I think its disgusting that the DVLA can take so long to process a licence renewal, they already had mine for a month, and yesterday i received a letter saying Sorry
for the delay, and its going to take a further 12 weeks, so 4 months to renew a licence. So for the international trips, it means practically no work, because although you can ask for a paper to cover you, i believe that most euro countries will not accept a piece of paper, so i guess its a case of sit tight and wait. For the regular international drivers, it possibly could mean at least a couple of months without money or work, unless they can get uk work.
What a pain. We’ll see how quickly my license comes back with C+E on it (sent off last Friday by test center)…
That might be a different “no brain required” department though
Last time I renewed (this January) it took 6 days! I’d ring and ask them why it’s taking so long, and to which department do you send your claim for loss of earnings?
I am fortunate enough to be retired, but do a bit now and again, so i was more interested who actually work full time on international. I believe that the delay for me is because i have a medical problem and although i dont normally have any issues except delays with DVLA ( last year it took 3 months ) but this year i am due for a treadmill test and that could be the reason in booking me in at the local hospital, nevertheless, its still a long time. A lot of the problems are because they wont telephone a doctor for more information, but use the second class post, and it is disgusting to take such an awful amount of time to re-issue. We do everything asked of us, fill in the forms, get the medical etc, and still have to wait, i wonder if there is an ombudsman for the DVLA
Sent mine off over four weeks ago. Phoned DVLA on Monday to chase it. Apparently they in receipt of application, it been processed and it due to be despatched soon - yeah right!
Fortunately I don’t drive commercially at moment, but would be real peeved if I lost a job opportunity through this inefficiency.
Hi Truckyboy.Not wishing to appear rude but as you live some of the time in BG would it not be possible to get a BG licence.It is not important as to the standard of driving in other countries but more about making your own life easier.You took your test in the UK many moons ago so you know you are a professional driver.I started off with a UK licence but through the years have had a Dutch,Canadian and now a Swedish one all without problems.Mike
Well got mine back today, so that was 10 working days. Not bad.
Sent mine off last march still waiting to get it back
Mine finally arrived last weekend. Just over four and a half weeks to process…
On the plus point, at least they aint working somewhere serving food…
Hutpic, i would still have the same problems with a BG licence, in fact probably worse cos they dont have my medical details ( and i never took a test for my hgv licence ) i could Buy
one from a company who get shall we say Foreigners
to take the test, and everything is in your own name, but if i was so desperate, i would pack up altogether. I prefer to stick with a tried and tested method and in all fairness if i was working for a company full time i could show them my DVLA exemption paper which gives me permission to drive, and the licences held.
I got a letter from DVLA last week saying sorry for the delay ( that was after a month ) and stating that it could take a further 12 weeks, so 4 months to renew a licence is a very long time.i might ask my local MP what he thought, but doubt he would give a positive answer.
DVLA cover note accepted anywhere in EU…
DVLA cover note accepted anywhere in EU…
this is correct i also get a letter from work and a photocopy of my license both paper and plastic . just in the process of renewing mine this month . just had to have a eye test at a opticians because i wear glasses £30 thank you very much
my trainer posted mine end of February to get provisional entitlement added . rang up and was told it was with medical dept. I was transferred to medical dept who confirmed that they had received it on 14th march and it would be processed asap . I felt like throwing a few effs at them , but it would probably only achieve my application finding its way back to the bottom of the pile . they say patience is a virtue
Trashman, there is also a european one as well, but the wording says that DVLA will not accept responsibility, so although it shows my entitlements, and also states its up for renewal, IF somebody wanted to see my licence, there is a good chance i could be in trouble for not carrying it, even though i couldnt anyway. It is ok to carry the english note from DVLA as police can interract with them to ascertain my eligibility to drive, but i didnt want to take a chance in europe, especially in the eastern bloc countries. so as someone say, patience is a virtue, but i will ring them this week to find out whats going on.
After my medical at 45 I didn’t get my licence back for over 6 months, dvla had lost the paperwork apparently. Then said I needed another medical before they would issue a new licence. Ends up I am not due my next medical until a year after the due date, 51 instead of 50.
Mine needs renewing October of this year. Am I right in thinking I have to wait for a Reminder Notice to come in the post to my home address before I can do anything about it??
So assuming you have sent your licence to DVLA and you get stopped by the vosa or copper and they ask you to produce it and can’t what’s the craic do they know it’s at DVLA or will you get bent over
Mine needs renewing October of this year. Am I right in thinking I have to wait for a Reminder Notice to come in the post to my home address before I can do anything about it??
No, you can renew it now. Get online here forms.dft.gov.uk/order-dvla-forms/ and send for a D2 pack.
While you are waiting for it to arrive, get yourself a passport photo done in the booth at your local Post Office or similar (even if your photo is not yet due to expire). When the pack arrives, fill in the forms, ticking the boxes to “update my photograph”. Not all sections will be applicable - read the Guidance Notes. Send the form (with photo stuck in the place indicated) along with your old licence (both parts) and a cheque for £20. In a few days, you’ll get a shiny new licence that doesn’t expire for five years (even if you were anticipating needing to have to have a medical in October…)
If it’s that important to you, you could fib a bit and tick the boxes to apply for a new licence as your old one has been “lost or destroyed” - then you can hang onto your old licence pending arrival of the new one (although you are actually making a false declaration if you do this, which could have Serious Consequences)
So assuming you have sent your licence to DVLA and you get stopped by the vosa or copper and they ask you to produce it and can’t what’s the craic do they know it’s at DVLA or will you get bent over
While they can’t confirm that it is away at DVLA, they can check that you hold a licence (and for which groups etc). It’s up to you to say that it’s away for renewal etc. If you don’t tell them at the time, you’ll likely get a summons for “failure to produce” (as opposed to “driving without”) licence, and instead get the opportunity to explain yourself in court.
Instead of at the road side