
Lost my brother in law in Spider bar one night when the Bulgarian women stole him - he’s skinny and pale and ginger…

Surely the Ginger bit should of stopped that happening Lol

We had pot hole alley (More like bomb craters) between Balgarene and Oresh (Svishtov Road) totally renewed last year the full 25km used to take 35 minutes to drive but now takes less than 20 mins, we are an hour away from Pleven so feel free to call in for a cuppa if your ever in the Svishtov area.

Davey Driver:

Lost my brother in law in Spider bar one night when the Bulgarian women stole him - he’s skinny and pale and ginger…

Surely the Ginger bit should of stopped that happening Lol

We had pot hole alley (More like bomb craters) between Balgarene and Oresh (Svishtov Road) totally renewed last year the full 25km used to take 35 minutes to drive but now takes less than 20 mins, we are an hour away from Pleven so feel free to call in for a cuppa if your ever in the Svishtov area.

I know Svishtov quite well, been around there a few times, think there was an army base or something in the area right near the Danube?

The women seemed to love him, maybe it’s just a bit of strange or something??

Not sure when we’re next over, but will drop you a line if we’re up North.

Last trip we landed in Sofia, went to Belogradchik, then to Pleven, then to Byala (Ruse), then Veliko Turnovo, then Plovdiv and finally back to Sofia to fly home