I’ve recently invested in a new snooper for work.
I’ve been told that the French pigs can/will fine me if they pull me because it has speed camera alert built in.
And disabling it won’t make any difference.
If this is indeed the case, what about the one that’s part of the dash in my car?
It’s got camera alerts,which I can disable.
It sounds like complete ■■■■■■■■ to me.
Anyone know the answer?
They can and they will. So-called safety zone alerts are completely interdite. Have a look at the AA or RAC website for further clarification.
Just rename the file to something like ‘interesting trees’ etc
Ive got the Snooper 8500 and when I first got it, it used to show speed camera’s in France as a speed camera…after recently updating the software it now shows them as a !. I’m not sure if this is because Snooper have automatically set it like that or whether the French had put some sort of jamming system in place.
Ive got the Snooper 8500 and when I first got it, it used to show speed camera’s in France as a speed camera…after recently updating the software it now shows them as a !. I’m not sure if this is because Snooper have automatically set it like that or whether the French had put some sort of jamming system in place.
They have, someone told me in an RDC.
I’m not disputing the fact that they can and will,I’m just thinking of ways around it, and also, what about the holiday drivers with built it stuff, that has scamcam alerts.
Are they getting nicked?
It is true, you can be fined for it, and in some cases they can seize the vehicle too.
just checked up on this, and yes its true it’s now illegal to use a satnav with speed camera alerts in ALL e.u countries except Hungary and U.K where it is still legal. the fine in France is 1500 euro but in Italy it’s nearly 3000 euro on the spot fine, so guys watch out
…what about the holiday drivers with built it stuff, that has scamcam alerts.
Are they getting nicked?
I’ll let you know in August. I will still use it though because surely they won’t target a car with a family in will they…?
For the umpteenth time fixed cameras aren’t an issue for uk drivers driving uk reg vehicles because,just like the rest of Europe,there’s no reciprocal arrangements for les Flics to follow up a camera prosecution against uk drivers so there’s no need for camera detectors there for us anyway.The problem is the law using hidden mobile on the spot speed traps etc etc in which case they will get you.It’s just a case of then of making sure that you keep within 30 kmh of the posted limit which isn’t going to be an issue for trucks only cars etc.In which case just forget about wasting money on French motorways,which are designed for running at 100 mph + but which the French seem to think should now be subject to idiotic British type speed restrictions and draconian penalties for exceeding them,and go somewhere else instead.Which is one of the reasons why my yearly run to Le Mans will be cancelled this year and it’ll be another run to Southern Italy but using the less direct route of Belgium,Germany,and Austria instead where at least the car can be used properly in places without fear of the French law.
Baldbloke, they will target all vehicles,even a tourists car, they call it harmonisation, and can not be seen just to pick on one set of vehicles.
The speed traps on the motorways are very hard to spot, by the time you have seen it and slowed down it is too late,it will be a small baked bean size can on a tripod in a small gate at the side of the toll road.
They will be waiting at the next aire de repos or rest area or the next services area.
There are un-marked cars in France, and i have seen Suburu`s.They have the power to take the licence at the road side.
Fixed camera warnings on a GPS have to be disabled, but if you’re sat nav has been updated it should now highlight danger zones, which are allowed.
Radar detectors are completely forbidden.
let em keep shaggin the job up untill no one will do it then see where they’re left
My TomTom calls them the Red Zone. It did advise me that france is a no no
If you go to this site, you can update your GPS to conform to French law.
For the umpteenth time fixed cameras aren’t an issue for uk drivers driving uk reg vehicles because,just like the rest of Europe,there’s no reciprocal arrangements for les Flics to follow up a camera prosecution against uk drivers so there’s no need for camera detectors there for us anyway.The problem is the law using hidden mobile on the spot speed traps etc etc in which case they will get you.It’s just a case of then of making sure that you keep within 30 kmh of the posted limit which isn’t going to be an issue for trucks only cars etc.In which case just forget about wasting money on French motorways,which are designed for running at 100 mph + but which the French seem to think should now be subject to idiotic British type speed restrictions and draconian penalties for exceeding them,and go somewhere else instead.Which is one of the reasons why my yearly run to Le Mans will be cancelled this year and it’ll be another run to Southern Italy but using the less direct route of Belgium,Germany,and Austria instead where at least the car can be used properly in places without fear of the French law.![]()
it’s not just the French you have to worry about, if the local police in any other e.u country see the satnav in your window and suspect you of using you to detect speed traps they can stop you and check it, now it did say they have to have good reason to stop you and check but knowing our foreign cousins they don’t seem to need much to stop you
Don’t see why you need fixed speed camera alerts unless your blind anyway.
Least the lads in this country sit in a honking big transit on the mobile ones to give you a fighting chance unlike the sneaky euros who try & hide in the bushes.
Don’t see why you need fixed speed camera alerts unless your blind anyway.
This. My experience of driving in France is that they always put a bloody big sign up at the side of the road saying there’s a speed camera in 1km and then the camera is on a wide post with yellow stripes on it.
If you get caught by it you really should have your license revoked.
Having you’re licence merely revoked seems so liberal and limp!
DEATH is the only answer!
For the umpteenth time fixed cameras aren’t an issue for uk drivers driving uk reg vehicles because,just like the rest of Europe,there’s no reciprocal arrangements for les Flics to follow up a camera prosecution against uk drivers so there’s no need for camera detectors there for us anyway.The problem is the law using hidden mobile on the spot speed traps etc etc in which case they will get you.It’s just a case of then of making sure that you keep within 30 kmh of the posted limit which isn’t going to be an issue for trucks only cars etc.In which case just forget about wasting money on French motorways,which are designed for running at 100 mph + but which the French seem to think should now be subject to idiotic British type speed restrictions and draconian penalties for exceeding them,and go somewhere else instead.Which is one of the reasons why my yearly run to Le Mans will be cancelled this year and it’ll be another run to Southern Italy but using the less direct route of Belgium,Germany,and Austria instead where at least the car can be used properly in places without fear of the French law.![]()
it’s not just the French you have to worry about, if the local police in any other e.u country see the satnav in your window and suspect you of using you to detect speed traps they can stop you and check it, now it did say they have to have good reason to stop you and check but knowing our foreign cousins they don’t seem to need much to stop you
As I said why would anyone from here be bothered about being warned of fixed cameras which is what the issue concerning sat navs is all about when there’s no way that a fixed camera penalty can be eforced on registrations from a foreign country. The issue doesn’t bother me anyway because I know where I’m going anyway in most cases and just use maps if I don’t.
As for mobile laser traps etc in general the things have such long ranges that they’ve got you before you’ll get any warning anyway.Which just leaves the issue of how draconian the penalties are and what the accepted margins are before the idiots start thinking about confiscating the car or locking you up in the nick.It seems that the French and the Swiss have gone bonkers in that regard so as I said it’s probably best to stay in Germany and Italy where at least in Germany a car can be driven as fast as you like in the right places while the Italians will probably always be Italians in regards to motorway speeds and acceptable ‘margins’.
As for trucks it’s a non issue because the things aren’t fast enough to need to be worried about getting seriously nicked for speeding regardless anyway.
Therefore the whole issue of using speed trap and camera detectors and getting nicked over there for using the things is a no brainer anyway.