Scania T Cabs

So are these anymore difficult to drive than a normal flat front artic? I remember when I first saw one in trucking magazine it had funny marker poles on the bumper

2 years :unamused:

seeing as an old thread has been resurrected, i am 95% positive that i saw a brand new T Cab parked in Keltrtuck, West Bromwich last week :open_mouth:

seeing as an old thread has been resurrected, i am 95% positive that i saw a brand new T Cab parked in Keltrtuck, West Bromwich last week :open_mouth:

Yep, I drove past there today. Was hooked up to a low loader.

I saw a cracking Dutch one at an antiques fair in France in April (Class 2)

Some tyre fitters rig this!!!. Forth Tyres obviously work for the open cast coal companies so will need some serious tackle. Eddie.

It’s alive. it’s alive! :laughing:

J H YATES of ■■■■■■■ this one has just been modelled by CORGI named RAGING BULL both the model and the real thing are very good looking. Eddie.

we might start seeing more of this type of truck in the next coming ten years or so, what with that new law about the increased length (dont know whether it has or has not been passed) or the new ‘streamlined’ breed of trucks.

I have never liked the look of them myself, maybe its an age thing. I like all the other models and for me I still love the old 111 /142 and for them that can remember Febland Europa Blackpool used to do a bit of casual many moons ago doing
trailer swops at Dover for the lads doing Novara before the M25.

I saw a t-cab carnival truck the other week, it had Plymouth on the side so I must guess its the ones parked at lee mill?

I saw a t-cab carnival truck the other week, it had Plymouth on the side so I must guess its the ones parked at lee mill?

Yes, It’s owned by showman David Rowlands, done a good job on the conversion aswell, looks better than some haulage wagons.

we have got this one

this ones still going-saw it about a month ago on the M1 near hemel hempstead.

One of the Shirley’s Transport drivers has his own T-cab Topline in Shirley’s colours that he uses for shows, and S Walker in Worcester still have their Q-plater kicking about.

Has anyone got more than just a few on their fleet?

For nearly every one that I see, I probably see 10 or more R series or FH’s belonging to the same firm.

I know that Easco who I used to work for had 4, and I used to see a few Stennets ones but even now I only ever sem to see FH’s.

No reason, just curious. Personally I think they look a bit half arsed, just an R series with a bonnet. I expect they’re a bit more spacious inside, but is it worth the hassle of not having a flat front.

For nearly every one that I see, I probably see 10 or more R series or FH’s belonging to the same firm.

Me too.

Think most firms tend to have them as a flagship vehicle. I would imagine that having a full fleet of them would be quite impractical for most operators.

A few weeks ago I read that the last new one for the UK has been sold. I forget who the operator is, but I believe they are based in Wales.

People went off them though for length reasons did they not? Thats why most are on bulkers. Salters of Long Sutton have one but its always on the same trailer thats not a 45ft curtainsider bit shorter. Benton Bros of Lincolnshire have two one works on skellys the other is used as a shunter!

There’s a roll off rigid wag n drag one about here somewhere and there was a company who had a 8 wheel tipper variant (which looked really odd with 3 rear axles)

There’s a farm I have to go to sometimes who have got a 6 wheeler big lid horsebox as well.

i no bulmer,s have a create load of tlines

there is a company around manchester way, (cant remember the name of it) hey have got a two axled rigid, seen it the other day, the cabs nearly as long as the body :laughing: