Silly number plate "nicknames"

Female 8wheeler driver on AWPR contract has LESBO on a plate.
Dunno if it’s true!
Fit lookin blonde so could b a defence or as Dipper Dave would see it, a challenge [emoji6]

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I always wanted a private reg that read tomk86 but my misses wouldn’t let me cos the thought it was a bit [zb]… :wink:

Now I know your not telling the truth diesel

There’s no way you could have a mrs :laughing:

I do…I frequenltly have yours when your out…that’s why im so fat…everytime I plough her,she makes me a sandwich for the road home… :laughing:

Now I know its not true - my wife can’t prepare food for sheote

touché :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Do I need to explain mine. It is a genuine nickname.

Actually no I don’t need to explain it.

No mate it was only meant as a bit of fun, didn’t mean to offend anyone.
They used to call me dog at school. If I was lying I would say yeah I was like a Rottweiler.
Truth is it’s because I was an ugly bleeder

Best two I’ve seen recently are “Arse hole” and “Moron” both on tipper trucks! :smiley:

One of our has Noodles on his. I used to have RADAR but took it out after a while. The truck I’m currently driving isn’t mine, my name isn’t Lee, I don’t support Liverpool and I don’t like frilly curtains.

A lad I knew had “The Dogs ■■■■■■■■” on a strip across the top of his windscreen on a 143 500. back in the late ninety’s this was some machine and the ‘dogs ■■■■■■■■’ summed it up.

I just love how we revere dogs so much that we try to enhance ourselves by the use of the word Dog in stuff we aspire too :smiley: . Big Dog, Road Dog, Diesel Dog, Mad Dog,

Bluey Circles:
A lad I knew had “The Dogs ■■■■■■■■” on a strip across the top of his windscreen on a 143 500. back in the late ninety’s this was some machine and the ‘dogs ■■■■■■■■’ summed it up.

I just love how we revere dogs so much that we try to enhance ourselves by the use of the word Dog in stuff we aspire too :smiley: . Big Dog, Road Dog, Diesel Dog, Mad Dog,

Dirty dog :smiley:

I used to do some agency work for Argos in Bridgwater many years ago. There was a driver there who looked like Magnum PI, shoulder length hair and bushy mustache. The other drivers bought him a plate which said 118 118 on it. I thought it was hilarious, and he did put it in his window.

Each to their own !!! who cares anyway…

I’d rather have as little as possible stuff for people to id me, if I could i’d run a plain white tractor/trailer instead of company logos plastered all over :wink:

I have this in my screen. Quite simply because being called ‘drive’ annoys me. Seems to work. Couldn’t give a toss about people’s opinions about it. Plus I’m a BC so no one tends to question or criticise :laughing:

I have this in my screen. Quite simply because being called ‘drive’ annoys me. Seems to work. Couldn’t give a toss about people’s opinions about it. Plus I’m a BC so no one tends to question or criticise :laughing:


So what’s the big deal ■■

I was going to post this in the unreasonable annoyances thread - but I do believe this deserves a thread of it’s own.

Earlier today I was driving down a lovely A road in some weird hick town called “Husbands Bosworth”,

Young Man, Husbands Bosworth is NOT a weird hick town, it’s a weird hick village. Actually it’s a rather nice place to live surrounded by lovely countryside.
Returning to your original point, I seem to remember a few years ago there was an aric unit from the stoke area with “Romping Donkey” emblazoned across the back. It still makes me smile when I think of it.

Mine says Mr Cloggy usually seen around So’ton or Felixstowe i’ll let you guess why lol

I have this in my screen. Quite simply because being called ‘drive’ annoys me. Seems to work. Couldn’t give a toss about people’s opinions about it. Plus I’m a BC so no one tends to question or criticise :laughing:

I saw this and thought your name was Poretta

what really annoys me is when you see a new or nearly new wagon with an A plate on their vehicle[1983/4] why,because it has the last three digits of their company on the plate,example is a well known airfreight company in heathrow,it would be a nearly new wagon but would have for example A123 STS,annoying,dont know why but it just gets to me

I don’t get private plates on trucks full stop. Even more so when the truck is a clapped out pile of ■■■■.