Roadcraft, how good are you?

Just found this little multiple choice jobby about the highway code - tough questions I thought. I got 70% :blush: :blush:

46% better read the highway code then

62% Not great.

Seems a bit ambiguous to me.

For example in the first question, I’d say you move to the left first to get a view round the corner, but then you’d move to the right to straighten out the bend…which is 2 of the answers there. The question doesn’t ask which you’d do first, it just ask which one should you do.

In other questions I’d say more than one is correct. Like the overtake one, I wouldn’t overtake in any of those situations but the question asks for just one that you can’t.

Maybe I need to actually read the copy of roadcraft that I bought a year ago!

I recently did the theory test for HGV again online and got 48/50 which I was quite happy with having not done any theory for 12 years.
Of the two questions that I got wrong, one involved oversize vehicles and escorts (not too worried as never carried wide loads and would check any dimensions/regulations before I did)
The other question I feel was wrong.
It wanted to know what TWO things you should do when driving in rain on a motorway. One answer was to increase stopping distance. The second I disagree with - it was that you should OBEY advisory speed limits. I went with the other option of turning your headlights on.
Really the correct solution should be to change the question to allow 3 answers but I felt slightly cheated as to me, having lights on would play a much bigger part in safety then people obeying ‘advisory’ signs. I might have also picked the correct answer if the question mentioned mandatory signs instead of advisory.
What would you think is more important out of the two options?

It’s pretty obvious that they’re fixated on speed. I would have gone for headlights too.

65% for me and I agree with Rowley, more than one answer for a lot of those questions, which brings it down to guessing which answer they want.

I got 69%, but this isn’t just Highway Code questions, it from the Police Roadcraft manual. Which is what I believe they use as the basis for training their advanced drivers.

And it did say well done reasonable effort :smiley:

There obviously is only 1 correct answer for each one even if more appear to be correct. I guess you’d have to know the Highway Code and road craft word for word to know which is correct for sure.

Seems a bit ambiguous to me.

For example in the first question, I’d say you move to the left first to get a view round the corner, but then you’d move to the right to straighten out the bend…which is 2 of the answers there. The question doesn’t ask which you’d do first, it just ask which one should you do.

In other questions I’d say more than one is correct. Like the overtake one, I wouldn’t overtake in any of those situations but the question asks for just one that you can’t.

Maybe I need to actually read the copy of roadcraft that I bought a year ago!

Yes, I think you have to try to work out why some of the answers are wrong, Meaningless test, i think you could get them all correct and still be a crap driver!
In the two you refer too; I guess the trick to the first one is; you should have already been to the left before entering the bend. and for the overtake; It is a “Must Not” “Should Not” quandary, 3 of the answers are ‘Should Not’

I got 3 of them wrong, two were not relevant to me, milliegrams micrograms, and blowing you horn at night.
I also got the accelerator one wrong too, I went for smooth use of accelerator and brake (question wasn’t about brakes was it!)

73% for me. :sunglasses:


I got 69% too. I’d be disappointed, except it’s like doing an exam without studying, just using your own general knowledge.

Oh yeah and I got 69 :stuck_out_tongue: most appropriate use of a tongue out smiley

42%,not brilliant,if this is what newbies have to face I feel sorry for them,they are welcome to it

What a load of crap. I lost interest after question 1.

What a load of crap. I lost interest after question 1.


I wasted 26 minutes of my life :frowning:

I know it’s police pursuit and not really relevant to us but I thought it was interesting anyway.

Rog would do well I think as he often, or used to quote roadcraft.

Also would like to see Albions score out of interest.

I know it’s police pursuit and not really relevant to us but I thought it was interesting anyway.

Rog would do well I think as he often, or used to quote roadcraft.

Also would like to see Albions score out of interest.

Yeah, if he told the truth. :wink:

22/26 = 85%
Wtf happened , Never expected that !

97% :sunglasses: but bear in mind I’m a Trucking legend.!

Ok I’m lying 46 ■■■■ % :open_mouth: :blush: :blush:
(Honest if nothing else :smiley: )