Some people are saying that if Scotland votes to dis-unite
themselves from a United Kingdom then Scottish lorries
and Scottish drivers should be immediately banned from
using English roads.
Is this true ?
Some people are saying that if Scotland votes to dis-unite
themselves from a United Kingdom then Scottish lorries
and Scottish drivers should be immediately banned from
using English roads.
Is this true ?
40% of the English support Scottish independence. Scotland isn’t prepared to make that many English people happy.
I’ll get my coat.
just watch for the traffic jams on the m74 as they all head for the land of plenty… ■■■■■■■■
nowt wrong with the Scottish. i married one.
and she is a great cook…deep frys everything. even me porridge
Technically its right, i did read from an MP that if scotland becomes independent, they will have to re-apply to become members of the EU, so being as we ( at present ) are in the EU, we would have to reinstate the borders between Jockland and England, thereby banning any vehicle from entering the UK without a visa. Not such a bad idea in reality, but i doubt it would happen, and i very much doubt the Jocks would want to leave, a nation who has kept them in luxury for over a hundred years.
They can do what they want, as long as they give us our subs back first
40%? and the rest
as the vote is running about 70/30 at the moment against independence I don’t think its a major worry
They can do what they want, as long as they give us our subs back first
Give them back■■? We’ve been trying to get shot of them for years but your lot think they’re better off up here out of the way!
Scotland is already a country in its own right, it has its own parliment. Its not a new country or some sort of breakaway group !!! I can’t see how it would not instantly be an EU member if it went independant, it is in fact an EU member now and already conforms to all its treatys and laws. There’d be some sick looking cookies in “The Crown” though if it every did get full independance
There is more chance of all 4 beatles making a comeback than there is of scotland going independant.
Two things off the top of my head.
The Scottish Parliament building.
The Edinburgh tram system.
I’m not Scottish myself but a favourite uncle is & he has very close ties with his family back in Auld Reekie. He hates the Scottish political class, they’re the ones that forced him to seek work in a Derbyshire coal mine 50yrs ago.
It seems at least one of my close kin are staying in Edinburgh on any given weekend, this year me & the missus went up for a week of the Festival & my first ever Tattoo. Scottish hospitality is awesome, the festival is OK provided you don’t pay to watch or fall for the £5 a pint scams. The Tattoo exceeded my expectations.
Staying with simple, basically honest, folk like ourselves, we got to hear the ‘man in the streets’ view on Scottish independence. It seems they no longer care whether it’s Scottish or London politicians that shaft them, they’re resigned to being shafted.
Looks like we Geordies might have to rebuild the wall.
I believe that if Scotland did leave the UK, they would need to re-affirm membership of the EU. There could be the chance that it might take a few weeks to re-ratify their membership.
Personally I think its a bad thing, unless we get to repatriate all of their MP’s out of our Parliament. A more complicated setup would be if Scotland rejoined the EU and England pulled out, direct ferries to France and Belgium from Edinburgh ?
I believe that if Scotland did leave the UK, they would need to re-affirm membership of the EU. There could be the chance that it might take a few weeks to re-ratify their membership.Personally I think its a bad thing, unless we get to repatriate all of their MP’s out of our Parliament. A more complicated setup would be if Scotland rejoined the EU and England pulled out, direct ferries to France and Belgium from Edinburgh ?
Dont think it’d matter. Many British and other EU trucks transit Switzerland every day bound for Italy from northern Europe and vice versa. In that case there could be T-forms and the like and a slight delay at the border but nothing too horrendous.
Never heard such a load of ■■■■■■■■,
Are you going to ban all the other none English trucks from your roads as well ■■?
Are you going to give us back all our oil and gas that you took ■■?
Are you going to set up our ship yards that you destroyed ■■?
Are you going to give us the money you took for our steel industry that you exploited, then destroyed ■■?
Are you going to give us the money you took from our coal that you needed to run your southern factories ■■?
Are you going to give us the schools,education , and hospitals you promised but failed to do ■■?
Are still going to try and take our pride like you have for the last 1000 years and failed ■■?
Just in case you haven’t notice the only people that call them selves British are the English, everyone else has their own identity.
I hope the Scottish don’t try to ■■■■ the English oil from
the North Sea without paying an English fuel tax.
The English would probably boycott Irn Bru and Scots
Porridge Oats, that could ruin the Scottish economy.
Never heard such a load of ■■■■■■■■,Are you going to ban all the other none English trucks from your roads as well ■■?
Are you going to give us back all our oil and gas that you took ■■?
Are you going to set up our ship yards that you destroyed ■■?
Are you going to give us the money you took for our steel industry that you exploited, then destroyed ■■?
Are you going to give us the money you took from our coal that you needed to run your southern factories ■■?
Are you going to give us the schools,education , and hospitals you promised but failed to do ■■?
Are still going to try and take our pride like you have for the last 1000 years and failed ■■?
Just in case you haven’t notice the only people that call them selves British are the English, everyone else has their own identity.
What a load of crap. 75% of people I know call themselves English, all the other English drivers here in Canada call themselves English and the only people I’ve heard calling themselves British in our group here are actually the few Scottish we have.
The ruination of your Scottish industry is no different to the ruin of our English industry, by successive British governments, that include Scottish politicians, often disproportionately so. British industry as a whole has collapsed, Scottish industry did not collapse in favour of the English, none of us have anything any more. Ultimately the entire western world has seen huge industrial decline, thats not the fault of England or the London government.
And lets not forget the best bit of all, the act of union was not the result of English aggression of the taking away of your pride, but at the doing of the Scottish king who took the throne of England and united his kingdoms accordingly. Forget Wallace, forget Bannockburn, a Scottish king was the cause of the union, not English aggression.
I’m in favour of maintaining the union but if I start to hear much more petty whinging of how the English did this, that or the other and violins come out about how Scotland lost everything because of the greedy sassenachs then I’ll soon become happy to see the end of the union. Take a look at Newcastle, Middlesbrough or Birkenhead, the shipyards have all gone. Take a look at country Durham, South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, the coal mines have all gone, take a look at Rotherham, Corby, Sheffield and Scunthorpe, the steel yards are either gone or a former shadow of themselves. Take a look at Germany, the majority of the shipyards and coal mines have gone, same for Holland, same for Belgium, same for France, same for Canada, same for the USA. Is the demise of the western world that England and Scotland inhabit together, and cannot compete in industrially, along with the other countries against nations such as China all the fault of England and the act of union that’s makes Great Britain? Is it heckers like.
Get a grip, you may not like England or the English, I’m not bothered but all of the afflictions to your country are not the fault of mine, any more than they are the fault of yours.
They are going nowhere look what a balls up Glasgow Rangers have made of Scotland,s biggest club.
What about English independence? We haven’t even got our own assembly ffs.