing, get it?!!), it appears in your last posting that you have advanced in a more personal direction.
Bad form, old bean, bad form, but only in my small, humble and insignificant part of the cosmos.
PS have a good day and a better one tomorrow.

'Pon my word, Tom, not only are you seemingly not achieving some kind of understanding of the general direction of the messages that are “threading” towards you, (see what I did there, "Thread"ing, get it?!!), it appears in your last posting that you have advanced in a more personal direction.
Bad form, old bean, bad form, but only in my small, humble and insignificant part of the cosmos.
PS have a good day and a better one tomorrow.

Haha good one. No not at all I was genuinely only playing with snowman I think he gives good advice there was just no need to lunch me. Please don’t read it like I’m being venomous I was just playing so I genuinely apologise if I annoyed anyone


I always wanted a private reg that read tomk86 but my misses wouldn’t let me cos the thought it was a bit [zb]… :wink:

Now I know your not telling the truth diesel

There’s no way you could have a mrs :laughing:

I do…I frequenltly have yours when your out…that’s why im so fat…everytime I plough her,she makes me a sandwich for the road home… :laughing: