
When will car drivers and some so called truck drivers learn not to try and overtake artics on roundabouts???especially on the smaller ones its almost impossible to keep in lane with a trailer on. :grimacing: :grimacing:

Don’t give 'em any room, straddle the lanes unless you can follow your own lane neatly.
If you give them an inch- they will take a mile !

& keep it slow, we seem to have one a day going over at the moment, due to ‘Unforeseen forces’ (as some people believe on here !)

has anybody noticed how many roundabouts are being replaced with traffic lights at cross roads ?

has anybody noticed how many roundabouts are being replaced with traffic lights at cross roads ?

It’s because the standard of driving is getting worse by the day and people can’t use them properly. Getting like the yanks.
I blame immigration, you get third world people over here so you get third world driving.


has anybody noticed how many roundabouts are being replaced with traffic lights at cross roads ?

It’s because the standard of driving is getting worse by the day and people can’t use them properly. Getting like the yanks.
I blame immigration, you get third world people over here so you get third world driving.

Ironically the US and Canada are now building roundabouts in place of traffic lights in some places, which absolutely nobody knows how to use, well you can just imagine I’m sure.


has anybody noticed how many roundabouts are being replaced with traffic lights at cross roads ?

It’s because the standard of driving is getting worse by the day and people can’t use them properly. Getting like the yanks.
I blame immigration, you get third world people over here so you get third world driving.

that could be a slightly racist thing to say
i would say
the problem with roundabouts is people born in england but with an asian background driving round roundabouts with false driving licences cos they got someone else to take the test for them

No, but I have noticed more and more that drivers will use the right lane to take the second exit. It is somehow your fault as they try and dash in front of you. It always seems to be the older-mums type that does it. Moan over.

I have noticed it is normally a B&Q artic, it could be the same driver but that would be too much of a coincidence :wink:

I don’t give anyone a chance to come up beside me on roundabouts, straddle both lanes unless it’s a very large roundabout with plenty room, which you probably only see at motorway junctions etc. I learned the hard way when a woman in a large black 4x4 decided to overtake me on a roundabout, but she didn’t realise the trailer would swing so far over and had to mount the roundabout to avoid me. Serves her right, but I bet she keeps away from artics on roundabouts now.

I hate roundabouts, especially ones without traffic lights. I had a car try and overtake me last week on the nearside and it was a fairly small roundabout so there was quite a big bend between my unit and trailer so I could barely see the car at all. I just thought, well I ain’t stopping so I indicated and began to exit the island. The car had to come to a complete stop on the island to avoid me.

No blasting of the horn, I think he realised what he’s done. Overtaking lorries on bends is just moronic, when will they learn :unamused:

I put it down to

Poor training and low standard of todays car test
People in too much a rush
No training what so ever given about other road users ,ie trucks and how much room they need
I bet the hazard perception is all about spotting people ready to walk out in front of you ,and nothing with a truck turning left at a tight junction ,or going round roundabouts
I always hang back at roundabouts and junctions,though occasionally the person behind me show their disapproval…As I tell family don’t hang about the side of trucks,if your going to overtake then do it ,don’t dilly dally as you may get lost in a blind spot

A lot of it is just common sense to be honest

As I tell family don’t hang about the side of trucks

They love it. I was gaining fast on a car in the M6 roadworks last week and as soon as I got alongside him he whipped it straight up to 50mph and there he sat. I could barely see him at all but I knew he was there so I thought, let’s see what he does. Will he put his foot down or let me past. He chose neither and sat alongside me for a good few mile.

I got bored in the end and nailed it past him. The second I pulled in front he dropped right back. How can that be anything other than deliberate.

if he was along side you ,you should have put your indicator on and they would have soon overtook you or pulled back

if he was along side you ,you should have put your indicator on and they would have soon overtook you or pulled back

And drive along the cats eyes :wink:

Car and van drivers are bad enough but I have noticed an increase in the number of trucks, even artics, that will try and squeeze through when you’re turning right if you leave too much room. I think the mentality seems to be as long as they can get the cab through it’ll all be fine.

if you are going straight on put your right hand indicator on when approaching the roundabout, it seems to make them stay back.

The other week I was heading from the M8 Eurocentral to Coatbridge and theres a small roundabout thats very tight. I straddled both lanes and waited for a car to come around the roundabout in front of me, checked my mirrors before moving and there were cars trying to squeeze down both sides!! Do people have no concept of why you straddle both lanes??

afraid they don’t Toddy,and with the influx of immigrants it is only going to get worse

if he was along side you ,you should have put your indicator on and they would have soon overtook you or pulled back

Yeah but that would be forcing his hand. I wanted to see how long he’d sit there for. The answer being, forever :grimacing:

I had to get off so half a mile or so before the junction I took him. This was in the middle of the night with no one about. All that space and he sits up the side of a truck.

Own Account Driver:
Car and van drivers are bad enough but I have noticed an increase in the number of trucks, even artics, that will try and squeeze through when you’re turning right if you leave too much room. I think the mentality seems to be as long as they can get the cab through it’ll all be fine.

…Tipper drivers perchance ■■ :neutral_face: