Why do drivers that claim to stick to speed limits rigorously because its the law, drink & eat whilst driving on said same S/C road? Why do they justify to themselves that they would like to go quicker, but “I’m a professional driver and won’t risk my licence for anything/anybody” but then do all manner of things whilst driving? Got stuck today behind an empty CEPAC lorry today and it was laughable, 38 mph for about 10 miles, we get on the A1 and he’s straight up to the limiter. What is all that about? Be honest with yourself your tossing the job off to get more hours in! You’d get more respect for the honesty! And I’ve no problem with people doing 40mph because its the law, but if your going to use that as an argument then stick to all laws.

That feels better!

It is not illegal to eat or drink (none alcohol) while driving. depends which part of the a1 some of it is motorway so he has every right to be on the limiter.

Why do drivers that claim to stick to speed limits rigorously because
its the law, drink & eat whilst driving on said same S/C road?

Since when did drinking and eating whilst driving become illegal ?

They are Professional Drivers.

You’d get more respect for the honesty! And I’ve no problem with people doing 40mph because its the law, but if your going to use that as an argument then stick to all laws.

You’d get more respect if you knew the law yourself.

To find out if something is right or wrong to do when driving simply ask the question - would you do it when being observed by a police traffic officer ?

Isn’t eating and drinking whilst driving considered driving without due care?

Isn’t eating and drinking whilst driving considered driving without due care?

I was told the very same thing by an officer of the law. Get your facts right people, same as a phone, eating & drinking is a distraction! If you were to have an accident you could be charged with careless driving!
And it wasn’t the A1M or I wouldn’t have said the A1!

Yes because you are not in full control of your vehicle in fact its probably, driving without due care and attention.


Isn’t eating and drinking whilst driving considered driving without due care?

I was told the very same thing by an officer of the law. Get your facts right people, same as a phone, eating & drinking is a distraction!
And it wasn’t the A1M or I wouldn’t have said the A1!

It’s Trucknet a lot of poster’s on here don’t let facts get in the way. :smiley:

Maybe another 20mg of Prosac will do the trick !! :wink:

Taken from the highway code, just for all you professionals out there!

Safe driving and riding needs concentration. Avoid distractions when driving or riding such as

loud music (this may mask other sounds)
trying to read maps
inserting a cassette or CD or tuning a radio
arguing with your passengers or other road users
eating and drinking

I would have thought professionals who stick to 40MPH, because it’s the law would be aware of this?

Maybe 40mg :open_mouth:

40 mph…just holds up those of us who want to get the job done.

If you want to drive like miss daisy, fine, but use your mirrors and get the ■■■■ out of the way when you can see a queue behind you.

Maybe 40mg :open_mouth:

Do we need to know what medication your taking? really? :smiley: :smiley:

40 mph…just holds up those of us who want to get the job done.

Leave earlier then, then you’ll have plenty of time.

It is not illegal to eat or drink (none alcohol) while driving. depends which part of the a1 some of it is motorway so he has every right to be on the limiter.

It’s not illegal to drink from a can of beer either, as long as you stay under the limit!

40 mph…just holds up those of us who want to get the job done.

If you want to drive like miss daisy, fine, but use your mirrors and get the [zb] out of the way when you can see a queue behind you.

Well i’m salaried so want to get the job done asap but i still stick to 40 on a s/c. What if i have an accident on a s/c and i was doing 50 and not 40 also we’re tracked so how do i know my boss ain’t watching on the tracker ?
I can’t see how i can be criticised for not breaking the law.

I’ll stick to 40 if I’m not in a rush but I certainly won’t moan if someone else is doing it as its the law.

I hear loads of drivers moaning about the speed limit and people holding them up, they’re the ones that have those extra few minutes after a 45 or have a coffee with the forks man. More time can be saved here than you ever will on the road, try telling that to a driver and he’ll look at you as if you aren’t all there :laughing: :laughing:

On the Tv series about Australian haulage a boss had email alerts when a driver went over the speed limit.This was a heavy haulage firm.The show is called Megatruckers.
If you want to see Wacky Races go on the M6 to Dumfries S/C when the ferry to and from Ireland is sailing.
The trucks do not have limiters.Undercover Police is not a deterent for them.

I came up the A605 yesterday from the A14 up to Peterborough, which is all single carriageway. I was stuck doing 40mph behind a container wagon. Didn’t mind as such as I’d get past him when it becomes 2 lanes towards the top. He wasn’t gonna let that happen as he wound his speed up to the limiter. Now that was rather frustrating!

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