scania streamline advice sought

I have recently purchased a lightbar and lights for a scania R series highline, only to discover my new truck is the new streamline model. Does anyone know if there is any difference in fittings etc.
Scania can’t tell me !.


They look pretty similar to me. Just an observation, the whole reason for the new Streamline is to make it more aerodynamic and therefore better on fuel, then people put lightbars on them! Like I say, just an observation. Each to their own.

My mate has took delivery of 3 of these and has stopped his drivers putting outside accessories on them (as advised by Scania) but I’d imagine they would fit.

My mate has took delivery of 3 of these and has stopped his drivers putting outside accessories on them (as advised by Scania) but I’d imagine they would fit.

Agree, it defeats the point of a “Fuel efficient design”

Wind resistance by light bars and increased load on the alternator… not good

Scania had something somewhere to show how much the bling adds on to the fuel bills.

Also, why would drivers put these on themselves? are these people real?

As a company we have never been into such things but another Irish company Dixon was in the past, until they worked out how much they cost in fuel. So now all the new lorries are lightbar free.

Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.



Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Just goes to show how poor the transport industry is when companies won’t fit light bars anymore just to save a small amount of fuel a year.
Yes of course as a businessman you want to limit your costs as much as possible but good drivers and good planning saves fuel, you know transport is bolloxed when you won’t fit spot lights just to save, what, 2 grand a year??
2 grand a year for a successful business should be like a drop in the ocean, but not in transport.

I’m sure I read in one of the mags a top and bottom bar plus a few odds and ends air horns Michelin man etc could make up to the best part of 1 mpg compared to no extras a properly matched air kit trailer skirts and getting it close coupled and having curtains real tight etc




Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Jesus. SImple English is it?

If you can’t see that the sentence in red above is grammatically incorrect, you should be ashamed at your lack of understanding of the language you (allegedly) speak and understand. At least the second attempt made sense.

Try looking up the words ‘went’ and ‘gone’ and try again. :unamused:

Perhaps you ought to all go off and become footballers or something. :laughing:

As a company we have never been into such things but another Irish company Dixon was in the past, until they worked out how much they cost in fuel. So now all the new lorries are lightbar free.

The only problem about driving in Ireland without a lightbar is that most of the motorways have a concrete barrier dividing each side,it’s just high enough that cars can’t see the lights of vehicles coming in the opposite direction,if a car is driving towards you with headlights on full beam then you will be blinded as flashing your lights can’t be seen by cars as the barrier is blocking their view,this is where a couple of lights on the roof/sunvisor are invaluable! I spent 18 months on a night run up and down the motorway with no lights up high and was blinded every night and not a thing I could do about it :imp:





Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Jesus. SImple English is it?

If you can’t see that the sentence in red above is grammatically incorrect, you should be ashamed at your lack of understanding of the language you (allegedly) speak and understand. At least the second attempt made sense.

Try looking up the words ‘went’ and ‘gone’ and try again. :unamused:

Perhaps you ought to all go off and become footballers or something. :laughing:

Perhaps you should get a job in teaching or something along those lines, you appear to be a bit up yourself. My apologies if my original comment was not grammatically correct, I wrongly assumed a normal person could understand it. I am but a lowly lorry driver.

On the new Scania I’ve got, which I assume to be a streamline, they have taken the air cowells off the side of the grill and smoothed of the top off the cab where the light strip used to be, so no ligthing up your company name. Also the blanks where you could have spot lights fitted in the sun visor have gone, so now its just a sun visor.

cant see that this will make a huge amount of difference when I load a heavy 20’ box in the middle my skelly :unamused:





Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Jesus. SImple English is it?

If you can’t see that the sentence in red above is grammatically incorrect, you should be ashamed at your lack of understanding of the language you (allegedly) speak and understand. At least the second attempt made sense.

Try looking up the words ‘went’ and ‘gone’ and try again. :unamused:

Perhaps you ought to all go off and become footballers or something. :laughing:

This is a truck drivers forum, hardly the place to be too concerned with how well the English language is spoken. I and i imagine many others understood what was a simple comment on first reading.






Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Jesus. SImple English is it?

If you can’t see that the sentence in red above is grammatically incorrect, you should be ashamed at your lack of understanding of the language you (allegedly) speak and understand. At least the second attempt made sense.

Try looking up the words ‘went’ and ‘gone’ and try again. :unamused:

Perhaps you ought to all go off and become footballers or something. :laughing:

This is a truck drivers forum, hardly the place to be too concerned with how well the English language is spoken. I and i imagine many others understood what was a simple comment on first reading.

I didn’t think so either but as your aware there are those here that get their kicks from finding fault in everything. Good evening to all.

Personally I don’t like light bars on trucks I think a truck looks better without them.I suppose they are of benefit if a vehicle is involved in forestry work ,going to farms in remote areas or for say looking out for stags or dear on some remote roads in Scotland if travelling at night but I think they are pointless on a truck if much of the time it only travels mainly on motorways or d.c , One thing I would have though if buying a scania high line or top line is to get scania to insert 4 spotlights into the sun visor,I think this looks good on a scania and there would be little fuel penalty compared to a light bar.

Personally I don’t like light bars on trucks I think a truck looks better without them.I suppose they are of benefit if a vehicle is involved in forestry work ,going to farms in remote areas or for say looking out for stags or dear on some remote roads in Scotland if travelling at night but I think they are pointless on a truck if much of the time it only travels mainly on motorways or d.c , One thing I would have though if buying a scania high line or top line is to get scania to insert 4 spotlights into the sun visor,I think this looks good on a scania and there would be little fuel penalty compared to a light bar.

same here, not a fan of all the extra bar’s bolted on the front, but as you said, the extra light’s built in the sun visor look good and don’t interrupt the air flow.

if it was gonna be my unit, I’d be leaning toward’s getting the optional extra light’s fitted, i.e. bumper spot’s and fog’s, and visor mounted light’s. the most i’d do to bolt on, would be a lo-bar around the bumper and some proper air horn’s





Mulgrew also appear to have went down the light bar free route.

And in English…■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

You seem to be unable to read simple English so here goes. A FIRM NAMED MULGREW NO LONGER FITS LIGHTBARS. SORRY I CAN’T DO BRAILLE.

Cant see how the original comment could be made anymore straightforward!

Jesus. SImple English is it?

If you can’t see that the sentence in red above is grammatically incorrect, you should be ashamed at your lack of understanding of the language you (allegedly) speak and understand. At least the second attempt made sense.

Try looking up the words ‘went’ and ‘gone’ and try again. :unamused:

Perhaps you ought to all go off and become footballers or something. :laughing:

Wtf does Slmple mean? Are you any good with a ball? :laughing: