Pot Holes ? stupid question?

Heard a comment on the radio during the recent snowy spell weve had about the problem of Pot Holes arising after the snow and ice have gone.
Could someone please shed some light to me as to why pot holes appear after snowy weather,im not a man thats ever worked on the blackstuff so dont know anything about it,its probably something trivial and folk mite think im a divvy but was just wondering if anyone knew the answer its been bugging me last couple weeks thats all…Cheers if anyone can enlighten me. :blush: :slight_smile: :blush: :slight_smile:

I always thought it was the water underneath expanding as it froze and lifting

Pot holes are formed by water penetrating the surface of a road through cracks caused by traffic.
When temperatures plunge, the water freezes, expands and causes the surface to rupture. When the ice melts, it leaves a void below the surface, which eventually collapses.

A lot of the problem with potholes appearing after the frost is due to the underfunding of road maintenance.The roads have not been maintained properly for the last 25 years,continual cutbacks in road expenditure is the cause of most of the problems,instead of resurfacing the roads,the highway authoroties are patching roads, which after hard frosts like we have just had,let water in, which as stated freezes,expands and blows out holes.

Someone on the Jeremy Vine show a couple of weeks back suggested that a toll should be imposed to pay for the repairs.

This was after he had explained that if the roads had been maintained properly in the first place most of the damage would not have occurred. Once again us mugs will pay.

The point made about water expanding when it freezes explains why most of the climate change theories are rubbish.

When the ice melts it takes up less space and therefore sea levels should not rise.

The area i stay (stirlingshire) they still do cold tar repairs on pot holes and if they are lucky then they last 72 hours before the hole is back just with more gravel scattered around it, its a joke, why pay road tax?.

Exactly if the roads have not been maintained properly WTF have they been doing with my road tax money?

No just pot holes have you not noticed paving slabs popping up , going to be a long spring/summer of roadworks :cry:

Not forgetting that the ploughs exaggerates the problems also by lifting the tarmac … :cry:

Something on local news tonight about potholes, and that motorists can send councils the bill, if the pothole has damaged your car

just changing subject slightly the thing that getting my goat laterly is tramlines i came out of scotland this week and it seemed like i was in tramlines the whole way down to the m5 and they are getting worse

What about the pot holes in the services :open_mouth:
you could lose a lorry down some of them.
All that money they are raking in i’m sure they could spare a few quid to pay the ■■■■■■ to do a spot of tarmacing, they would be happy to help seeing as its also there workplace :laughing: :laughing:

What about the pot holes in the services :open_mouth:
you could lose a lorry down some of them.
All that money they are raking in i’m sure they could spare a few quid to pay the ■■■■■■ to do a spot of tarmacing, they would be happy to help seeing as its also there workplace :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■■■ cannae lay tarmac to save themselves, it tears up inside a week. never trust a ■■■■■ with tarmac or anything for that matter :wink:

Something on local news tonight about potholes, and that motorists can send councils the bill, if the pothole has damaged your car

Legal expert on my local news stated quite clearly that no claim can be made for any pothole damage that is due to bad weather

That might have been it ROG actually wasnt listening that well, I just know potholes andcar damage was mentioned

willie zodiac:
Exactly if the roads have not been maintained properly WTF have they been doing with my road tax money?

:laughing: i think it has went on a duck house, cleaning moats, sandwiches, o yes of course 2 wars that we shouldnt av been in,

What about the pot holes in the services :open_mouth:
you could lose a lorry down some of them.

I take it you`ve been to Wetherby services recently :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thankyou for your replies u learn sumet new everyday thanks! They say theres no such thing as a stupid question as every question leads to enlightenment so guess they are right,lol thanks guys.

its called freeze thaw weathering don’t you know. gcse grade b geography not all a wasted youth :smiley:

We have a lot of trouble with it. A few years ago it was mild and wet into November then it got cold and it made a large stretch of the TC1 and the entire length of the Hwy75 a 40 kph road. The gravel shoulders were smoother!!