Quotes on rear on units

So come on then let’s hear the best quotes you’ve seen on the rear of a unit.

One this am made me chuckle… Dads pad when mum is mad

I’d rather push a Scania than drive a DAF.

a subby who works out of our yard…has on the back of the Volvo he drives…‘Living the Dream’…he hates the job! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

should be enough here to pass the time till your tipped.

though being over in ireland then my all time favourite has to be." drive her like your late for mass"

google.co.uk/search?q=rear+ … BQ#imgrc=_

In chrome letters across the whole width of a 3 series 6 wheeler rigid a few years ago.

‘‘On the 8th day God made Scania’’, yes that one made me groan out loud :unamused:

Properly signwritten on the side of a pantechnicon in huge letters

‘‘Humpers, we hump anything anytime’’, that one made i laugh for ages :laughing:

On the rear of a Hiab, ‘more lift than a wonder bra’…

Rear of a DAF tractor…‘it aint much if it aint dutch’…pass the bucket… :grimacing:

I’ve also seen on cattle truck, bovine relocation technician

I remember seeing one with

“You want it When!” and a couple of Cartoon characters rolling around laughing.

Or of course there is

“Norfolk 'n Good.”

On a couple round these parts. :laughing:

That ones Haywoods.

Most of our 620s have “who says size doesn’t matter” :stuck_out_tongue:

I always liked:
You`re Following 500 Horses and a Donkey

Saw on the back of a white Volvo unit “450 horses, 1 stallion. Studs available”

OUR SOFA BEDS ARE SOFA KING GOOD…always remember that on the side of a furniture manufacturing vehicle.

My son had ‘Big Mack And Flies’ on the back of his Magnum

Always pullin’

Saw on a volvo once “made by a swede driven by a neep”

Local council road worker has “its nae easy” on his lorry

Yow mek it we tek it

A black country firm don’t remember what there called .

On the rear of a road management transit tipper carrying traffic cones… I can’t remember the exact year,
but it said something like… “Jam Makers since 2003” - Quite catchy I thought! :laughing:

My son had ‘Big Mack And Flies’ on the back of his Magnum

Christ! Is it bad that I love that??!!


In chrome letters across the whole width of a 3 series 6 wheeler rigid a few years ago.

‘‘On the 8th day God made Scania’’, yes that one made me groan out loud :unamused:

Saw one just as cringe inducing the other day;

“on the 8th day God made DAF,
on the 10th day he sold it and bought a Scania.”
