Power to the People? - Drivers Amnesty in Calais.?


I wonder how many of the many big hard truckers on this forum who think killing people is the answer have actually killed someone. Because I’ve known people who have and ruining people over isn’t the fun some seem to think it is.

Strange circle of friends you mix with Luke :unamused:

Yeah, professional drivers are a strange bunch. I’ve known (worked with) three people over the years who run people over and killed them. So yeah, really strange people I mix with…

Probably should have thought about it a bit before posting shouldn’t you :wink:]

. Luke would say I am imagining that story but it did happen. :slight_smile:

You’ve really got wound up over me haven’t you! By the way it was Mike C that doubted your Zeebrugge story first, not me

I despair for humanity,if people are capable or willing to drive over fellow humans. Especially ones who are in a desperate situation. There but for the grace of God go I .

i take it there desperate situation is the one they have put themselves in they rely on the yoghurt munchers like you when u people gonna learn they hate us and want to turn uk into whatever crap hole they come from while running this country into the ground

How long before we hear stories of drivers being hijacked by these people?

Raymndo ;Animal rights activists are not a nice bunch.
They have put human faeces in letterboxes,set cars on fire and attacked people.Even home made bombs.Houses set on fire.

Never said they were a nice bunch, same bunch of tree hugging cretins that blockaded the small port of Brightlingsea a few years back for the same reason, but do think that using the cattle boats at Calais could be used to clear the riff raff there but the conditions on board for the animals would have another bunch of do-gooders crying ‘human rights’ etc.

i take it there desperate situation is the one they have put themselves in they rely on the yoghurt munchers like you when u people gonna learn they hate us and want to turn uk into whatever crap hole they come from while running this country into the ground

Too late for that, already been done by the last two governments at least …

It will be hard to keep them out when drivers r getting paid £1500-£3000 per head to take them in. Yes folks its happening

There’s plenty making good money at it. Not that I am saying it’s good to be doing it.

If it wasn’t for the smuggling there would be less doing Europe.

It would probably be better to use a system of subterfuge in which the French government pay one of their big fleets to run Q trucks into Calais that are given immunity from drivers hours regs.In which case the immigrants won’t know wether they are getting in a truck that is going to take them to Dover or dump them at the top of the Mont Cenis and tell them to start walking it’s a long way to England and it’s that way. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

That may explain why every car wash in the UK is full of Afghan and Iraqi young lads.
I have heard on a wage of £5 per week.Not a wind up.Maybe sharing a crowded house of about 20 people.Eating a poor diet.


I wonder how many of the many big hard truckers on this forum who think killing people is the answer have actually killed someone. Because I’ve known people who have and ruining people over isn’t the fun some seem to think it is.

Strange circle of friends you mix with Luke :unamused:

If you’re faced with a situation where “your life is ruined” or “someone blameworthy dies under your wheels” - which split-second decision are you going to make?

Up until now, running someone over represented “loss of liberty” for the driver - even if the accident were not really their fault.

NOW the penalties for NOT running someone over who will then either pull a knife on you and/or get you into hot water with the Police & Customs - with the likely outcome either way being “loss of liberty” - An amnesty shown like this could well be the game changer that makes the difference all over Europe.

Before we could wage war in Europe 100 years ago - the political will had to be found to accept the fact that Europe had already been lost, and needed to be won back again. Modern politicians would just say “If Hitler could do it, then let him keep it.” No one is saying this about ANY Euro politician. It ends up being reserved for Putin only - as if we’re still enemies of the former Soviet Union, and have forgotten entirely that in the last world war - we fought alongside Russia AGAINST German expansion plans.

A driver amnesty of “no blame stowaway deaths” pushes back against that old chestnut the European Court of Human Rights.
If it’s deemed the case that “coming to England as a criminal immigrant” is likely to get you killed by US - then just perhaps the incoming tide will be stemmed just a little… Giving us all a thin end of the wedge to wield in our favour for once.

I don’t think I could run over someone harmless - but if I thought that person was going to put a knife to my throat, and entice me to take all those legal risks with carrying them back to blighty - then a rational decision would be to look straight ahead, and put your foot down on the right pedal. :open_mouth:

How long before we hear stories of drivers being hijacked by these people?

Who’s to say that every illegal arriving here right now - got here by being undetected on a vehicle that either ‘wasn’t checked at customs’, ‘wasn’t checked properly at customs’, or ‘not checked after a load of bods jumped on after a previous check had just been done’ - the latter, in my mind, - being the most likely scenario. :bulb:

‘In cahoots with the driver’ (albeit under duress!), is going to make it a lot easier to get a whole truckload of bods through, as was the case at Tilbury the other week. :angry:

Don’t want to be hijacked, and you think you’re about to be? - Use best judgement. Put your foot down - on the right. :imp:

The fact is I’ve been coming in and out of Calais for years and years now and still do, and yes the number of immigrants seems to have gone up a little of late but so far I’ve never had any problems, let alone enough to run someone over. I’m not for a second saying drivers don’t have problems, but this does have a serious whiff of media over hype. You watch, give it a week or two and the media circus will have moved onto pastures new and the likes of me will just carry on as normal in and out of Calais as we always have



Just like to add I don’t want them in this country but I couldn’t run anyone over.

Me too !!

I also agree, there must be found an easier way to solve the problem … how about arsenic in the free food handouts at Calais ? :wink:

Too slow… Too slow. :smiling_imp:

People have the power if only they’d use it, if they just used the old grey matter for once in their lives and stopped voting for those who are not on their side they could change everything, as it is they’ll vote for the same three cheeks and then wonder why things like this carry on.

There’s too many arses in this country, voting for an arse to represent them in the parliament of arses, where they sit on their arses all day, arsing about, and kicking the rest of us up our arses until we all fall upon our arses, - and cannot be arsed to get up again… :unamused:

The fact is I’ve been coming in and out of Calais for years and years now and still do, and yes the number of immigrants seems to have gone up a little of late but so far I’ve never had any problems, let alone enough to run someone over. I’m not for a second saying drivers don’t have problems, but this does have a serious whiff of media over hype. You watch, give it a week or two and the media circus will have moved onto pastures new and the likes of me will just carry on as normal in and out of Calais as we always have

Well that is almost certainly the truth, but there are plenty off videos on the youtube that show theses illegals floating about, and trying to get into trucks :unamused:

As for running Immigrants over, I think its really sad that the Authorities have totaly negated their responsiblities for the care off european citizens, and sent out a message that doing harm to Immigrants is acceptible. The Authorities should be working harder to round the Immigrants up and if nescesary build holding/proccessing centers in mainland Europe to sort the asylum seekers from the economic migrants, then some order might be brought back to the situation :wink:

Anyone got a link to the French police document authorising drivers to run over illegals?

eddie snax:

The fact is I’ve been coming in and out of Calais for years and years now and still do, and yes the number of immigrants seems to have gone up a little of late but so far I’ve never had any problems, let alone enough to run someone over. I’m not for a second saying drivers don’t have problems, but this does have a serious whiff of media over hype. You watch, give it a week or two and the media circus will have moved onto pastures new and the likes of me will just carry on as normal in and out of Calais as we always have

Well that is almost certainly the truth, but there are plenty off videos on the youtube that show theses illegals floating about, and trying to get into trucks :unamused:

As for running Immigrants over, I think its really sad that the Authorities have totaly negated their responsiblities for the care off european citizens, and sent out a message that doing harm to Immigrants is acceptible. The Authorities should be working harder to round the Immigrants up and if nescesary build holding/proccessing centers in mainland Europe to sort the asylum seekers from the economic migrants, then some order might be brought back to the situation :wink:

In general if it’s supposedly all about ‘asylum’,as opposed to economic migration,then trying to cross the channel hidden in or under a truck would be the last thing that any ‘refugee’ would choose.When the definition in that case would/should mean the first safe country.Which in general from the usually accepted ‘dangerous’ countries wouldn’t mean western Europe at all.The fact is in the case of western Europe it’s all about people from the poorer parts of the world looking for a way into what they perceive as the most economically advantageous one in terms of housing,social provision and health care.In this case that being Britain.Which is why they don’t want to stay in France let alone Turkey or Morrocco.

What a funny story! I notice there’s 10k recommends on Facebook! Is that 10k recommend you run one over? I mean, you can sponsor a dog, even a donkey, so why not sponsor ‘run over a migrant’? Sign me up!
I personally would gladly run them over, and when they’re on the floor screaming i would start kicking them! most of them are from Eritrea (a well know al qaeda stronghold) so who can say for sure what they’re coming here for! Do they care about me? No! So why should I care about them!
During WW2 we didn’t let Germans in because they were having a hard time of it? so why do we for these? It’s exactly the same!
Also funny is that the French said they would close the port! Go on then close it, by the end of the month instead of 1000 terrorists in Calais you’ll have 10.000! Ha, Ha!
There’s so many terrorist sympathisers in this country, and a few on this forum, that’s why they come here! Because of people like you!

What a funny story! I notice there’s 10k recommends on Facebook! Is that 10k recommend you run one over? I mean, you can sponsor a dog, even a donkey, so why not sponsor ‘run over a migrant’? Sign me up!
I personally would gladly run them over, and when they’re on the floor screaming i would start kicking them! most of them are from Eritrea (a well know al qaeda stronghold) so who can say for sure what they’re coming here for! Do they care about me? No! So why should I care about them!
During WW2 we didn’t let Germans in because they were having a hard time of it? so why do we for these? It’s exactly the same!
Also funny is that the French said they would close the port! Go on then close it, by the end of the month instead of 1000 terrorists in Calais you’ll have 10.000! Ha, Ha!
There’s so many terrorist sympathisers in this country, and a few on this forum, that’s why they come here! Because of people like you!

^ This.The government talks about ‘security’ while allowing the ‘terrorists’ to just walk in at Dover.