Safety Boots

I know this subject has been spoken a lot about but I’m just wondering what are the comfiest safety boots out there. With me working in a warehouse I’m on my feet walking about a lot more than your average driver. And realizing the boots i’ve been provided are not forgiving when you are on your feet for two 5 hour stints with just a half an hour break in between and just want to know if there are any recommendations :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

hi johnny, for me i wear scruffs boots i find them light weight boot and they don’t take long to break in
and at around £35.00 - £40.00 a pair it depends on your budget !!

just bought some of the hiking boot type from Wynsors and I swear they are the best/comfiest boots I’ve ever had and all for £25 :sunglasses:

here you go . . .

Get down your local screwfix they’ve got loads to choose from.

Just make sure they are not too heavy, after 10 hours up and down a concrete warehouse floor you will really know if your boots are like lead. I made that mistake when I started at United Carriers on the bank

I got about 4 pairs of dickies under the bed they hurt your ankles, the ones i prefer dont know the makes name but they say trucker on them.

Polish my boots every sunday night and for a few hours on monday i actually look like a fridge driver :laughing:

Thanks for that i’ll be sure to check them out. The ones I have now are like trainer boots which took some getting used too and seemed very comfy initially not so heavy but after being on my feet all day for 10 hours with just a 30 minute lunch break I’m beginning to think differently about them :laughing: :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:


Dr Martins

Believe me you will not find better and more comfortable for work than DeWalt Challenger Goretex boots, you will not find them cheaper than £65 a pair, which is expensive but they will not leak, ever, they will not allow a nail to penetrate the sole, they grip well, they last twice as long as anything else and the laces will outlast the boots, and they will not need to be broken in.

I used them on car transporters, the decks of which rip the soles apart on cheap rubbish, the DeWalts lasted 12/18 months on average where the company issue would be scrap in 4/6 months and hurt (and leaked) constantly.

Might sound expensive, but your legs and feet are worth every penny.

If your company issue footwear anyway, ask them if they will contribute the usual cost of boots towards better ones, my company paid me £25 in expenses once i let them have the online receipt, better than bugger all, company might even buy then outright, they can only say no.

ive dewalt apprentice boots, but at £50 a pair they are not cheap.

Cheers for that :smiley: To be honest the price range doesn’t bother me non, I’d rather shed out a hundred quid for a couple pairs of boots knowing my feet and legs are going to be okay and safe than causing damage to them. I love my job but i don’t love it enough to damage my body for it :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Dont bother with anything from shoe zone, cheap and comfy but dont last long at all.

I learnt that the hard way, the first and last pair of boots I got from there lasted about 3-4 months if that :open_mouth: And I didn’t find them very comfortable at all. Certainly wouldn’t go back there in a hurry.


Jonny :sunglasses:

A lot of companies will let you buy them on their account and charge you a little bit each month for them, that is unless the company will pay for them outright.

Thanks for that i’ll be sure to check them out. The ones I have now are like trainer boots which took some getting used too and seemed very comfy initially not so heavy but after being on my feet all day for 10 hours with just a 30 minute lunch break I’m beginning to think differently about them :laughing: :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

I quite like DeWalt steel toe’d trainers in summer or when I’m grounded to the warehouse and they’re right and cheap. Tried the Beta Tools vairity (bloody expensive)and they cut the feet off me :open_mouth:

ah dewalt, owned by black & decker which is a crap powertool co.
but the dewalt boots are great
they cant be bad as i have 3 pairs

I wear de Walt boots had about 4 different types and all have been comftable and lasted a long time.

Before any recomendations … Who’s paying for the boots and whats the budget?

Dr Martins

Agree’d … Doc Martins are the most comfortable work boot on the market, when they say ‘walking on air’ they mean it, I have tried most other makes but DM’s win hands down.